Food addiction--it REALLY DOES EXIST!!!



  • lishakp
    lishakp Posts: 3 Member
    I posted this for help this morning, before I found this post......
    "Ok my fellow peeps. I'm soooo done messing around with excuses, sick kids and insane work schedules. Through all my excuses I still managed to work out everyday, at least 30 mins; yet cannot get my *kitten* together on food.......I wish there was a pill or something to help me not love food so much or be so hungry......I need help and/or advice.....can any of you relate or help? I'm picky, love breakfast, and my carbs.....Good news, I haven't gained any weight since my last log on here; but that's because I workout like crazy. Monday-Wed I moved a 50' tree that we cut down (all the large pieces that I could lift) and organized it, ran a 1.5 miles on Sat, a 5k Sun, 1.5 miles Mon and body combat last night for 45 mins. I can workout for hours, but then I want Dairy Queen........HELP! "

    Can those that understand please friend me so I can have support as well as provide support to you as well? I feel that most of the people in this conversation understands my love for food and can help me. I hope to hear from some of you soon......THANKS!
  • amberlestep
    amberlestep Posts: 16 Member
    I have always weighed more than I should. Always. While growing up, my mom would fix a plate piled high with good ole WV meals. Cornbread, mashed potatoes, corn, green beans, and some kind of meat. I would eat until I couldn't eat anymore, and when I told her I was full, she'd say "There's just a few more bites on the plate, finish that off!" Her intentions were not to make me fat, but she hated to waste, and that became a result. So as a result, I believe I have in a sense, become my mother. I hate hate hate to waste food.

    On top of that, I used to have a problem. I would work, eat lunch, and on my way home after work, stop at McD's or somewhere else and secretly grab a it on the way home, and when my guy would get home, I would ask him what he wanted for dinner because I'm starving and haven't ate yet.

    I am aware that this is a problem. And I'm aware it is no one's fault but my own. Like I've seen in earlier posts, you have to want it bad enough to quit, and I simply never wanted it. My cousin used to say "I'd rather be fat and happy than skinny and sad!" I don't want to give up all the tasty foods I indulge in, but it needs controlled!
  • Flossie1981
    Flossie1981 Posts: 160 Member
    At the end of the day if a behaviour starts to interfere with your relationships, finances or lifestyle in a negative way then it is an addiction.... food addiction exists. Food alters your brain chemisry (dopamine, seratonin and enorphines) this is addictive in itself