Is it bad my daughter wants to shred?!?



  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    I try not to assume anything and that coupled with the fact I could care less how you were brought up makes for good personal results. Congrats on your chubby baby They are the cutest! Whether you are brought up with good habits and taught these things matters not now if you are old and fat. I am simply saying if these methods were implemented at a young age the chances of that child growing up to be a fatty is lowered. I grew up just like I am teaching my children and I got fat.Now I admit it was due to other factors (drugs and drinking) but I knew better! I knew better ALL the way around. It is just a preventative tool to use within your home or in your family so to avoid future issues that s all. It is not meant to be oh I am better than you you are a crappy parent for not doing this. It is info take it...use it..spread it......No a six yr old shouldnt be worried about being fat but yes she should learn the preventative measures to never experience that lifestyle. If it is done correctly ED and other issues like it are NEVER an end result.

    What I fail to see is how you don't understand that a narrow minded focus on fat can be harmful to children, adults too. Instead of focusing on exercise and food choices as a way to avoid becoming fat why not focus on exercise and food choices as a way to be healthy?

    I think it is fine for your daughter to do 30 day shred with you, it sounds like a great way to spend time together. I would be a bit concerned about your daughter asking if she lost weight. As others suggested I would be careful about talking about calories, food restrictions, losing weight, and negative body image statements in front of your daughter. I would talk about healthy choices, moderation, and nutrition as a part of daily life while encouraging an active family lifestyle.

    Because being healthy doesnt have fatal consequences and being fat does. Bringing that to anyones attn instead of not mentioneing it or avoiding it helps no one. What is it with all you ppl twisting words to try and make something so simple as ..teach them how not to be fat(unhealthy) from an early age? Maybe if we educated children better when they are young enough to absorb it the word FAT wouldnt be so obviously taboo lol Get a grip ppl No matter how you word it it all comes down to one thing DONT GET FAT!
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    Oh yeah and as far as your ..narrow minded...comment, I said eating and exercise before I ever mentioned fat lol If that is narrow minded I need to go to the school you went to lol
  • Latona38
    Latona38 Posts: 111 Member
    I don't see anything wrong with it. Let the child exercise like mommy. It's a good thing considering the average American child is lazy, overweight and would rather watch TV. My daughter hears me talking about eating healthy, working out and watching my calories and she tries to imitate me (She's 8). As long as she's not developing a negative body image or trying to starve herself to be thin, let her be healthy and active with you.
    My daughter encourages me to eat healthy. when she's see's me grab junk food and she'll remind me " Mom, that's not healthy", Sometimes I listen to her, lol. It could motivate you.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    As others have said, focus on strength and health, rather than losing weight.

    To me, it is kind of weird to hear about kids working out, but it's merely an indication of how sedentary their lives have become. When I was a kid, I was very, very active just playing and riding my bike, but things are much different now.
  • SJ46
    SJ46 Posts: 407 Member
    I try not to assume anything and that coupled with the fact I could care less how you were brought up makes for good personal results. Congrats on your chubby baby They are the cutest! Whether you are brought up with good habits and taught these things matters not now if you are old and fat. I am simply saying if these methods were implemented at a young age the chances of that child growing up to be a fatty is lowered. I grew up just like I am teaching my children and I got fat.Now I admit it was due to other factors (drugs and drinking) but I knew better! I knew better ALL the way around. It is just a preventative tool to use within your home or in your family so to avoid future issues that s all. It is not meant to be oh I am better than you you are a crappy parent for not doing this. It is info take it...use it..spread it......No a six yr old shouldnt be worried about being fat but yes she should learn the preventative measures to never experience that lifestyle. If it is done correctly ED and other issues like it are NEVER an end result.

    What I fail to see is how you don't understand that a narrow minded focus on fat can be harmful to children, adults too. Instead of focusing on exercise and food choices as a way to avoid becoming fat why not focus on exercise and food choices as a way to be healthy?

    I think it is fine for your daughter to do 30 day shred with you, it sounds like a great way to spend time together. I would be a bit concerned about your daughter asking if she lost weight. As others suggested I would be careful about talking about calories, food restrictions, losing weight, and negative body image statements in front of your daughter. I would talk about healthy choices, moderation, and nutrition as a part of daily life while encouraging an active family lifestyle.

