Weighing yourself: How often is best??



  • kaydrinkscoffee
    I used to give myself grief about being obsessive and weighing myself too often when I was losing weight, but then research came out that said there might be an advantage to that. So, I embrace the obsession. When I stop weighing myself at least once a day, I stop losing weight. I think I need the pavlovian happiness boost that I get from seeing that number.


    ^ I like this idea!

    Thanks everyone for the advice, I think what I'll do is weigh daily, but only weigh-in on MFP every Friday. That way I'll stay motivated but record a more reliable amount of weight. :)
  • RawCarrots
    RawCarrots Posts: 204 Member
    I used to give myself grief about being obsessive and weighing myself too often when I was losing weight, but then research came out that said there might be an advantage to that. So, I embrace the obsession. When I stop weighing myself at least once a day, I stop losing weight. I think I need the pavlovian happiness boost that I get from seeing that number.

    I need the daily boost too to stay on track :-) The ups and downs used to annoy me but since I've read here about tracking the average I've really embraced my obsession, my weight chart is up and down like a yo-yo most days, yet the average has been steadily coming down.

    I do admit though on few occasions when I had an unexplained lb or two gain, I did started stripping pjs, even took off my hairband, lol (would have taken out my fillings if I could ;)

    I know I will start weighing less often as time goes on but for now it keeps me on track and educates me about my body.
  • acasper3
    acasper3 Posts: 27 Member
    i do once a week

    I have gotten in the habbit of doing the same because then I don't worry myself.
  • Lunachic77
    Lunachic77 Posts: 434 Member
    Pick one day of the week. For instance, mine is Sunday. Weigh yourself the same time of day on that day (preferably in the morning)...that's it. Don't do it everyday, because weight fluctuates so much (water, food, stress). This will really let you see your progress and not have to fret about weighing yourself daily.
  • malbrown24
    I weigh myself ever morning, but that's because I've just started on MFP this week, I've never dieted before and I'm too impatient to wait til the end of the week to see if there is any improvement ☺

    Once I can see if what I'm doing is having any effect (fingers crossed!) then I will reduce it to 2 x week
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    Only you will know what works for you. I weigh every day because it prevents me from playing a game on myself, thinking that after a weekly weighing I'm off the hook for a few days. For me, every day weighing first thing in the morning keeps me on task. If you look at my progress every day, it's up and down up and down but over the course of a week or so, the trend is down. The last couple days I've lost weight. Sometime in the next couple some of those (but not all) will creep back. I know this is normal. But the daily weighing is a daily reminder of what I'm about doing.
  • piritaoro
    piritaoro Posts: 17 Member
    Once every 2 weeks works well for me. I weigh first thing in the morning before breakfast.
  • lambchoplewis
    Only you will know what works for you. I weigh every day because it prevents me from playing a game on myself, thinking that after a weekly weighing I'm off the hook for a few days. For me, every day weighing first thing in the morning keeps me on task. If you look at my progress every day, it's up and down up and down but over the course of a week or so, the trend is down. The last couple days I've lost weight. Sometime in the next couple some of those (but not all) will creep back. I know this is normal. But the daily weighing is a daily reminder of what I'm about doing.

    I agree with you!! I do the exact same thing. Weighing myself everyday keeps me from shoving things into my mouth as I know I will have to face the scale in the morning. At least I think twice!!!! I know it fluctuates but I also look at the trend. I have been maintaining for about 8 months and need this to stay the same weight.
  • rekite2000
    rekite2000 Posts: 218 Member
    I weigh daily and have an app that tracks the trend. I like data and it keeps things in perspective. Like today, I am up a pound, but my over trend is still moving down. Measurements cause me more stress.
  • capergirl770
    capergirl770 Posts: 23 Member
    I was doing it everyday but I am switching to once a week. I am one of the ones who obsesses about the number and it will make me depressed and ruin my whole day. However, once I get to my goal weight and go to maintenance (if that ever happens) then I will weigh everyday to make sure I always stay on track. Thats what happened to me last time, I stopped weighing and gained 25lbs.
  • blytonrocks
    blytonrocks Posts: 183 Member
    i used to be a serial scale hopper (even to the point of re-weighing after umm using the bathroom!!), but i totally amazed myself recently by giving away my scales. I want my clothes to tell me if I lost weight, and anyways I realized that for me at least, the journey I'm on, is about so much more than weight!

    All the best with whatever you decide!