big guys



  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    I'm 6'1, I was 320 now I'm 250. In just over a year here on mfp. I eat about a 500 cal deficit. I've been running the 5/3/1 program for 10 months now, seeing incredible results.

    this too.

    I know I am not a guy, but you will NOT be sorry if you start picking stuff up and putting it down.

  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    Started at 385 now down to 352. I don't really do any special diet. I just cut down on a lot of things. I no longer eat the whole bag of chips or cookies. I work out at least 3 times a week for about an hour. I just walk and ride the bike. I lift as well. Biggest thing is just counting calories. To be honest with you, it's hasn't been to hard. Oh, and make sure you plan your meals when you can.
  • workaholic_nurse
    workaholic_nurse Posts: 727 Member
    check out my profile, food and exercise diaries. It's all there and nothing special. At my heaviest 6ft and 350#, started MFP at 317 and you can follow from there...about time for new progress pics as I am down a little over 20 pounds from last time. Also this

    linked blog entry because too lazy to retype.
  • bigbear167
    bigbear167 Posts: 39 Member
    im a big 5'10 one point I was up to 326!!.quit soda cold turkey.right now just doing cardio because of a wrist injury
    stationary bike,eliptical and jogging.c25k plan. I cant wait to get back in the weight room.
  • Phrakman
    Phrakman Posts: 113
    I know I am not a guy, but you will NOT be sorry if you start picking stuff up and putting it down.


    This, im 6'3 280. Hell i dont even want to lose more weight. Just keep building slabs of muscle and getting stronger.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    I know I am not a guy, but you will NOT be sorry if you start picking stuff up and putting it down.


    This, im 6'3 280. Hell i dont even want to lose more weight. Just keep building slabs of muscle and getting stronger.


    cept clearly, you ARE a guy.
  • Izzwoz
    Izzwoz Posts: 348 Member
    I'm 6'0" and topped out a few years ago at just under 400 lbs. I played sports in high school and college. Now I'm an attorney practicing commercial litigation and I'm at my desk 8-10 hours a day on average.

    I started losing by quitting soda, cold turkey.

    Next I made a commitment to only having one serving per meal. Then, serving = I'd pile it on. It was okay though because one heaping plate of food was less than I had been eating.

    The one-serving-and-no-soda method got me down to around 320 lbs. I started counting calories last summer and joined MFP some time around November. I was 306 lbs. When I joined.

    In late January 2013, I started doing Jillian Michaels DVDs. I have 30 Day Shred and Six Week Six Pack. I do a minimum of 30 minutes a day at high intensity, a minimum of six days a week. I push myself as hard as I can...and then push a little harder.

    Since joining MFP, I've lost about 34 lbs. I'm at 272 lbs now with a goal of getting down between 220 - 230 lbs. My plan is to add lifting/weight training when I get down around 240 -250 lbs. My goal is to be able to work out with my brother. He's a D1 Running Back and in great shape.

    Here's my goal (My brother. He's 6'1" 223 lbs):

    my goal is your brother too ;)

    ^^ This! Nomm! :laugh:
  • stevejg1965
    Hello people

    I have just joined My Fitness Pal and come across this thread.

    I would like to share my experience with you all, if trying to loose weight seems difficult and slow.

    4 years ago I was over 300 pounds ( I was 6 ft 5 and 43 years old ) and I was uncomfortable and unhappy about my weight.

    I started a very low calorie diet with a company called Lighterlife, you basically eat 550 calories a day and you body goes into a state called Ketosis and burns you own fat to get the calories you need.

    10 weeks later I had lost 120 lbs !! and have managed to keep it off ever since by eating sensible and exercise.

    It is not for everybody, but I have a physical job and was able to work normally, and after the first week you feel great.

    There are detractors out there who say it is a bad way of loosing, but from a personal point of view it is the only way I would have acheived it.

    The results ( once again, in my opinion ) far outweigh any bad points.

    It is very very easy to pack the weight back on, I know that from experience, but at least it give you a chance to choose the way you want to live.

    Thanks for listening.