    Because being healthy doesnt have fatal consequences and being fat does. Bringing that to anyones attn instead of not mentioneing it or avoiding it helps no one. What is it with all you ppl twisting words to try and make something so simple as ..teach them how not to be fat(unhealthy) from an early age? Maybe if we educated children better when they are young enough to absorb it the word FAT wouldnt be so obviously taboo lol Get a grip ppl No matter how you word it it all comes down to one thing DONT GET FAT!

    Regarding the bolded, it isn't all about not getting fat it is all about being healthy. For myself, and my family at least. Being healthy is a positive message, DON'T GET FAT not so much.
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    MY daughter worksout with me she loves jillian michaels although she says her workouts are easy LOL. She is nearly 9 and very fit and active anyway. All of my children have seen me going out running doing workout DVDs and lifting weights for the last 3 years. This has had absolutely no influence on my boys at all they prefer to play computer games all day long, Lydia is the total opposite she is always on her bike and playing out. We have a home gym and she goes on the eliptical and swings on the pull up bars all with supervision. She also dances and does gymnastics.
    Unfortunately children are easily influenced and Lydia has at times said she is fat this hasn,t come from me but from girls at dancing and family members, I just tell her she is perfect (which she is ) and I exercise as it makes me healthy and keeps me happy. I encourage all my children to workout, at school I hated PE (and my boys do now) nobody is more shocked than me to find I love running and working out. My mum recently told me i used to workout with her when I was very small so this just proves what an influence we can have on our kids, as long as they are safe let them workout.
    Also we discuss healthy eating in our house all the time my children see me eating well and not starving myself but also not binge eating, I want my kids to know you can enjoy food and be healthy and you don,t have to starve yourself to be attractive. I in the past had an unhealthy obsession with food I was either starving myself following some stupid diet or binge eating I want my kids to know that eating properly and exercise is the best way. At the moment Lydias diet is terrible she is the definition of sugar addict but I hope my influence will eventually teach her the right way.
  • Bella0608
    Bella0608 Posts: 196 Member
    My 3 children aged 6,4 and 2 sometimes join in with a workout and can do some of it better than I can lol. I always tell them I'm working out to be healthy and they want to be healthy too! Why stop that??
  • ianandmand
    I've not read the whole thread as it's pretty huge.
    Healthy diet with all of the food groups that you've learned about from your dieting history.
    No processed junk, good mix of good fats, carbs, and protein. Lots of Vits and Mins... She has a lot of growing to do and give her the right fuel and bingo, she's off to a great start.

    Exercise wise, yes. Definitely. Keep her active and get her to love being active. It will also make you enjoy being active with her, I guess.

    Organised sports are great as is regular cardio and calisthenics. Anything else....I'd avoid personally, until she is older and her body has developed more.
    Good education about health and fitness and steer her until she realizes for herself that its the best way to go.

    Things like that will make you stand out as a great parent IMO
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    I try not to assume anything and that coupled with the fact I could care less how you were brought up makes for good personal results. Congrats on your chubby baby They are the cutest! Whether you are brought up with good habits and taught these things matters not now if you are old and fat. I am simply saying if these methods were implemented at a young age the chances of that child growing up to be a fatty is lowered. I grew up just like I am teaching my children and I got fat.Now I admit it was due to other factors (drugs and drinking) but I knew better! I knew better ALL the way around. It is just a preventative tool to use within your home or in your family so to avoid future issues that s all. It is not meant to be oh I am better than you you are a crappy parent for not doing this. It is info take it...use it..spread it......No a six yr old shouldnt be worried about being fat but yes she should learn the preventative measures to never experience that lifestyle. If it is done correctly ED and other issues like it are NEVER an end result.

    What I fail to see is how you don't understand that a narrow minded focus on fat can be harmful to children, adults too. Instead of focusing on exercise and food choices as a way to avoid becoming fat why not focus on exercise and food choices as a way to be healthy?

    I think it is fine for your daughter to do 30 day shred with you, it sounds like a great way to spend time together. I would be a bit concerned about your daughter asking if she lost weight. As others suggested I would be careful about talking about calories, food restrictions, losing weight, and negative body image statements in front of your daughter. I would talk about healthy choices, moderation, and nutrition as a part of daily life while encouraging an active family lifestyle.

