Eating healthy costs



  • mgore0404
    mgore0404 Posts: 65 Member
    In the end the cost of not eating healthy is more expensive. You could end up with thousand's of dollars in medical bills just because of not eating healthy. The cost of your life is worth the money you spend on your own body !!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    I eat my full day's nutritional quota of 1700 calories and all my basic nutritional needs (vitamins, minerals etc.) on $5-6 a day.

    If I ate $5 of chips, McDonald's burgers and Coke, I would be seriously lacking in fiber, potassium, calcium, protein, Vit B, Vit A, magnesium, Vit C, and who knows how many other nutrients.

    Oh! But I'd have plenty of poor quality fats, sodium and sugar. So....

    And it would be harder to lose weight without fulfilling my body's need for all those things.
  • chellec23
    chellec23 Posts: 147 Member
    I'm in the US and I agree that it is costlier to buy all healthy things than to get less healthier and pre-packaged food. For example, ground beef is cheaper than ground turkey. Pasta is cheap, but not healthy. If I substitute quinoa for pasta, it does cost more. Plus vegetables. I buy frozen broccoli florets a lot ($1.38/bag) because we love broccoli. I use 1-4 bags when I cook depending on what I'm cooking and how much leftovers I want to end up with. Ramen noodles are dirt cheap but unhealthy. Can you name something healthy that can feed you as much as ramen for the same price? I can't think of anything so if anyone knows anything please tell me! (Other than dried beans!)
  • chellec23
    chellec23 Posts: 147 Member
    I eat my full day's nutritional quota of 1700 calories and all my basic nutritional needs (vitamins, minerals etc.) on $5-6 a day.

    If I ate $5 of chips, McDonald's burgers and Coke, I would be seriously lacking in fiber, potassium, calcium, protein, Vit B, Vit A, magnesium, Vit C, and who knows how many other nutrients.

    Oh! But I'd have plenty of poor quality fats, sodium and sugar. So....

    And it would be harder to lose weight without fulfilling my body's need for all those things.

    I would be interested in seeing your food diary, so i can get ideas
  • Lieann22
    Lieann22 Posts: 67 Member
    In the end the cost of not eating healthy is more expensive. You could end up with thousand's of dollars in medical bills just because of not eating healthy. The cost of your life is worth the money you spend on your own body !!

    Thats part of the problem of obesity over here - we don't have to pay those bills, we have the NHS which gives us free medical care.... which some people take advantage of. I know a lady who had a gastric bypass free on the nhs because she was depressed, and another who got new boobs for the same thats where my taxes go
  • chocobunny122
    You don't have to buy organic, monk picked, special foods to be healthy. Whole grains, lean meat, eggs, frozen veggies and fruit are all equally nutritious and don't cost a lot.

    Exactly! You don't really need organic foods, it doesn't really affect your health in anyway its just kind of a fad. All the money you would have spent on junk food is equal to the healthy foods. In fact, I spend less money eating healthy since all I am buying is fruit, veggies, yogurt, and meat. That's it! No processed foods. A bag of chips is about $4 here in California, well I ca get a bag of apples for the same price. So no, eating healthy does not cost more if that's all your buying.
  • sammielealea
    sammielealea Posts: 245 Member
    I think that people confuse themselves when it comes to the "cost " of eating healthy. The key is planning and organizing! Do your research about what's on sale or less expensive at certain markets/stores, and meal plan accordingly. If you think that you need to be eating certain things to be healthy, of course that could get more expensive. If you do your research about what healthy, good for you options are within your budget and meal plan around that, your dollar is going to go much farther.
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    I seriously think it all balances out. Fresh fruit and veggies are expensive but you can offset the cost by cooking at home instead of eating out. An example of how eating healthy can save money take salad dressing - oil/vinegar combos are way cheaper then store bought dressing. Whole grains and beans are cheap if you buy them unprepared. Like Steel cut oats for example, I buy a huge box at costco that lasts like 4 months of breakfast for 2 - 5 days a week. The box is like $10. Thats pennies a serving. Even with fruit and milk my breakfast is probably under a $1 a serving. I think the trick to making healthy eating affordable is too prepare it at home, buy it on sale, and be sure there is little to no waste. For example if you buy a flat of tomatoes on sale and can't eat them all before they rot - cut them up and freeze them.
  • serenitygranted11
    I agree and i'm in the US! 6 dollars for a salad and 3 for a big mac!
  • andrewjuu
    andrewjuu Posts: 76 Member
    The original poster mentioned junk food as costing less, not necessarily eating out junk food. You can't really compare the cost of eating at MCD's to the cost of a healthy meal you prepare at home. Canned veggies (junk food imo) cost less then fresh veggies. I think that is the salient point. The companies are keeping the cost of the canned, processed foods lower than the cost to buy fresh alternatives, by a lot. But imo that is going to be up to the individual to solve, via education & making wise choices. The alternative is getting our gov't & politicians involved & do we really want that? I sure don't!
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Our bill is only high when my husband wants pop, chips, cereal, and frozen crap (taquitos, "hot pockets", and so on).