  • OBXbound4me
    OBXbound4me Posts: 245 Member
    I have been dealing with this for YEARS. I am close to you but have a little farther to go. I am 6'2 and about 340 right now. What has worked for me is to figure out your TDEE and eat 20% under that (make sure you get enough calories or it will slow your loss), get 3-4 days of cardio in and LIFT. I drop 10 lb a month pretty regularly when I follow that path, the hard part for me is getting in the right negative in my calories as I find myself creeping up to TDEE or even over sometimes because I love food so much and constantly seem hungry. Moving is the easy part for me; moving away from the table is the hard part. Determined to succeed though.
  • adstar20
    adstar20 Posts: 29 Member
    Started at 308 (I am 6'1") now I am around 200. I have committed to getting in shape in early September 2012 and found MFP later than month. I don't think there is any magic. Just eat at a deficit and exercise more. I do agree that you cannot cut out anything you aren't prepared to do without for the rest of your life, so for me, I haven't cut out anything. I just eat less.

    The one practical thing that I have noticed is you need to be accurate with your calorie counting as it takes too much effort to make it up with exercise. Even as a big guy that burns more calories as you exercise, you still probably won't burn much more than 500 calories in 30 minutes. I could eat that many calories in 2 minutes without really trying.

    Some people say to eat back you exercise calories, some don't (I don't, but I think that has to be a personal choice.

    And one last thing, as this is a lifestyle change and you need to keep the exercise up, you need to find something you enjoy to do as that is the only way to keep it up long term. I don't want to go back to where I was.
  • weatheredcheese
    weatheredcheese Posts: 112 Member
    I'm 5" 11, at my heaviest I weighed around 274lb, I had become a new Dad with a new desk job. The guys I started to work for where kind of casual when it comes to food, often getting takeaways etc. I started in January to realise as a new Dad I wanted to be there for my son and to keep up with him and so joined MFP.
    Since January 2nd I have logged everyday, tomorrow being my 100th day. So far I have not only lost 39lbs, almost dropped a waist size, I have now got a passion for running/jogging. Back in March (a day befor emy 25th Birthday) I ran my first 5km event and have now signed up to my first 10km event later this year.
    MFP is great, although I dont add loads of people, like to keep to people I know, I find the Message Boards really useful and very supporting.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    Hello people

    I have just joined My Fitness Pal and come across this thread.

    I would like to share my experience with you all, if trying to loose weight seems difficult and slow.

    4 years ago I was over 300 pounds ( I was 6 ft 5 and 43 years old ) and I was uncomfortable and unhappy about my weight.

    I started a very low calorie diet with a company called Lighterlife, you basically eat 550 calories a day and you body goes into a state called Ketosis and burns you own fat to get the calories you need.

    10 weeks later I had lost 120 lbs !! and have managed to keep it off ever since by eating sensible and exercise.

    It is not for everybody, but I have a physical job and was able to work normally, and after the first week you feel great.

    There are detractors out there who say it is a bad way of loosing, but from a personal point of view it is the only way I would have acheived it.

    The results ( once again, in my opinion ) far outweigh any bad points.

    It is very very easy to pack the weight back on, I know that from experience, but at least it give you a chance to choose the way you want to live.

    Thanks for listening.


    I REALLY hope this isnt someone trying to be funny.

  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 661 Member
    I don't count lbs. Threw out the scale. I count belt loops. I'm down 6 since Oct 1st 2012. Would like to be about 5 more. I stay active doing tons of work around the house, yardwork, always moving. I lift at home but do caveman type workouts in my backyard I created. Going to make some YouTube videos of the stuff I do. We need a big guy group. There are too many dides on here that already loook like fitness models... lol........
  • Brownsbacker4evr
    Brownsbacker4evr Posts: 365 Member
    5'10 329 lbs. Extremely active and light on my feet though. Ran a 7 minute mile as well, not bad for a 300plus pounder. I have lost 90+lbs before but injured my shoulder playing football and it all fell to ****. Im always tryin to find those similar to myself in goals and body composition, dont seem like there are too many though. Fellow big men and anyone looking for a motivated friend, for that matter can add me though.