    Because being healthy doesnt have fatal consequences and being fat does. Bringing that to anyones attn instead of not mentioneing it or avoiding it helps no one. What is it with all you ppl twisting words to try and make something so simple as ..teach them how not to be fat(unhealthy) from an early age? Maybe if we educated children better when they are young enough to absorb it the word FAT wouldnt be so obviously taboo lol Get a grip ppl No matter how you word it it all comes down to one thing DONT GET FAT!

    Regarding the bolded, it isn't all about not getting fat it is all about being healthy. For myself, and my family at least. Being healthy is a positive message, DON'T GET FAT not so much.

    For my family being healthy is also the main goal just like yours. Why you would assume it is any different baffles me. I clearly stated in my first posts that eating and exercise is the most important things to teach them to avoid them being fat and unhealthy. Talking about it early on is preventative so that they do not have ED's. Maybe you need to read this thread from beginning because I dont think you are working on full information of the conversations.
  • ianandmand
    Also, can I suggest that for her work outs, you give her 'mobility' exercises. Functional stuff.
    It helps in every day life and good mobility is essential in maintaining your physical health. Especially when shes older and hopefully wants to push herself a bit harder.
  • vixen0babs
    vixen0babs Posts: 25 Member
    I think it's awesome! Kids have a ton of energy to burn and teaching them at a young age that exercise can be FUN will serve them well as they get older! Just make sure she doesn't overdo it. Keep her hydrated and make sure she's eaten a healthy snack (like an apple) an hour or so before hand.
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    I have a 7 year old daughter walks 3 miles with me and tries to do rocking body with me ( its adorable) :heart:
  • ladybuggprincess99
    ladybuggprincess99 Posts: 142 Member
    My 6 year old daughter keeps asking if she can do the shred. She's even gone to the extent of you tubing to find it?!?

    My 7 year old trains with me and we talk about how mommy needs to "lose fat and eat healthier". Frankly, I'm not a language person, I'm a realist. She's going to grow up in the world where people aren't "sensitive" or nice to others in terms of looks/body comp/etc. She might as well start understanding the language others WILL use. I'd rather her take the time to learn healthy things now and never reach 287 pounds like I did. Sorry if it's a harsh view of the world, but it's the truth.
  • normakenn
    normakenn Posts: 14
    Kids and they learn!
    I "Zumba" 3 times a week so it was natural for my five year old daughter to ask if she can Zumba as well.
    You betcha I bought the DVD's and we do it together here at home and she loves it. I use it as a GREAT bonding time.
    She is only 5 years old so she cannot move like an adult can and there fore it wont have the same effects.
    It's no different than if I had her a dance class.

    I say do it with her and use it as a "Bonding" tool!
  • CkepiJinx
    CkepiJinx Posts: 613 Member
    It is not an argument it is a statement. I am not trying to convince you of anything. My statement....
    "The goal is to teach them it is okay to eat and that eating can lead to fat loss coupled with exercise."
    is fact. Says nothing about the little girl being worried about being fat. If you choose to teach your children that you exercise because it is fun and helps your muscles get strong that is your choice. I think that leaving out the fact that it prevents you from being fat is just as important as the others. It is not okay to be fat and when ppl stop coddling children about it or hiding it from them we will be a much more healthier world. It is never too early to teach a child that fat is not okay and can lead to many health problems.

    Yes, it can be too early to teach a child that fat is not okay. A child of six should have NO concerns about how fat they are or are not. Even if they were fat, I think telling them to exercise so they wouldn't be fat at age 6 is a terrible way to try and get the to do it. That's a great way to introduce poor body image complexes, eating disorders and lack of self-confidence.

    There is no mention of telling the 6 yr old to exercise not to be fat so stop making the statement into something it clearly doesnt state. the above statement addresses the issue that they need to be taught it is good to eat and along with exercise can/will prevent obesity because being fat can lead to health issues. How you are getting anything else from it baffles me.It is NEVER to early to teach a child healthy eating and exercise habits and consequences to not following them. 6 is a prime age to teach them these things seeing as they will be eating mid meals at school and need to make the right decisions NOW. Not when they are in 5th grade and fat.

