What is your heaviest? Lightest? Where are you now? Goal?



  • swiftgirlm
    swiftgirlm Posts: 17 Member
    Height: 5'3"
    Age: 39
    Heaviest: 180 lb
    Lightest: 115 lb - my wedding age 20
    Current: 166 lb
    Goal: 120-125 lb
  • Female 5'7
    Age 29
    Highest Weight 300+ (when pregnant with my son)
    Current Weight approx 230 (refuse to face the scale right now)
    Lightest Weight 140
    Goal Weight 140-160
  • antxoable
    antxoable Posts: 86 Member
    height: 5' 9"
    age: 23
    heaviest: 155(2010)
    actual weight:147
    goal:140 , i like to have some curves
  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Age: 25
    Height: 5'6"
    Heaviest Weight: 324
    Current Weight: 244
    Goal Weight: 175
    Total Pounds Lost: 80
    Pounds To Go: 69 (WOW!!!!!! I'm so close!! lol)



    ***Edit: Lightest weight is where I'm at now! Uncharted territory! Haven't been this small since probably freshman year of high school! :drinker:
  • Height: 5'1"
    Age/Gender: 40/female
    Highest weight- 190 day I had my son, 180 without being pregnant
    Current Weight- 139.6
    Lowest weight- 115 age 19. 130ish in my mid 20's
    Goal weigh- 135 realistically, but if i can get lower, great :)
  • SaraBrown12
    SaraBrown12 Posts: 277 Member
    Height - 5'5
    Age - 31
    Gender - Female
    Highest Weight - 232
    Lowest Weight - 146(current) cannot remember what i used to weigh before having kiddos
    Current Weight - 146
    Goal Weight - 120ish. I need to see how i look my orig goal was 140 but i am close and need to go lower
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    Age 36
    Height 5'3
    Heaviest was on 4/1/13 weighing in at 231.4 lbs
    Current weight 127.4
    Goal weight is healthy and athletic with muscle not fat like I was before.Maybe around 150?
  • sancach
    sancach Posts: 20
    Height: 5'6"
    Age/Gender: 43 yoa Female
    Highest weight- 211 lbs
    Current Weight- 208.6 lbs
    Lowest weight- 149 lbs at age 30
    Goal weigh- 170-175 lbs
  • Height: 5'7"
    Age: 20
    Highest Weight: 217lbs whilst pregnant, was 190lbs from the day I had my daughter until the day I started my diet.
    Current Weight: 166lbs (:
    Lowest Weight: 125lbs when I was 16.
    Goal Weight: 125lbs


    Started my diet around the end of February.

    Hoping to be down to 160 by May or at least mid-May!
  • BuffyEat2Live
    BuffyEat2Live Posts: 327 Member
    Height: 5'6''
    Age/Gender: 28 yo female
    Highest weight- 220+ (probably around 230)
    Current Weight- somewhere in the 180's (haven't weighed in in a month, was 189 beginning of March though)
    Lowest weight- 128 when suffering from severe ED at age 20 (I have very wide bones and this was a very unhealthy size for me, despite being a "healthy" BMI - you could count my ribs)
    Goal weight- not sure, I really have a goal size (Ann Taylor 14) which I think I will reach somewhere between 150 and 170
  • Mharren
    Mharren Posts: 60
    Height: 5'10 1/2"
    Age: 27
    Gender: Female
    Highest Weight: 345lbs
    Current Weight: 295lbs
    Lowest Weight: 126lbs
    Goal Weight: 215lbs
    BMI Ideal: 165-170

    I've always managed to carry weight well, even at my highest weight I still had a waist. I've moved back and forth between sedentary and extremely active lifestyles. I used to be a competitive Martial Artist and Acrobat, during those years my weight would be between 180-210lbs depending on the training demands of the season. In the military my weight was between 168-182lbs depending on whether I was deployed or not. When I was bulimic I was between 206-215lbs and I restricted my calorie intake to under 900cal/day, mean average 600cal/day (I still have the diary I kept), and purged whatever I ate. When my athletic career ended due to multiple spinal fractures from a wipe out doing a back hand spring in a tumbling run I shot up to what was my previously highest weight of 260lbs. I became bulimic during my Undergraduate Degree but stopped after about 2 1/2 years. I wouldn't get on a scale or be around people that counted calories because I was afraid of getting sick again. It wasn't until the summer of 2012 that I got on a scale in our clinic and saw I was 345lbs. I had also become borderline hypertensive and was getting winded easily.

