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What workouts do you do?



  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    P90X and spinning

    Starting cross fit next week
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    When I'm not recovering from an injury I do StrongLifts 5x5 every other day (3-4 times per week, depending on how the days fall) with a few minutes on the elliptical to warm up a little (totals out to right at an hour), and on the days I'm not lifting, I try to walk for at least 30 minutes. :wink:
  • ganzelly
    ganzelly Posts: 302 Member
    P90x+ or P90x 6 days a week plus some walking and extra workouts on the weekends and when I have time. usually some extra cardio or a workout that focuses on 'bigger' areas (butt and thighs).
  • SUPERhecticMOM
    SUPERhecticMOM Posts: 61 Member
    I try to get to the gym 5 days a week for 45-50 mins
    Mon/Wed/Fri I do classes that work on cardio, strength & stability two of those classes include training on BOSU's.
    Tues/Thur I do yoga classes to get a good healthy stretch between the tougher stuff.

    If I can't make it to the gym for some reason I try to get in atleast a quick 20min Turbo Jam workout or enjoy some time with the kids by playing Just Dance on our Wii.

    Before I was able to fit classes into my schedule I would go to the gym and switch back & forth between cardio & strength days.
    Cardio days would be an hour split up on the treadmill, stationary bike, rowing or elliptical
    Strength days I would warm up/get my heart rate up on the treadmill for 15min ...do my weight circuit and cool down for 15min on bike or treadmill
  • Inkygurl
    Inkygurl Posts: 5
    Currently, I am doing Insanity 6 x a week (on the recovery week atm- almost ready for month 2! Eeeee!) and I go to yoga and spin also when I can...
  • cheddar2000
    cheddar2000 Posts: 43 Member
    Monday - morning 40 minutes light aerobics gets my blood going, evening lift weights 40 minutes and 10 minutes on cardio to warm up

    Tuesday - morning 40 minutes light aerobics, evening 25 minutes elliptical and 35 minutes stationary bike

    Wednesday - repeat Monday

    Thursday - repeat Tuesday

    Friday - repeat Monday

    Saturday - repeat Tuesday but some Saturdays just do some light aerobics in the morning, it is like coffee to me, I need it to wake up and it loosens up my bones and muscles and keeps the arthritis in check.

    Sunday - 60 minutes swimming laps.

    Rinse and Repeat the week. This may seem like a lot to some but I have a very sedentary job so I try to move more.
  • Prettee2B
    Prettee2B Posts: 39
    I could imagine that this may not be much to many but I am so excited to bust out up to 350 on the elliptical 3-4 times a week for 1/2 an hour:happy: I recall a time when I dreaded it and could only endure 20 minutes the most.
  • KellyOnlySmaller
    KellyOnlySmaller Posts: 42 Member
    Hi! I really shake it up! I get bored easily, but I love to exercise these days, so to avoid burn out, I do LOTS of different types of exercise.

    I do exercise DVD's at home. Some of my favorites are:
    Kathy Smith's Super Slimdown Circuit (this is by far my favorite)
    Health Magazine: Train for Your Body Type
    Health Magazine: Wedding Workout
    I love all the Walk Away the Pounds videos on light exercise days
    Davina (from England) has awesome higher-impact circuit DVD's
    I also do 30-day shred on occasion

    I also walk with my husband several times a week, use the elliptical at the Y, play Just Dance with my kids and do lots of circuit training.

    I want to start biking, too. Both outside and spinning.

    Mixing it up is key for me. I'm not big on routine, so it works for me!

    Kelly :)
  • KellyOnlySmaller
    KellyOnlySmaller Posts: 42 Member
    Oh! And kickboxing is a blast! :)
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I travel a lot for work right now so it's really inconsistent, but I work out 5-6 days per week. A normal week when I'm home looks kinda like this:

    Monday: Jillian Michaels DVD (a shortish one)
    Tuesday: Ballet class, 1 hr
    Wednesday: Lift
    Thurs: Ballet class, 1 hr
    Fri: Lift and run 3-4 miles
    Saturday: Jillian Michaels DVD (a longish one) or off
    Sunday: off

    When I'm traveling I bring a Jillian DVD with me and alternate days doing the DVD in my hotel room and using the treadmill/elliptical/whatever they have in the hotel gym.
  • Songbirdcw
    Songbirdcw Posts: 320 Member
    Currently, I do Stronglifts 3x a week. HIIT/Cardio 2-3 times a week.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    M: Squat, Bench, Bent Over Rows (I'm using Madcow's 5x5 lifting program, minus the accessory work). Some sort of short cardio, maybe walking on the treadmill, maybe an HIIT YouTube video or kickboxing. I've recently started adding a short Pilates workout after as well, although I try to avoid hitting my legs too much. Yoga or stretching if I have time.
    T: Run (training for a 5K), an ab/Core focused workout, typically from the BeFit channel's ab program or blogilates.
    W: Squat, Dead Lift, Overhead Press, Cardio, pilates, stretching/yoga
    Th: Run, abs/core
    F: Squat, Bench, Bent Over Rows, cardio, pilates, stretching/yoga
    S: Run
    Su: Light run if I feel like it, rest
  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member
    Monday - zumba class (1 hour), Power Sculpting class (1 hour - planks, squats, lunges, bi/tri, chest, donkey kicks), 1 mile elliptical, 5 mile stationary bike

