Do you work out when you are sick?



  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    Yes, I do. If I have to take it easier, I do but I still do my best. I wouldn't go to the gym sick and touch all the equipment with my germy hands, though. I'd stay home and do a dvd or go for a walk.
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    For me, it depends on what kind of sickness.

    Stomach bug? No way.
    Sniffles? Sure.
    Flu? Not on your life.

    Maybe try something different or not as high-impacting? Yoga? Stretches? A walk?

    That's pretty much it for me- it all depends on the sickness and how I'm feeling. I won't go to the gym if I'm throwing up or i have the flu, but a cold I will push through. Like others have said, it often helps. I did have a particularly bad head/chest cold last month which actually did prevent me from getting to the gym a couple days, but I did yoga and strength training at home with my dumbbells.
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
    I have a cold type sickness currently. Really sore neck, itchy eyes, sore throat. And I took it easier, walked @15% incline on treadmil 30 mins, and 30 mins lap swim. then sat in the sauna for 20 mins. felt great.
  • GracefulDancer4Christ
    GracefulDancer4Christ Posts: 419 Member
    Nope, If I am sick I rest and get better. Putting extra stress on my body when sick is counter productive but then everyone does their own thing.
  • ThinUpGirl
    ThinUpGirl Posts: 397
    Depends on the illness and symptoms, if I have a fever, then no I don't workout. I also don't workout on the first day when I'm feeling really run down. But if it's a cold and it's just some congestion, then I do because the workout usually helps clear my head and lungs.

    God bless,

    thank-you, I think I will get on my home treadmill since it is raining here. Hopefully a walk will clear my head.
  • ItsAliciaMarie
    I have had the worst cold the last few days, and I've noticed that working out is actually helping me clear up the grossness in my lungs and throat. I also noticed that my nose does not run until the second I STOP my cardio, which kind of amazed me.

    If it has something to do with my stomach (throwing up, going to the bathroom constantly, etc.) I do not think that I would work out, just to avoid any unwanted situations... but I haven't come across that yet.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,683 Member
    If you're sick with even a slight fever, or nauseous symptoms, DON'T go to the gym. You may spread what you have. And rest is best since exercise does reduce your immune system temporarily.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • bethany41h
    bethany41h Posts: 218
    I've had a cold all week but I worked through it at the gym. It really depends on how awful I feel. The one night I was up all night coughing and didn't get to sleep till 4:30am so waking up at 5:30am for the gym just wasn't going to happen. So I went for a job outside later in the day instead. I'm afraid if I stay idle too long I will fall back into old habits.
  • silverinc13
    silverinc13 Posts: 216 Member
    Definitely work out when sick! I very rarely get sick but if the occasional cold hits me nothing makes me feel a little better like hitting the gym. Just be careful with weights if you have any muscle soreness or achyness from it.

    Cardio is also an excellent hangover cure :)
  • da1128
    da1128 Posts: 212 Member
    Yep, it usually makes me feel better. (Feeling lousy, to me, is when my costochondritis flares up...inflammation where the ribs attach to the sternum.) Something about working out and stretching greatly eases the pain.

    If I am sick, as in coughing, sneezing, the flu, etc., I'll still work out, but never at the gym. No need to expose others to my misery because I know what it's like to pick up a virus at the gym from someone who didn't stay home.
    JENNIENS Posts: 81 Member
    I did with a migraine today and actually feel better! :) But i agree depends how ill i am!
  • sharon_moyer
    When I am sick I do what i can when it comes to eating and exercise because our bodies are our best gauge. if you feel like eating then eat. If you feel like exercising then exercise. Even if it's only eating a little or exercising a little it all counts and will eventually add up.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Sniffles/Snotty? I keep going (otherwise I would never exercise during allergy season, LOL)

    Stomach upset? I'll skip it. (I have this disturbing vision that there will be a really bad squatting incident... :blushing: )

    Fever? I'll skip it.

    Sore throat? I'll usually go for it.

    Upper respiratory? Not on your life. :wink:

    I'm lucky in that my gym is at my house so if I germ up the place, nobody else is going to get sick. :wink:
  • DJMarkham
    Nope. Don't work out when sick. Walking should be fine, but nothing too streneous. Your body needs to work on getting you better first.
  • ninjakowski
    ninjakowski Posts: 158
    I usually rest the first day or two of a cold off, when I'm feeling the worst - then get back into it the best I can. If I still feel lousy I'll just decrease either the intensity or time of the workout until I'm 100% again.

    Anyway my husband usually bans me from the gym until he thinks I look healthy enough :bigsmile:
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    If I have a slight cold I will train, but if I can not breath or have a fever I take a break... rest for a fast recovery.
  • succubaeangel
    So I had a sore throat a couple of weeks ago and I wasn't feeling all that bad (no fever). I worked out as usual and the next day I was down with a cold. I have the feeling that working out mde it worse.
    Do not work out if you think you are getting a flu. I've also tried starting to work out as soon as I get better and I've found that it does help.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    If you have anything contageous and you use equipment at a public gym, do the rest of the world a favor and stay home.

    If not, proceed at your own comfort level.
  • Lbf321
    Lbf321 Posts: 81 Member
    I have cold and tmi tummy trouble, I'm still exercising because I'm afraid if I get off schedule then I won't get back on schedule. I did half my exercises and I'm hopeing later on tonight I will be able to finish.