Who else has a lot to lose???



  • Hi everyone! I too have between 100-150lbs to lose, more if I want to reach that oh-so-coveted healthy BMI range.

    I've been big since I was about 7-8 I guess, the first time I can remember actually realising that I was "big" was in 3rd grade, where the teacher weighed us all in maths class and had us line up lightest to heaviest. I was equal heaviest, and the boy I was equal with was a good 6 inches taller than me.

    Since then I've just gotten bigger, and now I'm sitting at 270lbs, at the age of 24. Basically I've had enough. I'm starting to cut the "bad" carbs and sugars out of my diet, but I'd love some help with what to replace things like potato and pasta with, as those are big things in my diet. I eat plenty of vegetables, and try to find ways to add them into all of my meals. Mainly because I'm a university student, and vegetables are cheaper and more filling than meat.
  • im just trying to lose about 60 lbs and no kids im a full time massage student have not been skinny since a very young age. really hoping to make some new friends. not sure how this community thing works either =(
  • Roxie8611
    Roxie8611 Posts: 39 Member
    If you consider 80lbs to be alot then YES!! I am in the same boat as you and all over this page as well as trying to motivate:)

    Add me up people :)
  • sunshine1x0x
    sunshine1x0x Posts: 1 Member
    i do :) .. i am hoping to lose ATLEAST 80 pounds but i want to lose more than 100 .. anyone feel free to add me !!
  • joystick1
    joystick1 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, this is my first week myfitnesspal and I am doing this in conjunction with the nhs livewell and so I am following their 12 week guide. I have about 4+ stone to lose and am a working mum with 3 children. My weak point is when I eventually sit down at night and am watching the tv, I like to have a little nibble as a treat to myself, otherwise I think what is the point, you have to have some pleasures in life. Can anyone relate to this?
  • roaringtulips
    roaringtulips Posts: 19 Member
    I started my weight loss journey with 101 lbs to lose, and I still have 74 lbs to go. I'm all about encouraging others and sharing little tips I see.
  • ybell300
    ybell300 Posts: 32 Member
    I want to lose exactly 100 pounds.
  • Ive got around 65lbs to lose, I got weighed about 10 days ago and I was 14st 9, I think ive lost about 5lbs since then (im gunna get weighed tomorrow) I want to be around 10st. I'm aiming for at least 3lbs a week loss. I'm currently having around 1300 calories a day. Im vegetarian so having a lower calorie intake is easier. I use to be a size 10 3 years ago before have my lg and would love to be back to that size. Good luck everyone xx
  • HaleyxErin
    HaleyxErin Posts: 94 Member
    I'm 20, no kids technically I'm a full time student by my schools definition but I only have three classes and I only go two days a week but I need to lose at least 130 -150 (I'm gonna stop losing when I like how I look/feel not when I get to a specific number on the scale)
  • Hi everyone -

    I am in the same boat as most of you and have over 100 pounds I am trying to lose. I love my fitness pal because I do not have to stop eating the foods I love but adding them in the journal helps me stay on track and not over do it. I just started last week and introducing some exercising into the better fitness plan this week. I am doing this because I want to be here for a long time and I want to enjoy my three year old son. I also attend college and have three weeks left until I get my bachelor's. I will be continuing for my master's. Thanks guys. Please add me if you are interested in a buddy for inspiration.:smile:
  • peachypants
    peachypants Posts: 34 Member
    I'm going to add you- I have faith in you that you can loose the weight. Once you get going and realize the important change in your life, it becomes addicting to be heathy and keep it that way! It's so important that we live healthy lives for our children to set great examples. Even if they don't understand now, it still sends a message that nothing in life is impossible.
    Good luck on your journey. Find what works best for you & and most importantly- what makes you feel good.
  • Hi I just started with fitness pal yesterday and yes I too have a lot to lose. I would like too lose at least 50 lbs. I would love to take this weight lose journey with you guys...
  • WrenTheCoffeeAddict
    WrenTheCoffeeAddict Posts: 148 Member
    Hey all,

    I have a lot to lose, 100+. I'm 26, work in an office, doing office hours, sitting at my desk eating lunch etc.
    I was never a skinny kid, and the weight just piled on. Well, enough is enough eh?
    One thing is missing in my fight - other people on the same path.
    My other half is dieting too - but he's already fit - he's just trying to strengthen up a bit, so his calorie allocation is high! Mine is about half his!

    I don't know anyone else in my life going down the same road as me - so please, feel free to add me - we can help each other :)
  • AshNoel85
    AshNoel85 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi, I'm Ashley. I too have about a great deal of weight to loose. (100+) Though i am very grateful to the ladies who encouraged me to start MFP even though i have a lot longer journey than they do. I have been heavy my whole life and got married just short of a year ago. I want to get healthy before we start having children. I already have other issues stacked against me when it comes to having children, i don't want my weight to be an issue. I'm in it for the long haul to get this weight off once and for all and would love to make some friends along the way to help with the trials and tribulations of making the change once and for all!!!
  • I'd love to be friends I have a goal of 60 to lose and I'm currently sitting at 223 and wanna be around 150 by end of the year
  • Prettee2B
    Prettee2B Posts: 39
    Hi guys- I have up to 100 pnds to lose and to keep off. Just recently joined MFP hoping to find support as well as be supportive with my ideas. Transparency is a beautiful thing. Good luck to every one on their journey and Congratulations to everyone that have reached their goals.
    Add me-Remember there's power in unity.
  • MzsCherise
    MzsCherise Posts: 25 Member
    Hello, Im a single Mom of a 19 month old girl who also has over 100 lbs to loose...I am currently 325 lbs I am 34 years old and am 5'7".( My goal weight is 160-170) I have struggled with my weight my whole life and am at the biggest i have ever been! When i reached 300 lbs i just found out i was pregnant and gained 30 lbs during pregnancy and 15 more after i had her, Since my journey started 15 months ago i was really motivated at first then lost the motivation. Now i have never been more motivated in my life to get healthy as my daughter needs a good role model to encourage her to live a healthy life style...I do not want her to grow up with issues with her weight...I do not want to send her the wrong message about Body image! Growing up my mother was over weight and i remember being embarrassed around my friends and at the beach because of it and here i am the same size as she was! By the time my Daughter reaches school age i want to be able to be someone she is proud of...Someone I can be proud of!! A mother who is happy and healthy and can do all the things with her daughter that i couldnt do whilest being overweight!!! I have lost 19 lbs so far and cannot wait to loose another!! Once you see the results you get even more encouraged to stay on track!! This site has helped me emensly as i have no idea what calories look like and the support of others who are also in the same situation as i am in is greatly needed!! Please add me as a friend as i am going to need a lot of support and can offer a great deal of it too!! :)
  • ME!!! I need to lose 60!
  • joshkilborn
    joshkilborn Posts: 46 Member
    I'm also in the process of losing a lot of weight. I started at 398 and currently down to 317 and aiming for 180. Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • alijay56
    alijay56 Posts: 1
    Hey! I would love to lose about 120lbs. Its going to be a long journey but feel free to add me and hopefully we can help each other! best wishes on your weight lose journey. :)