    I think it also depends on where you live, if everything has to be imported, then it will be pricier for sure. Luckily for me there are PLENTY of farmers markets around here with fresh veg/fruit. But I've noticed when visiting my in-laws in the U.S. that junk food really does seem to be a lot cheaper.

    I always have to wait for sales, coca-cola regular price for 12 cans is around 6$, a large bag of chips is around 4$ when not on sale, and anything in the frozen section (aside from veggies) is ridiculously overpriced.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I'm uk based.

    I buy my meat from the butchers - this weekend I got 14 chicken breasts for £20 which I was really pleased with. You can grab a bargain on fruit and veg on market stalls with the "£1 a bowl" option. I also but cheap beef cuts and make my own mice / burgers / meatballs.

    The only things I really get is household stuff from the super market and sometimes the odd bit of shopping. I can easily feed myself and my husband on £50.

    I also get tesco value porridge oats 75p a kilo

    Here(USA), I can get a 35 cent basket at the farmers market. I am assuming it is similar to the 1 pound bowl. There is some extra work of cleaning and cutting things up but it is worth it. You also have to be careful of how much you buy because most healthy food spoils unlike the chemical mixed "food" that lasts forever.
  • iLoveMyAR15
    iLoveMyAR15 Posts: 122 Member
    You don't have to buy organic, monk picked, special foods to be healthy. Whole grains, lean meat, eggs, frozen veggies and fruit are all equally nutritious and don't cost a lot.

    I agree! I think i spend less money now that i eat healthier. It could be that my hubby and i dont eat out anymore and dont buy junk or processed food - THAT is the stuff that gets expensive.
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    Although I can maintain my diet pretty well atm, I have been noticing that eating healthy comes with a very heavy price tag here in England. Prices of good food is nearly trough the roof whilst junk food is dirt cheap... And they wonder why the UK is having so many people who struggle with obesity!

    I don't know about the UK but on this side of the pond a pound of potatoes costs about 100 times LESS than a pound of potato chips!

    Food for thought.:smile:
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Try frozen produce. It's often even more nutritious than fresh produce since it's flash frozen right after harvesting. You can buy a bunch on sale and store it in the freezer.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Although I can maintain my diet pretty well atm, I have been noticing that eating healthy comes with a very heavy price tag here in England. Prices of good food is nearly trough the roof whilst junk food is dirt cheap... And they wonder why the UK is having so many people who struggle with obesity!

    I don't know about the UK but on this side of the pond a pound of potatoes costs about 100 times LESS than a pound of potato chips!

    Food for thought.:smile:

    Truth be told when ever I make dinner at home there is always enough for two more meals! A pound of potatoes would go so much further. I can take half and make a ton of french fries and then the other half would go towards mashed potatoes. I've created at least 4 full meals right there. A pound of potato chips well thats a lot actually but it isnt a meal.
  • krissy_krossy
    krissy_krossy Posts: 307 Member
    I find it more pricey too. People are pointing out the reduced cost with eating out less. We didn't really eat out to begin with, still don't now, and it's more expensive for us. We used to split a box of Kraft mac and cheese for dinner. It was 60 cents for dinner for us both (we shop at the commissary where they sell foods at cost plus 5% surcharge.) Now our dinner doesn't cost a ton, but a couple more dollars a night. It's quite a bit for us when we were just scraping by before, after my car being totaled and various things that came as a result of that (like my being unable to work due to lack of a second vehicle. And I can't drop my husband off at work as he works in a restricted area that I can't go to due to being a civilian.)
    Honestly, we eat better now but can't do much else. I can't remember the last time we've been to a movie or had a dinner out. Sometime last year... I think we saw Act of Valor in theatres last (and it was crap.) I'm thinner and healthier but don't enjoy life as much, tbh. Worth it in the long run, PIA now.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I agree and i'm in the US! 6 dollars for a salad and 3 for a big mac!

    In central Texas
    head of iceburg lettuce - $1.27
    bag of spinach - $2.48
    tomatoes - $1.69/lb
    carrots - $1.98 - 2lb bag
    mushrooms - $1.98 8 oz bag
    boneless/skinless chicken breast - $1.99/lb on sale - 1.5lbs = $2.99

    bunch of salad that will feed you for 6 meals - $1.74 per salad

    You aren't paying for the food product, you are paying a premium for the ease and convenience.
  • billdes21
    meal planning is the best thing to do to save $. write a menu for dinners once a week, then list of ingredients, and then shop once a week for only those items.
  • Imlovingmyradio
    Imlovingmyradio Posts: 4 Member
    Sainsbury's do some awesome vegetable deals, especially on brocolli etc for £1! I try to buy whatever vegetable or fruit is in season, so much cheaper. Stuff that isn't in season usually costs a bomb, for instance I saw cherries in marks for £7 yesterday!! Try frozen too, brings the cost down for me too :)