    I am aiming for 215-220 because I think that is realistic for me. My focus has been on working with my physical therapist to develop muscle strength as I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2010 and have had balance problems. I was 280-285lbs consistently for several months prior to suddenly hitting 298lbs a few days ago. I decided then to look for a support site and get some empirical data about my nutrition. I found this place!

    I will abandon my goals if I become Bulimic or Calorie-Counting obsessed again. I would rather be fat and mentally healthy than go through that again. But I want my vital signs and biochemical scores to be within acceptable ranges. Currently they are. My BP is usually 120/88 mmHg though it does elevate when I am using dextroamphetamines, which I do rarely. I am tachycardic (Pulse >100 BPM) almost all the time, but I suspect this is due mostly to smoking. So I have Non-Weight specific health goals as well.

    Maintain a healthy Blood Pressure (I take it multiple times a week)
    Get a resting pulse of appx 80 (assuming I continue to smoke)
    Maintain or improve all of my other Chemical Measures, such as insulin and blood glucose.I had started to notice acathosis nigricans discolourments on the back and sides of my neck when I was over 310lbs. This has gone away but since it indicates insulin resistance I want to get down to avoid developing Type-2 Diabetes.
  • missymakayla
    missymakayla Posts: 309 Member
    Height: 5'4
    Age: 41
    Gender: Female
    Highest : 230
    Current: 194.5
    Lowest: 129
    Goal: 150
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Height: 5'9"
    Age/Gender: 33 yoa male
    Highest weight- low 190's lbs
    Current Weight- 177 lbs
    Current body fat - mid teens(14-16%)
    Lowest weight- 135 as an adult
    Goal weigh- 170 @10% during racing season and 180-185 @ 12-15% during the off season
  • Female, 5'9, 25 in a couple of weeks

    Heaviest at age 15: Not really sure how much I weighed, but I wore size 12 jeans

    Lowest at age 17: 118 lbs, size 0 (EDNOS)

    Now: 160s, aiming for 140-145, but right now I'm focusing on losing inches and body fat because the scale frustrates me
  • Tenster
    Tenster Posts: 278 Member
    Height: 5'9"
    Age/Gender: 25/male
    Highest weight- 181lbs
    Current Weight- 171lbs
    Lowest weight- 164 (since i can remember)

    Goal weigh- above 12 stone with <8% body fat
  • jwool40
    jwool40 Posts: 26
    Height: 5' 3"
    Age: 40 yr old female
    Highest Weight: 251 lbs
    Current Weight: 198 lbs
    Lowest Weight: 156 lbs before my children 17 years ago!
    Goal Weight: 170 lbs

    I started my diet in May 2012, kind of went off track for about 5-6 months and started again on Feb 22nd and have been doing great. Lost 26 lbs since starting back up and had kept off 26 lbs from before!
  • rlw0031
    rlw0031 Posts: 88 Member
    5'1, age 36, female

    Highest weight 172 being pregnant, not being pregnant 160-165

    Current weight 140

    Lowest weight 110-115

    Goal weight 125-130

    BMI Ideal 105-110 which is not so attainable for me and I don't think I would be or look healthy with my weight that low. unlike the previous poster, I tend to not have a waist and bloat easily after eating.
  • Wolfe1759
    Wolfe1759 Posts: 81 Member
    Height: 5'9"
    Age/Gender: 45 yrs. female
    Highest weight: 333.9 lbs (it was probably higher, but that's what I weighed when I dared hop on the scale)
    Current Weight: 221 lbs
    Lowest weight: 155 as a 19 year old; 165 as an adult
    Goal weight: 165
  • blodk66
    blodk66 Posts: 60 Member
    Height: 5'3
    Age: 46
    Gender: Female
    Highest : 170
    Current: 123.8
    Lowest: 108 at 25 years old
    BF 24%
    Goal: 114
  • Babsey89
    Babsey89 Posts: 1
    I'm 5'5, and 23 years old. The past 5 years have been full of weight fluctuations, some medical, some from stressful semesters, some because I was lazy.

    My Highest weight was 189. 60 pounds of which were gained in 5 months, due to medical issues. I steadily lost much of the weight and averaged around 150 for a while.

    I recently got back from a study abroad in Italy. All that walking and healthy food left me 30 lbs lighter, and feeling healthier than I had since high school. I've recently gained back a good portion of that :-( and am now 130. Looking to get back to the healthy state I was in!

    My lowest weight was 115 in my Junior year of High School. I was an irish dancer and couldn't keep weight on me for long!
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