What are you eating for breakfast ?

I always feel like I eat the same thing. Just wondering what everyone is eating for breakfast?


  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    Things I've had for breakfast this month:
    --Peanut butter toast
    --French toast
    --Fried eggs on toast
    --oatmeal with peanut butter and chocolate pudding
    --cereal and milk
    --Bacon and cheese sandwich
    --Egg, bacon, and cheese sandwich
    --Ham and cheese crescent rolls
    --leftover pizza
  • andii4
    andii4 Posts: 23
    This morning for breakfast I had a protein shake. I just started back up on the whole eating right and working out thing. Been a while.. Anyway the shake had a scoop of warrior blend vegan vanilla protein powder, greek vanilla yougurt, a pouch of sambazon acai berry smoothie pack and some pinapple juice, oh and a table spoon of virgin coconut oil - whip it up in the blender and there you go. It seems like they are selling those hard, thick plastic cups with the straw everywhere now so I throw it in that and stick it in the freezer until I leave for work. Then I drink it in the car on the way in. When I actually do this I feel less hungry during the day.
    I also will do the oatmeal or ceral in the morning too. I've also done hard boild eggs and fruit. Hope that helps!
  • j75j75
    j75j75 Posts: 854 Member
    I rotate between steel cut oats and muesli on weekdays. I mix them with coconut oil and chocolate protein powder, then I add in blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries. Sometimes I go for a homemade shake.

    Weekends I might go with potatoes o'brian, eggs, bacon, pancakes, and/or fruit. Unless I am eating out, then who knows
  • Mharren
    Mharren Posts: 60
    If I do eat breakfast, or at least the first meal of my shift, its usually yogurt. I like to grab a banana or a pear too, but sometimes I have some eggs and a few breakfast sausages, but usually....yogurt. It's like a staple food in my fridge.
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    fruit n fibre for the last month
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    Weekdays are yogurt with fresh berries, a couple eggs scrambled with spinach and cherry tomatoes or a piece of toast with 1 TB PB. When I have more time on the weekend I make oatmeal or have a couple fried eggs with toast.
  • JennChamb
    JennChamb Posts: 55
    Something I've been enjoying lately is quick oats cooked with unsweetened almond milk and mix in a mashed banana. It's sugar free (minus the natural sugar in the banana, and is really yummy.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    I often have scrambled egg whites with a slice of cheese on a whole wheat English muffin, low carb bread, or, my latest obsession, one slice of rye toast.

    Oatmeal with egg whites mixed in with cinnamon and maybe raisins.

    Today I had Van's protein waffles with PB2. I got both last night at the grand opening of our new Whole Foods. So yummy.

    I like to add things like guacamole to my egg white scrambles or spread on the bread, or Laughing Cow cheeses, cream cheese or hummus. Salsa is delicious with eggs, too. Greek yogurt is a good oatmeal mix-in for added protein, and it's great as breakfast on it's own with fruit.
  • Terry4505
    Shakeology mixed with a scoop of protein and PB2 every morning.

    I am a teacher and it keeps me full until lunch while doing high intensity workouts.
  • KylieJordan16
    KylieJordan16 Posts: 36 Member
    My usuals are:

    English muffin, canadian bacon & 2 eggs
    2 eggs with turkey sausage or canadian bacon w/ peppers & toast
    Oatmeal with various flavors
    This amazing gluten-free pancake I found on accident
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    During the week, egg whites (sometimes with ham sometimes just with texas pete hot sauce). never change it up because I love egg whites and make my own little omelette.
  • dewsmom78
    dewsmom78 Posts: 498 Member
    I'm pretty boring, but I like quick meals:

    1 egg and 2 egg whites scrambled with shredded cheese
    Oatmeal - I eat a gluten free one, apple cinnamon with flax - very filling
  • junipearl
    junipearl Posts: 326 Member
    today i ate blueberry cinnamon flax cereal with almond milk and a bunch of strawberries and banana sliced on top. Often I will add chia seeds to this mixture as well.

    other favorite breakfasts:
    - chia pudding - put 3 tbs of chia seeds in 1 cup of almond/soy milk and add your choice of sweetener (vanilla, agave nectar, maple syrup, cinnamon, brown sugar, etc.) and then refrigerate overnight and you'll have a delicious creation in the morning! throw in some raspberries or blueberries for some fresh flavor.
    - protein shake - protein powder and almond milk with frozen fruit and seeds of some sort
    - oatmeal made with rolled oats, fruit, and a variety of other materials

    basically i like things where I can mix it up and add different things to make a new creation every day! things like hemp hearts, qia/holy crap super food cereals, chia seeds, goji berries and other berries, and all the natural sweeteners I mentioned above can be mixed and matched so you never get bored =)
  • trist22
    trist22 Posts: 5
    Egg white omlet with peppers, jalepeno's, onion and low fat shredded cheese, whole grain toast, blueberries
    Egg white tortilla wrap made with spinach and cheese, berries on side
    or a whole grain english muffin topped with a tbs. peanutbutter, berries on the side..
    Those seem to be my go-to lately ( and if I am really in a rush, I eat one of those de-lite's from the freezer section).
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    During the week, I eat pretty much the same thing...

    Coach's Oats with strawberries, scrambled eggs, low sodium v8. I'm a creature of habit and don't really mind. Oatmeal and other foods high in soluble fiber are a big part of my diet as I am trying to fight high levels of LDL with diet and exercise rather than a pill. So far, I'm winning.

    I branch out and do a big cooked breakfast on the weekends with bacon and all kinds of other goodness.
  • Mr_Steve_V
    Something I've been enjoying lately is quick oats cooked with unsweetened almond milk and mix in a mashed banana. It's sugar free (minus the natural sugar in the banana, and is really yummy.

    I couldn't stand the unsweetened milk. I use the regular vanilla milk but instead of whole cup milk with half cup oats, I use 2/3 cup. I also sprinkle cinnamon. I will try mashed up banana
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    Favorite breakfast is 2 egg whites (have nothing against yolks nutritionally, I just don't like the taste of them at all) with some other stuff scrambled in - you can do anything you want. I do breakfast sausage with cheddar cheese and green salsa, asparagus and either goat cheese or good white cheddar and bacon, mozzarella cheese and zucchini and mushrooms, ham and cheddar and broccoli...literally endless possibilities.
  • ieatcleanerthanyou
    Oatmeal. Everyday! I absolutely L-O-V-E my oats.
    I vary it by adding cinnamon, raisins or berries on top. Or some days a little milk :-)

    - pancakes (1 egg, 2 egg whites, 1 banana, 1tsp bakingpowder) or (1 egg, 1 banana, 2 tbs oats, cinnamon, 1 tsp bakingpowder) top with fresh fruits like berries, mango, kiwis and vanilla low-fat quark or cottage cheese.
    - omelets (1 egg, 2 egg whites, salt, white pepper, some water) and add ham, mushrooms, bell peppers, onions, spinach, low-fat cheese
  • AshNoel85
    AshNoel85 Posts: 25 Member
    a 6 oz cup of Greek Yogurt and 1/4 cup raw almonds. It hold me over till lunch