Things That Ruin Your Workout!!!



  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Dude, you have lost 142 pounds?!?!? Keep holding on if need be. That is AWESOME! Though, I'm not sure about either piece myself. The holding on or how it bothers someone else's workout.


    I do not run, but walk. I have been increasing my speed, but I still walk. I can feel the belt on the treadmill slip sometimes, and I really don't want to blow out my knee. So I hold on to the rails. How me holding on to the rails of the treadmill I am on impedes someone else's workout is still a mystery to me. (If I was hanging on to THEIR rails, maybe. LOL!) I also do 5K events on the pavement. No rails there, but no treadmill belt to slip either.

    For those of you who feel that my holding the rails RUINS YOUR WORKOUT, please elaborate. And in the process, don't trip over the 142 pounds of junk that have piled up behind my treadmill.

  • Having to pee!

    OMG!!! That happened to me yesterday on the treadmill...I was so pissed. ONly had 10 minutes left to go and there was no way I could hold it with all the water I drink during the day!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
  • Cre8veLifeR
    Cre8veLifeR Posts: 1,062 Member
    When I am SUPER busy with work or at home and feel restless and don't enjoy my workout. So basically my attitude.
  • The folks that come to Zumba class late and then want to jump the front-freakin'-row!!!!!

    Come on time or take your *kitten*$$ to the back!!!!

    Drives me completely BANANAS!!!!
  • musicstardust67
    musicstardust67 Posts: 299 Member
  • Mharren
    Mharren Posts: 60
    - Other people making 'exhale' noises for emphasis. It's like their doing Ki-yah's or something and their only lifting 20lbs free weights. When some guy benching 180lbs males some noise, thats cool.

    - People I know from School or Work. This is my business, go away.

    - When running, losing my spot in the military cadence I sing in my head. Usually cause someone rolls up and wants to chat.

    - Subluxating or Dislocating a joint. I have EDS so this happens randomly and even though it doesn't hurt, I have to stop.

    - People who invite themselves to compete with me, or boldly challenge me and insist despite my communication that I would like to be left alone.

    - Someone walking in while I've headphones in and who stands at the door watching until I turn around and feel 'caught'.

    - Undergrad guys (mostly guys) talking as loudly as they can on the weight floor of the Uni's gym about pseudo-health science and how much they know and how many chicks they've banged.

    - Guys that point out the women (or guys) in the gym that they've banged or believe they will bang.