    ETA: My highest weight was a whopping 354lbs.
  • bigmike1712
    bigmike1712 Posts: 11 Member
    Well this I think is my first ever post......I'm 32 years old and 6ft3

    Today i got some super heavy duty scales in the post and found out what i had been dreading for ten real weight!!
    I weighed 565 lbs (over 40 stone for Uk readers) thing is, this isn't a shock. I know i have neglected my body for the last 6 years and done nothing about it

    I joined this site over a month ago and have been sticking to a 2000-2500 calorie meal plan and if i have gone over my recommended calories i've tried to make it up by handbiking for longer. I have thrown out all the bad foods and quit drinking Coke,

    I handbike for 70+ mins a day and have just this week started to make myself walk a mile a day not a lot i know, but for 4+ years I probably haven't walked a mile in a day

    I just want to feel good again, for the last two years I have become somewhat of a recluse, stopped going out socializing etc etc
    Anyways thats my story, today has been a rough day but i haven't fell off the wagon (yet)

    Big Mike
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 437 Member
    I'm 6'6" and a little over 3 years ago I was 490 lbs. I'm now 240, and have maintained that for 16 months now. It took me about 2 years to lose the weight by watching what I was eating and exercising. I cut back to 2,400 calories a day while I was losing the weight. Basically, I just ate 3 meals a day, each about 800 calories. No snacks, no seconds at meals, no soda, etc.

    For exercise, I started out walking, and then about 3 months later my got us a gym membership. Within 4 months of starting at the gym, I was going 5 days a week for a 2 hour workout. My workout was about 50 minutes of cardio and 70 minutes of heavy lifting. As I got in better shape I also started running and biking during lunch at work with some co-workers. When I was in the meat of my weight loss, I was averaging about 2.5lbs a week.

    This is my before and after picture.
  • seanezekiel
    seanezekiel Posts: 228 Member
    I started this at 310lbs. For the first while I only changed my diet and went for a walk every day. At around 250lbs I added strength training. I find I lose weight very slow when I strength train. I understand the reason behind that but I wanted to get rid of fat the quickest way possible before slowing. The smaller ive gotten the more active Ive become basically. At first I literally couldnt walk half a block. Now I hike 10km.
  • Smackemdanno
    Smackemdanno Posts: 83 Member
    Started out 6'5" 320. Now at 278. Jog one day per week to not kill my knees, lift weights 2 days per week and run stations for strength training. Did my first mud run last December. It was awesome but grueling. 3 miles seemed like 5. I ear somewhere around 2500 calories per day. More than anything, be patient. If I lose a pound a month than in 10 years I will be a ripped 50 year old.
  • JustDeke
    JustDeke Posts: 53 Member
    I'm 5'8" and started last year at 438. I lost 60 in about four months just by doing a low carb with no refined sugars including bread, pasta, etc. Then I plateaued for several weeks, got frustrated and gained 40 back. The dread yo-yo struck again. Last month I realized I was undoing all my hard work and have begun again. This time decided I needed to add exercise to try to make it stick. I joined a gym, an the owner was fantastic and waved his normal training fees and is working with me personally to help me lose weight.

    Right now, I'm going 4 days a week. I do 8-10 minutes on the treadmill. Then I do 2-3 different weight exercises with low weight and 2 sets of 12-15 reps. Then I do 8-10 minutes on an elliptical. Followed by another routine of weights. Finishing with 8-10 minutes on a stationary bike.

    The first couple weeks I could barely hit 5 minutes on any of the cardio. Now I'm already hitting my 8-10min and have been able to increase my speed and resistance on the machines. I'm now to 400 and still have a long ways to go, but I feel the exercise has been key. I already feel much better than I ever did even when I had lost the 60. I can only imagine it is all the positive benefits to sweating they keep telling us about. :laugh:

  • NHoughton13
    NHoughton13 Posts: 303

    Here's my goal (My brother. He's 6'1" 223 lbs):

    my goal is your brother too ;)

    I thought the same thing!! Wow!