How Do I Block Feeling HUNGRY ALL.THE. TIME???

I've been exercising and eating healthy foods for the past month and a half or so. Recently I can tell my metabolism has really spiked from all the activity and clean food. Great! But now I'm sooooo. friggin. HUNGRY. All the time. Constantly wanting to eat something. What are some tips and tricks you all use to get your mind off of the cravings to eat everything in sight?

BTW... I'm not severely limiting my caloric intake, either. I get a healthy 1600-1900 calories per day. 2000 in the past couple of days. :/


  • LisaInUP
    LisaInUP Posts: 63 Member
    Try more fiber dense food like broccoli or stringless snow peas? I try herbal tea first, then chew gum and then grab the peas :wink:
  • OriginalKatie
    OriginalKatie Posts: 119 Member
    Maybe you need to include more protein in your diet? Protein and also good fats will help you feel fuller for longer. Also if you use protein powders, look for one that's called "calcium caseinate" which is a "slow release" protein (as opposed to quickly metabolised protein like whey isolates).
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I drink more.
  • palmerar
    palmerar Posts: 489 Member
    When I get like that sometime if I indulge in something high in fat it satisfies me, like a cheeseburger, or chicken sandwich with lots of cheese and bacon and regular mayo. After reducing the amount of those types of foods (reducing not eliminating) I sometimes need a good portion of it. Also, try having a larger meal than normal, that may help.
  • Tim_ww37
    Tim_ww37 Posts: 11
    How often do you eat? I eat every two to three hours, so I never really have that problem as I know my next meal or snack is right around the corner. But I agree with everyone higher fiber and protein and even occasional fat will help you feel fuller longer. Also, constantly drink water. Just have a bottle with you at all times.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Are you netting 1600-1900? Or is that how much you're eating in total with exercise?
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    If you figure out the way to block feeling hungry all the time - LET ME KNOW!!!!! I think at this point its mental cause I have tried all the different ways to eat and I still feel that way.
  • Msdays007
    Msdays007 Posts: 10 Member
    Fiber and water!! Peanuts also keep me full longer.
  • campcarver919
    Sometimes I take a couple of pieces of sugarfree pepermint gum and JUST CHEW! Or try a good bubble gum and just blow bubbles like a kid. I find that sometimes it's not so much hunger, but wanting to chew something. Peppermint gum tends to settle my stomach as well. Good luck!
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    I had a similar issue, and found that switching foods helped. I used to eat a lot of veggies/fresh stuff, but never hit my protein goals. Now I eat greek yogurt for breakfast, a lunch with protein, nuts, fruits, and veggies, and try to eat a ton of veggies and protein at home. I have started snacking on PB2 - 45 calories of that will keep hunger pains away. Also drink a ton of water.
  • kimberly728
    kimberly728 Posts: 124
    drink more water. if i feel hungry in between my meals/snacks i chug a glass of water, give it 10 minutes. if im still feeling hungry then ill have a small snack like an apple or something.
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    Try to balance eating calorie-dense/satiation foods such as those higher in protein and fat (meat, fish, nuts/seeds and their butters, avocados, greek yogurt, olive oil, etc.) with more bulky/voluminous foods to keep your stomach feeling full while also giving you plenty of nutrients (lots of veggies!). If you're already doing these things maybe your body is trying to tell you that you really do need more calories despite not eating very low. Just as an example, I'm mostly sedentary with maybe 30-40 of light to moderate exercise most days (I literally do mean light, I can talk easily through an entire workout) and I eat on average 1,500-1,600 calories per day and that includes eating back most of my exercise calories. I am 5'6" and 135lbs so you can gauge.
  • JennyJo23
    JennyJo23 Posts: 33
    I usually eat breakfast a lean shake with some fruit, then a few hours later I eat a snack celery with PB, or some chex mix, then lunch a few hours later. Then a few hours later I eat something else for a snack apples with caramel or carrots. Then dinner a bit later and a few hours after dinner I eat something light like a popsicle or air popped pop corn. I drink water constantly through out the day I drink either tea or sprite zero for lunch and dinner just to give the water a break, lol. There are times I feel hungry and I just chew gum or do something so I don't think about it.. Hope you get full, lol..:glasses:
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Food usually does it for me.

    sometimes though, more water, more fiber, or more fat is what's missing. ONE time I went carb crazy and could not stop being hungry for more carbs until i got enough protein. This is why I like cheese in hunger emergencies. Both protein and fat to knock out two suspects at once.
  • jp051
    jp051 Posts: 2
    I keep a 1 liter bottle with me that I fill up 3 to 4 times through out the day. I squirt a bit of crystal light liquid in it for flavor (0 calories) and it takes care of my water intake for the day. Keeps me pretty full since the meals are so small on a 1200 calorie per day plan.
  • mmyers1129
    mmyers1129 Posts: 67 Member
    Eat all the time just eat smaller portions every 2 hrs
  • casy84
    casy84 Posts: 290 Member
    I drink more.

    This, your body may confuse thirst with hunger. Drink some water before opening the fridge and if you're still hungry in 30 min then eat
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    I drink more.

    This is my answer to most situations...

    although we probably mean different things
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I drink more.

    This, your body may confuse thirst with hunger. Drink some water before opening the fridge and if you're still hungry in 30 min then eat

    Even if you are, keep drinking. Fluids can abate hunger pains.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I drink more.

    Me too.

    Vodka, beer, and red wine FTW.