Fit Bit?? A good tool??

Do you use fit bit? Which product do you use? Is it accurate? Is it something you can't live without?? It's pretty pricey so I'd love to get some input before deciding.

Thanks so much for your good, bad and ugly...



  • Amy106Days
    Amy106Days Posts: 172 Member
    Bump, I keep seeing people mention them but would like more info
  • rekite2000
    rekite2000 Posts: 218 Member
    I really like mine. I just bought it last week ( fit bit one). Definitly motivates me to walk more and I tend to go up and down my stairs a lot more. I like the information it gives me. It appears to be accurate. It is neat to see the sleep info too. Will I always wear it, I think so, but I tend to get bored with things!
  • mrscruz625
    mrscruz625 Posts: 59 Member
    I have the fitbit one. I love it. It encourages me to get up and move more. A few friends have them too and we have friendly compitions with each other. I walk around the house to get my steps up, park further away when going to the stores and walk up and down the stairs more. I bought mine on home shopping club where they have flex pay. (not a credit card) so I paid 25 bucks a month for 4 months.
    It synchs with MFP. Shows you the calories you are burning all day. Shows you how well you sleep at night..I haven't found one negative thing about it!! LOVE the fit bit!!
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    I've been using mine for about 6 months and I love it. I don't know if it's accurate and I know it's not necessary, but it's very fun and motivating.
  • L8dyJ
    L8dyJ Posts: 103 Member
    I have a FitBit One and I loooove it! It is so motivating and it keeps you on track. It forces you to challenge yourself to meet your goals. It also sends you weekly reports on your progress. Great
  • ckbabs
    ckbabs Posts: 3 Member
    I would love to know if you have any recommendations on which one is best and how exactly they work. Tricky to upload data?
  • c2hrist3a
    c2hrist3a Posts: 67 Member
    I just got my fitbit one this week too and I love it.

    It's not hard to use, no tricks to download the program, you plug in the little usb thing (I'm a tech idiot) and it auto detects everything, auto imports your information.

    It's a good tool. I don't like how it interfaces with MyFitnessPal, so I use myfitnesspal for the calorie consumption end of it and my fitbit for the calorie expediture end of my process.
  • stestut
    stestut Posts: 42
    I have the fitbit one. I love it. It encourages me to get up and move more. A few friends have them too and we have friendly compitions with each other. I walk around the house to get my steps up, park further away when going to the stores and walk up and down the stairs more. I bought mine on home shopping club where they have flex pay. (not a credit card) so I paid 25 bucks a month for 4 months.
    It synchs with MFP. Shows you the calories you are burning all day. Shows you how well you sleep at night..I haven't found one negative thing about it!! LOVE the fit bit!!

    Great!! Thank you for the info!!!
  • Sigmatam
    Sigmatam Posts: 5
    I have the fitbit ultra (older version) and I love it. It motivates me to get up and walk more even at work. The downside, I don't consistently use it.
  • peepsqueek
    peepsqueek Posts: 54 Member
    I have the Fitbit one and love it :) I have had it since January and never leave home without it. I do not use the food database that fitbit provides because I find MFP is much more accurate and a wider range of foods. I find this little tool keeps me motivated and its a fun and friendly competition with others on the fitbit site :)
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    I have a Body Media arm band and love it. It tracks steps, exercise, calories burned, and sleep. I also like how it can't be left on a pair of pants and thrown in the wash (I had a friend do that to 2 of hers). I don't even realize I'm wearing it now it's so much a part of me. I take it off to go swimming or take a shower and that's it!!
  • clemsontiger78
    clemsontiger78 Posts: 19 Member
    I love mine! I had a fitbit ultra since September and loved to track how much I have walked over times. I washed mine....x3 and it finally stopped working (The first two times I threw it in a bag of rice and it worked again) When I emailed fitbit for a solution the third time, they offered to sell me a new fitbit one at less than half price, even though I was the boneheaded idiot that washed it. Their customer service is top notch and I really missed not having one while it shipped. It came yesterday and I am a happy woman again.
  • ohmygod45
    ohmygod45 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi, I have had my fit bit ultra since February, it is like having a personal trainer! I actually went to work and forgot it today! I was beside myself. Would highly recommend getting one!
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    So the Fit Bit tracks steps and stairs? Or does it track overall activity?
  • mnms0802
    mnms0802 Posts: 4
    I have also been looking into the FitBit= so glad to see others give their opinion on them! I was also looking at the Weight Watchers "Active Link" but for me, the big turn off on that is that they want you to pay a $5.00 per month subscription to use it. I think that paying for it to begin with should be enough, and then if I stop the monthly subscription, it is of no use to me. So I think I will go with the FitBit. I have heard great reviews on them!! Thanks :)
  • determined_erin
    determined_erin Posts: 571 Member
    I love BodyMedia. It's similar to FitBit, but you wear it on your arm. It is more accurate with scientific measurements, versus the FitBit using Wii controller technology.

    The BodyMedia armband tracks steps, calories burned, calories consumed (can sync with MyFitnessPal), moderate vs vigorous activity, amount of sleep vs just laying in bed, weight loss progress, etc. Here is a demo of the statistics you would get: .

    The first week I got BodyMedia, I lost 7 lbs. It really, really opened my eyes to what I needed to do better and motivated me to exercise. I use MyFitnessPal for tracking food and BodyMedia for tracking exercise and sleep.
  • walkee
    walkee Posts: 29 Member
    FitBitter in the house!! I really enjoy my fitbit. I started out with fitbit ultra until it died... I mourned :cry: over it a couple of weeks then decided to purchase Fitbit One :smile: . It's addicting to press forward to reach your goal or EXCEED it! I give it a thumbs up for purchase.
  • stestut
    stestut Posts: 42
    I love mine! I had a fitbit ultra since September and loved to track how much I have walked over times. I washed mine....x3 and it finally stopped working (The first two times I threw it in a bag of rice and it worked again) When I emailed fitbit for a solution the third time, they offered to sell me a new fitbit one at less than half price, even though I was the boneheaded idiot that washed it. Their customer service is top notch and I really missed not having one while it shipped. It came yesterday and I am a happy woman again.

    Great Info!! Thank you!!
  • stestut
    stestut Posts: 42
    You all are awesome!! Thanks for all the info!!! It sounds like I need to grab one then start a little friendly competition between us all! :happy:

    Looking forward to reading more replies and learning more about it.

    Thank you!!!
  • Gordo1981
    Gordo1981 Posts: 59 Member
    I got a fitbit last month. I wear it, I like that I can leave my MFP on sedentary when making goals, then each evening when the fitbit syncs up I usually get a credit for the walking that I do during the day. This allows me to have a little evening treat.

    It is a tool, don't buy one because they are nifty gadgets. It can be a way to tack some energy expendatures in your life. It will not capture everything. I am not sure everyone who gets one will wear it in a years time, or if they do how motivating it will be, but I am enjoying mine for right now.