I am under eating by at least 1000 cals a day?

Alright, so I go to the gym everyday and work out for 2 hours everyday. 1 hour strength, 1 hour cardio. On the days where I can't do the strength (because its bad to do it everyday) I just do 2 hours of cardio. Anyway, so I barely have time to eat lunch anymore because it takes me about 45 minutes to get to the gym and 45 minutes to get back home. I'm really trying to lose weight and get toned up. I am at the biggest I have ever been though because I weighed myself and I weigh 200 pounds! I have been doing this gym routine for like 2 weeks and half now. I was too scared to weigh myself when I first started so, I don't know if I was even bigger than 200 pounds! I have lost 3 inches off my waist though. I usually under eat by 1000 calories, is this bad? Could I be making myself gain weight? What about anorexics? How come they don't eat, and they don't gain weight? I don't get the whole, if you eat under 1200 calories a day, you are putting your body in starvation mode and that could affect weight loss because again how do anorexics do it then....
I'm suppose to be eating 1400 calories a day but I know that most people should eat 2000 a day? Is this just a myth? When I exercise, MFP tells me that I should be eating like 2000 something calories! Usually, I end up eating around 1000-1300 a day.
Any advice would be great thanks!
Edit: That website tells me I should be eating like 2637 calories per day! Thats more than what MFP recommends, I think I'm going to stick with this website, thanks...


  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    You should be going on here http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/

    And figuring out how much you should be eating.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    You should be going on here http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/

    And figuring out how much you should be eating.

    this. go there.
  • zefreak
    zefreak Posts: 37
    If you find you don't have time for lunch but would like to eat at that time, maybe just pack things you can eat on the go, eg fruit, healthy bars, crackers, sandwiches with a simple spread on them (Like Peanut butter)

    I believe in eating when I am hungry, not in eating to keep myself from getting hungry OR trying to keep to my high calorie suggestion. When Ive done exercise it tells me I should be having between 2200-2500 which is just way way way too much food for me. I am lucky to get to 1400-1500 each day, some days are even under 1000. Not because I am starving myself but cause I eat low calorie but high filling foods, if I ate anymore I would be physically sick. Yes I am struggling to lose weight, and it could be cause of my low intake, and its something I need to figure out, probably with my doctor, but I have also found eating more towards my calorie suggestion makes me put on even more weight.
  • sk84l1fe4
    sk84l1fe4 Posts: 6 Member
    Yeah, this is really confusing for me as well now. I also eat filling meals that are actually healthy, I don't eat unhealthy. I physically cannot eat like 2500 calories a day. Not possible.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Yeah, this is really confusing for me as well now. I also eat filling meals that are actually healthy, I don't eat unhealthy. I physically cannot eat like 2500 calories a day. Not possible.
    Sure you can.

    Don't buy "diet / low-fat" versions of stuff. Eat cheese, peanut butter, milk... You'll be shocked.

    If you follow the guidelines MFP gives you, set your goal at 1lb/week, change your settings from "Sedentary", eat your exercise calories back... it'll be close to the same thing if you ACTUALLY fill everything out correctly to start with.

    MFP is based on a calculator just like the other website is. Trust the calculations on the scooby site. You give it more accurate input, it gives you better output.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Alright, so I go to the gym everyday and work out for 2 hours everyday. 1 hour strength, 1 hour cardio. On the days where I can't do the strength (because its bad to do it everyday) I just do 2 hours of cardio. Anyway, so I barely have time to eat lunch anymore because it takes me about 45 minutes to get to the gym and 45 minutes to get back home. I'm really trying to lose weight and get toned up. I am at the biggest I have ever been though because I weighed myself and I weigh 200 pounds! I have been doing this gym routine for like 2 weeks and half now. I was too scared to weigh myself when I first started so, I don't know if I was even bigger than 200 pounds! I have lost 3 inches off my waist though. I usually under eat by 1000 calories, is this bad? Could I be making myself gain weight? What about anorexics? How come they don't eat, and they don't gain weight? I don't get the whole, if you eat under 1200 calories a day, you are putting your body in starvation mode and that could affect weight loss because again how do anorexics do it then....
    I'm suppose to be eating 1400 calories a day but I know that most people should eat 2000 a day? Is this just a myth? When I exercise, MFP tells me that I should be eating like 2000 something calories! Usually, I end up eating around 1000-1300 a day.
    Any advice would be great thanks!
    Edit: That website tells me I should be eating like 2637 calories per day! Thats more than what MFP recommends, I think I'm going to stick with this website, thanks...