    Tuesday - zumba class (1 hour), 1 mile elliptical, 5 mile stationary bike

    Wednesday - zumba class (1 hour), 1 mile elliptical, 2 miles walking

    Thursday - Aqua Zumba, 1mile elliptical, 2 miles walking, 5 miles stationary bike

    Friday - Power Sculpting class (1 hour - planks, squats, lunges, bi/tri, chest, donkey kicks), 1 mile elliptical, 5 mile stationary bike

    Saturday - 1 mile elliptical, 5 mile stationary bike

    Sunday - 5 miles walking
  • TaurianDoll
    TaurianDoll Posts: 111 Member
    Each gym day includes 30-45 minutes of cardio (running, spin, or elliptical)

    Monday (Chest and Shoulders) - Inclined dumbbell flyes, overhead press, dumbbell chest press, front arm raise, lateral arm raise, medicine ball shoulder swing

    Tuesday (Back, Biceps, Triceps) - Lat pull down, bent over dumbbell flyes, bench dip, single arm dumbbell row, tricep kickbacks with a twist, single underhand tricep cable pull down, hammer curls, straight bar bicep curls, inclined dumbbell curls, backbends

    Wednesday (Core and Quads) - In and outs (abs), straight leg lifts (abs), mason twist (abs), single leg step up with knee drive, leg extension (each leg and both legs), plank (45 sec), side plank (each side)

    Thursday ( Hamstrings, Calves, Glutes) - hamstring curls, deadlift, calf raise, plie squats, traditional squats, bulgarian leg squat

    Friday - REST DAY

    Saturday - Run 3 - 4 miles

    Sunday - REST DAY
  • harls321
    harls321 Posts: 4
    I love Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis Abcentric. I like how it keeps changing every 10 days so I stay challenged and I never get bored. I do it 6 days a week before work.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Cardio A: 3 mile run
    Cardio B: 20 minutes sprint HIIT with 10 minute warmup and 10 minute cool down

    Strength A (3x5 heavy): Squats, Bench, Dead-lift, pull-ups 3x 10-12, Bosu Push-ups 3x fail, light core work
    Strength B (3x5 heavy): Squats, OH Press, BB Rows, pull-ups 3x 10-12, Dips 3x 10-12, light core work.

    Week 1
    Mon - Cardio A
    Tues - Strength A (30-45 minute walk during lunch or something)
    Wed - Cardio B
    Thurs - Strength B (w/walking at lunch)
    Fri - Cardi A
    Sat - Strength A (walking or cycling or other recovery type cardio)
    Sun - Rest, but generally active

    Week 2
    Mon - Cardio B
    Tues - Strength B (walk)
    Wed - Cardio A
    Thur - Strength A (walk)
    Fri - Cardio B
    Sat - Strengh B (whatever recovery cardio)
    Sun - Rest

    And so and and so forth alternating between As and Bs. I try to switch up my cardio routine every 8-12 weeks or so.
  • grdaze
    grdaze Posts: 195 Member
    I do: 5-6 days of the 30DS each week
    walking/running (modified C25K)
    zumba class (once a week, sometimes twice if I can squeeze it in)

    plus I coach a kid's soccer team
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    Cardio: 5 times a week
    Weights: 4-6 times a week (except fromm end of march to April 21 because of a cardio challenge)
    Session with trainer: 1 time a week (I get "homework"/weight lifting routines from him)

    Cardio: I prefer running - about an hour but I'll use just about any cardio machine.

    Weights: the program I'm on is similar to NROLFW - my trainer has actually been doing this for this entire 33 year career! He works primarily with women - he's current client portfolio only has 1 guy. Why? because he's been out to banish the notion that lifting makes women bulky.
  • michellelemorgan
    michellelemorgan Posts: 184 Member
    Hi there! I run 5 miles a day 5 or 6 days a week and I do one or two jillian Michaels video a day (either ripped in 30, 30 day shred or killer buns and thighs). Occasionally i will also do ab ripper X. I ride a bike to commute sometimes as well, I will be more as the weather is warming up now!
  • matt2442
    matt2442 Posts: 1,259 Member
    I do a bunch of different things
