Why do you like yoga?



  • Philllbis
    Philllbis Posts: 801 Member
    I do an hour of Yoga once a week with a certified instructor. I'd love to do more but already work out 6 days a week, 3 days of lifting/cardio and 3 days of cardio. My preferred cardio is running.

    Yoga seems to undo all the stress I've put on my body through the lifting and running. My Yoga day falls on the day before my rest day and it allows me to recover enough to go hard again the next week.
  • Philllbis
    Philllbis Posts: 801 Member
    I love the way my body feels after a session but I do it purely to reduce stress levels. I havent kicked a puppy in weeks.

    Aw damn, I totally misunderstood Downward Dog.
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    because it feels good and has taught me how to listen to my body.
  • xXxHBICxXx
    xXxHBICxXx Posts: 370 Member
    I do Jillian Michael's yogameltdown and I love it. It is a great workout, i'm getting stronger and more flexible and the stress relief is awesome.
  • BellaRican85
    I recently found a bikram yoga studio and I LOVE it!!! It's hot yoga. Is like being in a sauna doing yoga. Is very relaxing and you can burn up to 1000 calories per session. I started doing it only once a week but now I am doing it every Friday, Saturday and Sunday! One of my co-workers invited me with her and we have been going ever since. Even my husband enjoys it. He has a leg injury and the steam and stretches have really been helping him!!! :love:
  • Bberl
    Bberl Posts: 32
  • ZyheeMoongazer
    ZyheeMoongazer Posts: 343 Member
    Yoga for me is a spiritual and meditative experience. Its a time where I clear my mind and focus on my body. I reconnect myself with the earth and the world around me.

    After Yin class I always feel light of foot and spirit. The rest of my day is better and I find that I am a more caring and peaceful person.

    Now that is me... Little weird and too New Age for some.

    Yoga for some is just another add in for their healthy lifestyle. A balance between their weight training and cardio, to maintain or increase flexibility.
  • synthomarsh
    synthomarsh Posts: 189 Member
    for me I started just over 2 months ago.... since then I increased it from 1 1/2 hours once a week to 1 hour every day and then on my pure yoga day 2 1/2 hours spread over three sessions.

    benefits ive noticed so far:

    flexibility: huge increase here for me.... I used to take tae kwon do in college so I have always been more flexible than most but I stopped for about 4 years, 2 months of yoga and I am almost just as flexible as I was 4 years ago (took tkd for 4 years got red belt)

    strength: I have been doing other work outs as well but I used to struggle 20 minutes into the 95 minute yoga session now I finish the 95 minutes and could go running right after, when I started I could only hold wheel pose for about 5 seconds now I can do it for 50 seconds still trying to get a full minute

    abs: I hate doing ab work outs they are the worst... Id rather do some plankin and yoga since I have started my plank went from like 40 seconds to about 3 minutes

    balance: most noticeable change of all.... like i previously said being a red belt in tkd I always felt like I had good balance until I started yoga balance postures like twisting half moon and was falling and rolling over constantly. I can now do my whole session without tumbling typically (some times there is just no helping it) It has also inspired me to do other balance exercises like walking on top of a chain link fence (if you dont know how hard this is try it lol) I can now stand in tree pose for as long as I want.... I've even practiced after drinking and lets just say if it wasnt for the eye test there is no way I could fail a field sobriety test

    stress: There is a noticeable difference in a day when I wake up and do my morning yoga or I sleep in and don't get it in... I am truly more stable less irritable. I feel like I am getting the relaxed nature of a hippie lol. this has helped me tremendously at work as I work as a teacher with kids 4-7 years old my patience with them is way better thus I am more effective at my job

    secret knowledge: there is something to be said about meditation and exploring ones true self. I am a practicing Taoist and believe really deeply in having mind body and soul in balance. Yoga has helped me to bring the three together in balance. In the western culture we are so focused on our looks do i fit into a size whatever that we forget to cultivate our spirit. Yoga is a great way to focus the all three aspects your body is changing for the better, your mind is getting past the i can't stretch this far or that pose is impossible to hold and if you can focus it wraps your spirit into everything you do. have you ever noticed yoga instructors are some of the happiest people in the world? you will learn secrete knowledge about yourself that no one can teach you, you have to delve into your own spirit to learn these things

    and of course relaxation: those who say they find it boring not relaxing probably aren't the type of people that like to meditate. No big deal to each their own, but when you get down with a 1.5 hour yoga session where you really push your body to do things you couldn't do the day before well after I am done I have a major release of endorphin's and feel like a million bucks.... its one of the best feelings in the world

    and this is with just 2 months of practice..... I can't wait to see what its like after 10 years.

    anyway thats just my two cents on it best of luck to your journey
  • synthomarsh
    synthomarsh Posts: 189 Member
    Yoga for me is a spiritual and meditative experience. Its a time where I clear my mind and focus on my body. I reconnect myself with the earth and the world around me.

    After Yin class I always feel light of foot and spirit. The rest of my day is better and I find that I am a more caring and peaceful person.

    Now that is me... Little weird and too New Age for some.

    Yoga for some is just another add in for their healthy lifestyle. A balance between their weight training and cardio, to maintain or increase flexibility.

    so agree! maybe I am turning into a new age hippie though lol