    First off, you don't need to do 2 hours of exercise to lose weight.... Look at the QUALITY of your workout, not QUANTITY.

    As you have a fair bit of weight to lose, you an afford a fairly large deficit, so NET 1400 should be fine. Ie eat your exercise calories.

    You shouldn't compare trying to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way (which is what you should be doing) to the behaviour of anorexic people.....
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Yeah, this is really confusing for me as well now. I also eat filling meals that are actually healthy, I don't eat unhealthy. I physically cannot eat like 2500 calories a day. Not possible.
    So do less cardio.
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    First off, you don't need to do 2 hours of exercise to lose weight.... Look at the QUALITY of your workout, not QUANTITY.

    As you have a fair bit of weight to lose, you an afford a fairly large deficit, so NET 1400 should be fine. Ie eat your exercise calories.

    You shouldn't compare trying to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way (which is what you should be doing) to the behaviour of anorexic people.....
    This! 2 hours at the gym - crazy talk!
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    i agree with the two posters above me, i dont think its necessary to be doing so much every night! make your workouts shorter but harder and remember the weight didnt go on over night its not gonna come off over night either.

    You should really be trying to eat at a net calorie - not aiming to be under whatever youve set 1200 should be minimum though. Its the best way to keep your weight loss sustainable in the long run and be able to fuel your heavy workouts. If you dont put fuel in a car it wont run eventually....
  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    I didnt think I could reach my cals but if you incorporate meals, snacks, after work out snacks/shakes etc you can very easily eat what youre suppose to.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Edit: That website tells me I should be eating like 2637 calories per day! Thats more than what MFP recommends, I think I'm going to stick with this website, thanks...
    Are you eating back exercise calories? With the long workouts then add those back into MFP's recommendation you are more than likely getting close to the same number. Just different ways of figuring them. As for anorexics, yes they lose weight but it is not just fat they are losing. They are losing valueable muscle and organ tissue as well. Which will eventually happen to overweight people that undernourish as well. You want to preserve as much muscle mass as possible in order to keep your metabolism high. By eating what MFP recommends (which includes exercise calories) you help ensure your loss is primarly fat, maintaining muscle mass, keeping you from entering the viscious yo-yo dieting effect. Keep losing muscle and you will have to eat less and less in order to keep a deficit.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    You don't need to go to any other website. Just eat what MFP tell you to eat PLUS eat back your exercise calories. It's really that simple.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    It's not a lot of calories for your stated activity level, but if the calories you eat are nutritionally balanced, you are healthy, you have enough energy, and you can sustain this, you should be fine and you will lose weight more quickly. If you feel weak or find you are genuinely obsessing about food (not just thinking about it), eat more.
  • zefreak
    zefreak Posts: 37
    Yeah, this is really confusing for me as well now. I also eat filling meals that are actually healthy, I don't eat unhealthy. I physically cannot eat like 2500 calories a day. Not possible.
    Sure you can.

    Don't buy "diet / low-fat" versions of stuff. Eat cheese, peanut butter, milk... You'll be shocked.

    That is BS if I ever saw it.

    I don't eat "Low fat" etc foods as I believe they contain a high amount of unhealthy chemicals. I eat alot of homemade soups, smoothies, breads, PB, cheese etc and I STILL can not get to 1400-1500 some days. Its only if I eat crap food I can reach my calorie goals (And even then it is my calorie goal with out exercise so about 1750 calories) But one of my smooties are about 400 calories but can keep me full for 4-5 hours. One of my soups is only 180-230 (Depending on how much I have) and keeps me full for 3-4 hours.
    I had half a sliced cucumber for morning tea the other day, and it kept me full for 2 hours, when I put it into the system it was a whole 8 calories.
    So no, some of us LITERALLY can not get to that much
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Yeah, this is really confusing for me as well now. I also eat filling meals that are actually healthy, I don't eat unhealthy. I physically cannot eat like 2500 calories a day. Not possible.
    Sure you can.