    You clearly say "it is never too early to teach a child that fat is not okay and can lead to many health problems" it is the last line of your statement she isn't inferring anything that is exactly what you said. She is saying she believes it can be to early. Now you want to change your wording to be teaching them about good eating and exercise habits, maybe that's what you meant but it is not what you said, you said " it is never to early to teach a child that fat is not okay" two very different statements in tone and not the same thing. There are plenty of very unhealthy thin people. Teaching a child to eat healthy and exercise is not a bad thing teaching them that the only measure of health is being thin is a bad thing.
  • lildee55
    lildee55 Posts: 28 Member
    I have been having this same issue with my 6 year old... Was bothering me so... I let her do it with me with no weights and I make sure that she understands that mommy is eating healthy and keep the counting calories out of it (I panicked when she asked me how many calories something had). She now understands that everything is good for you in the right amounts. She was also asking me about fat in things. Had to tell her that fat is healthy and helps her brain get smart etc... Such a fine line to walk with them. But I love that they she is eating the same things as me and liking they good for you stuff!

    Good luck.
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    It is not an argument it is a statement. I am not trying to convince you of anything. My statement....
    "The goal is to teach them it is okay to eat and that eating can lead to fat loss coupled with exercise."
    is fact. Says nothing about the little girl being worried about being fat. If you choose to teach your children that you exercise because it is fun and helps your muscles get strong that is your choice. I think that leaving out the fact that it prevents you from being fat is just as important as the others. It is not okay to be fat and when ppl stop coddling children about it or hiding it from them we will be a much more healthier world. It is never too early to teach a child that fat is not okay and can lead to many health problems.

    Yes, it can be too early to teach a child that fat is not okay. A child of six should have NO concerns about how fat they are or are not. Even if they were fat, I think telling them to exercise so they wouldn't be fat at age 6 is a terrible way to try and get the to do it. That's a great way to introduce poor body image complexes, eating disorders and lack of self-confidence.

    There is no mention of telling the 6 yr old to exercise not to be fat so stop making the statement into something it clearly doesnt state. the above statement addresses the issue that they need to be taught it is good to eat and along with exercise can/will prevent obesity because being fat can lead to health issues. How you are getting anything else from it baffles me.It is NEVER to early to teach a child healthy eating and exercise habits and consequences to not following them. 6 is a prime age to teach them these things seeing as they will be eating mid meals at school and need to make the right decisions NOW. Not when they are in 5th grade and fat.

    You clearly say "it is never too early to teach a child that fat is not okay and can lead to many health problems" it is the last line of your statement she isn't inferring anything that is exactly what you said. She is saying she believes it can be to early. Now you want to change your wording to be teaching them about good eating and exercise habits, maybe that's what you meant but it is not what you said, you said " it is never to early to teach a child that fat is not okay" two very different statements in tone and not the same thing. There are plenty of very unhealthy thin people. Teaching a child to eat healthy and exercise is not a bad thing teaching them that the only measure of health is being thin is a bad thing.

    And is NEVER too early to teach a child being fat is not healthy. It is not okay to be fat. Take a look back the first and foremost points are to make sure the child understands to EAT but to exercise. Telling them that fat is bad is in no way harmful if it is taught correctly and if you are emphasizing the importance of eating right and exercise. I am not changing anything just repeating the same thing over and over because ppl like you cant seem to get how simple it is. So I will say it AGAIN
    EAT EAT EAT but tell her the importance of exercise so she will not have to worry about being fat because fat is bad and can lead to major problems. I dont know how to dumb it down any more than that. So AGAIN fat is not okay. FAT=BAD get it? Got it? Good! :drinker:
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Agreed - it is definitely not okay to be fat. I don't understand why it's so wrong to teach our kids this.
  • Showmm
    Showmm Posts: 406 Member
    I think it's wrong for my 6 year old to worry about being fat.

    Hence I don't talk about fitness, for me or for them, in terms of losing weight or being fat.
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    I think it's wrong for my 6 year old to worry about being fat.

    Hence I don't talk about fitness, for me or for them, in terms of losing weight or being fat.

    If your 6 yr old is worried about being fat it is your fault for not teaching her the difference.If your 6 yr old is fat it is your fault for not feeding her right and keeping her active. If your 6 yr old is eating healthy and exercising with mommy to lose fat or weight you fail AGAIN. If your 6 yr old is exercising and eating right with mommy and mommy explains why it is good to do this you are a winner. If you are doing the last sentence then discussing how horrible it is to be fat and the repercussions from it is very smart of you because you are arming her with knowledge to prevent it from ever being an issue for her.