Ladies how much do you squat???



  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    I know I'm crashing this party, being the wrong gender and all, but where do you rest the bar?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I have been lifting heavy for about 4 months now and last night I was able to increase my weight on barbell squats to 110. Some of the guys at my gym seem impressed by this. I didn't think that was too impressive. So I was just interested to see where other ladies are at with their squats.

    That's not too shabby at all...and generally very impressive given that one rarely sees a woman in the squat rack period. As you progress, you will also learn to push yourself even further...what I mean is that you think you're pushing yourself now...but really you are most likely capable of more, just haven't figured out how to really make yourself uncomfortable..but keep your form...and still push up the weight. That comes with time and experience...also hard to do at a deficit.

    My wife is 5'3" and weighs 125 Lbs and she squats 3x5 @ 120 Lbs right now...she's supposed to attempt 125 Lbs tomorrow and get to her body weight....she's jealous that I just hit that goal on my squats and deads earlier this week...hahaha! (not 125, but my body weight + 2 Lbs) She's been doing this about 4 months along with me. She did have an advantage starting out though as she's no stranger to the weight room and has been a life long me, she's just taken the past decade or so off and been lazy. She's also eating at maintenance which gives here a nice energy boost.
  • airen123
    airen123 Posts: 149
    5'3, 135 lbs, squat 3x8 at 115, going for 120 next week.
  • mili5726
    mili5726 Posts: 116 Member
    Well I am sore at the very bottom of my neck almost upper back. Am I resting it too high?
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    I dropped my weight to 95lb being pregnant but pre-preggo I was at 175.
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    I am currently at 105 but I am going for 115 on Saturday. I use a Smith machine so I know it's easier...
    Am at 85 lbs on the smith machine :)

    Get out of the smith machine!!!
  • I'm still fairly new to "heavy" squats.

    High bar: 115 x 5, not my max 5RM but pretty close. I need to retest my 1RM soon. I was at 120 about 2 months ago and I know that number has to be higher now. My goal within the next few months is a bodyweight squat....which means I might need to get on the scale soon :(

    My low bar squat is a little lower, mostly because I'm not completely comfortable with the form yet.
  • mili5726
    mili5726 Posts: 116 Member
    cwolfman13 I have been in shape before too. Although I was never a heavy lifter. I was out of shape about two years and decided to make a change in January and haven't looked back and don't plan to. I love lifting weights and it just keeps me coming back for more. I am hooked.
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    Well I am sore at the very bottom of my neck almost upper back. Am I resting it too high?

    If you ask a weightlifter (me), no, if you ask a powerlifter, they will probably say yes.

    Low bar powerlifting style, I'm not all that up on, high bar olympic style, which it sounds like you're doing, the best thing I can say is that it helps to develop your traps a bit, so you have some muscular padding for the bar to sit on, otherwise it can be almost directly on bone, which will cause (even more) discomfort. That said, its never going be super comfortable, like laying in a nice bed!

    I think this is something that smaller lifters generally suffer with, it's the same in the front squat, as the bigger lifters have more shoulder and chest to set the bar on.
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    I love lifting weights and it just keeps me coming back for more. I am hooked.

    Is this the moment where I pull out all the stops with my spiel and drag you into the world of competitive weightlifting?
  • Tlove1111
    Tlove1111 Posts: 69 Member
    I'm stuck @125lbs at the moment..
    I work out at home, so I'm hesitant to add too much more at the risk of injuring myself.
  • mili5726
    mili5726 Posts: 116 Member
    I have never thought about competitive weigh lifting. I love it but not sure if I have the dedication for that or not. I still have about 40 pounds to lose from my 2 year hiatus from exercising and eating right.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Legs are not my strong point and I prefer to lift in the hypertrophy range (8-12) over strength. I squatted 120 LB for 8 reps this week and add weight each week. I'm 5'2 115 lb. Goal is to be at 135 LB by June.

    Edited to add: Don't get too caught up on what others can or cannot do. Best piece of advice I've been given is to check your ego at the door when it comes to lifting. I rather do a lighter weight with proper form and correctly than try to throw a heavier weight around that's poor form or of poor quality. I saw a guy do this the other day after I squatted and he said something rude. He then proceeds to get in after me, backwards and then has the poorest form I've ever seen. He obviously was new and didnt know, but he was one slip away from a horrible injury.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Working out with my PT this morning, 70 kg (50 kg plus 20 kg bar) and getting low.

    I have developed traps, but still use a pad for comfort.
  • cjlorigan
    cjlorigan Posts: 209 Member
    Doing stronglifts for about 6 weeks??? I weigh 170# and can 5 x 5 125# on the rack. I use the pad that wraps around the bar for any soreness.

    I have temporarily stopped squatting though due to as sore lower back (not sure from what) so I moved to angled leg presses...hit 230# for 5 x 5 last night.
  • mili5726
    mili5726 Posts: 116 Member
    I feel a little strain in my lower back when I do squats as well. My trainer said my form is good so I am not sure why that is. I have never felt injured though, I just feel a little strain after I do a set, especially when I increase my weight.
  • Altruista75
    Altruista75 Posts: 409 Member
    I got up to 135# 25x's w/ the StrongLifts program. I quit it to do something else at the moment but plan on getting back into lifting again here shortly. My goal is 200# so we shall see.
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    You can be as serious or as relaxed about it as you like.

    You don't need to go for Olympic gold, but having competitions makes the setting of PBs and trying to beat your previous competition lifts all the more fun.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    cwolfman13 I have been in shape before too. Although I was never a heavy lifter. I was out of shape about two years and decided to make a change in January and haven't looked back and don't plan to. I love lifting weights and it just keeps me coming back for more. I am hooked.

    Lifting is awesome. My wife was a college rugby player; she played hooker (ok, everybody get their laughs in) so she was always in front and center in a she's always had to have a good deal of brute strength. It was one of the things that impressed me most when I met her. One of our first dates was at the gym...when I saw her actually go to the free weights first, I pretty much fell in love right then and there.
  • mili5726
    mili5726 Posts: 116 Member
    More ladies should lift. I am usually the only girl in the weight room. I used to be the cardio queen and a good girlfriend of mine asked me to workout with her. She focuses on lifting and after working out with her I was hooked. Plus I started seeing the most changes in my body when I started lifting. My weight has not changed drastically but I have gone down two sizes.