    Don't buy "diet / low-fat" versions of stuff. Eat cheese, peanut butter, milk... You'll be shocked.

    That is BS if I ever saw it.

    I don't eat "Low fat" etc foods as I believe they contain a high amount of unhealthy chemicals. I eat alot of homemade soups, smoothies, breads, PB, cheese etc and I STILL can not get to 1400-1500 some days. Its only if I eat crap food I can reach my calorie goals (And even then it is my calorie goal with out exercise so about 1750 calories) But one of my smooties are about 400 calories but can keep me full for 4-5 hours. One of my soups is only 180-230 (Depending on how much I have) and keeps me full for 3-4 hours.
    I had half a sliced cucumber for morning tea the other day, and it kept me full for 2 hours, when I put it into the system it was a whole 8 calories.
    So no, some of us LITERALLY can not get to that much
    Then you're doing it wrong. Seriously.
  • sk84l1fe4
    sk84l1fe4 Posts: 6 Member
    I agree!
    And there is no way in hell that I am going to be drinking milk. There have been multiple studies shown about what they are doing to our milk and the cows.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Yeah, this is really confusing for me as well now. I also eat filling meals that are actually healthy, I don't eat unhealthy. I physically cannot eat like 2500 calories a day. Not possible.
    Sure you can.

    Don't buy "diet / low-fat" versions of stuff. Eat cheese, peanut butter, milk... You'll be shocked.

    That is BS if I ever saw it.

    I don't eat "Low fat" etc foods as I believe they contain a high amount of unhealthy chemicals. I eat alot of homemade soups, smoothies, breads, PB, cheese etc and I STILL can not get to 1400-1500 some days. Its only if I eat crap food I can reach my calorie goals (And even then it is my calorie goal with out exercise so about 1750 calories) But one of my smooties are about 400 calories but can keep me full for 4-5 hours. One of my soups is only 180-230 (Depending on how much I have) and keeps me full for 3-4 hours.
    I had half a sliced cucumber for morning tea the other day, and it kept me full for 2 hours, when I put it into the system it was a whole 8 calories.
    So no, some of us LITERALLY can not get to that much
    Then you're doing it wrong. Seriously.

    So why eat something that is sooooooo filling for only 8 cals? A tablespoon of peanut butter is about 100!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I agree!
    And there is no way in hell that I am going to be drinking milk. There have been multiple studies shown about what they are doing to our milk and the cows.
    find a local creamery/dairy, problem solved.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Pushing yourself through 2 hours of exercise every day is probably causing stress, and stress hormones can mess up your weight loss efforts in a major way. I don't really understand the physiology, but I do understand the recommendation to keep workouts at about one hour per day, and take at least one day off per week.
  • krissy_krossy
    krissy_krossy Posts: 307 Member
    Yeah, this is really confusing for me as well now. I also eat filling meals that are actually healthy, I don't eat unhealthy. I physically cannot eat like 2500 calories a day. Not possible.
    Sure you can.

    Don't buy "diet / low-fat" versions of stuff. Eat cheese, peanut butter, milk... You'll be shocked.

    That is BS if I ever saw it.

    I don't eat "Low fat" etc foods as I believe they contain a high amount of unhealthy chemicals. I eat alot of homemade soups, smoothies, breads, PB, cheese etc and I STILL can not get to 1400-1500 some days. Its only if I eat crap food I can reach my calorie goals (And even then it is my calorie goal with out exercise so about 1750 calories) But one of my smooties are about 400 calories but can keep me full for 4-5 hours. One of my soups is only 180-230 (Depending on how much I have) and keeps me full for 3-4 hours.
    I had half a sliced cucumber for morning tea the other day, and it kept me full for 2 hours, when I put it into the system it was a whole 8 calories.
    So no, some of us LITERALLY can not get to that much

    An oz of cheese has around 110 calories. An oz of nuts has around 150-170. An avocado has around 250. It's not that hard. I mean, I don't think many of us got overweight by struggling to get to 1500 calories a day...