any other not-that-heavy girls trying to lose more weight?



  • excitementcity
    excitementcity Posts: 20 Member
    I have to know-what are bingo wings?

    Those bits at the back of your arms (triceps) that jiggle when you wave!!! Need to tone up those arms!
  • jdier
    jdier Posts: 110 Member
    I am in the same predicament. I'm 5'4" and weigh 134. I tried circuit training for a week and was told that the best way to lose the "baby weight" esp. in my stomach was to run. I HATE running but love circuit training. I'm trying to get to my pre-preg. weight of 120 and don't know if circuit training can give me results measurement-wise in 3 weeks (I'm in a wedding). What do you all think?
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    welcome, jdier! I saw something about this, have you read:

    Also, Allure magazine had an article this month on how to drop weight if you have 10 days, 4 weeks, months, etc. it had some good advice.
    I don't know why they told you to run, I thought running wasn't the best, intervals are getting a lot of attention for fat-burn though.
    I also saw this, explaining why it is so hard to lose the closer you get to your "ideal" weight.
  • emmahlee
    emmahlee Posts: 1 Member
    I am also recovering from an eating disorder and remember the days when I looked sickly at a mere 98lbs. My disorder eventually backfired over the years so now I'm trying to lose weight the right way. I joined this site to keep me on track and make sure I'm slowly taking in more calories and eating healthier than I used to be so I can nourish my body (especially now that I'm exercising). I'm 5'4. I started here at 135 about mid-April, and I'd love to be back down, idealistically, to 110..which isn't necessarily healthy at my height, so I'd even be fine at 115. I'm currently sitting at 125. I think some of it may be muscle, though, since I've been at 125 for a short while.

    I do cardio for about 45-50 minutes five days a week, along with a ton of push ups, ab circuits and some stretching...but I'd like to try something new so maybe I can see the scale shift a bit more!
  • bhelmreich
    bhelmreich Posts: 254 Member
    I'm at the high point of my healthy bmi. College made me blow up to my highest weight ever. I'm 5'8 and 155, my weight for the past 3 years has been 140. I want to get lose all the weight I gained plus 10 extra lbs. I'd be at 19.5% BMI. Good Luck everyone :)
  • MrsNeuman
    MrsNeuman Posts: 76
    Hi! I'm 5'9" and currently weigh around 143, I look and feel my absolute best around 130. For my wedding in May I got down to my goal - 129,( I was shooting for 127 tho), and in such a short amount of time through my honeymoon and constantly not finding the time to eat well, and lack of exercise I gained it all back. So here I am again, fighting to lose those last 10-13 lbs.
  • ldybugg
    ldybugg Posts: 134
    I def fit into this catagory. Im 5'9 and 148. I get really frustrated bc of my bone structure. I have a wide rib cage and 'child bearing hips'. even when i was at my smallest - 108 during a bad round of ed i still couldnt get below a size 6! rediculous! dont get me wrong i love my curves but its frustrating even trying 2 do body fat calculations w measurements cause things like that dont figure into it. i almost cried when i did one 2day. then took a deep breath and realized i cant take that at face value. i know its not the size of my jeans that matter but how i look in them. so realistically for me 140 is a very sexy goal 4 me. 135 maybe but i start looking 2 thin. plus i want muscle tone. will i ever be at 120 ? hell no and im ok with that.

    ps 2 all the women who struggle w ed. i actually joined this site so i could eat healthily w/ out feeling guily. do i get a lil obsessive sometime? yes but im being obsessively healthy so i dont fall back into old patterns. if that makes sence. it still tries 2 rear its head but for the most part i dont panic and i make it thru another day.
  • bchgrl
    bchgrl Posts: 10 Member
    I fit into this category too! My friends tell me that I look fine but I don't feel fine, especially since I've gained 15 pounds since starting grad school. I'n now up near the top of my healthy weight range and want to be near the bottom. I'm hoping for 125 but I haven't been that weight in 15 years! We'll see. I'm hoping that through this site and all its support I can do it! :happy:
  • SilverRoxy
    SilverRoxy Posts: 64
    I'm so happy I found this message board today. I went from 184 10- years ago to 128 2-years ago. My friends and family were constantly telling me I lost too much weight, but that was where I was the happiest. Now I'm back up to 135-137 (It seems to fluctuate daily!) If I could just get down to 130 I'd be happy but that 7-10 pounds just looms over me.

    This past weekend, I totally blew my diet! But I was also at a party with girls who were a bit heavier than me all saying how little I was and stuff like that. They were even joking that I needed to eat another cheeseburger. As the former fat kid, no kidding, I've never had this problem in my life. The thing was though, they all looked so much better than me in their bathing suits! UGH!

    My point to this post is that maybe the 135 is an ok weight for me, but I'm going to keep trying to be back at 128. My main goal has to be to tone.

    Does anyone have good toning workouts that I can start off easy and then build up? If I hurt for days following a work out, I won't stick to it.
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    Ugh! It's been tough.

    I'm 5' 2" and I'm in my healthy weight but would like to be at the bottom of the 'healthy range' [110lbs- ideally for me]. I just want to be toned! But that belly flab won't budge! :explode:

    My weight has been up and down in the last month, and it's really difficult. My weight seems to keep going back and forth from 119 to 116 and back again.
  • misslizz6958
    misslizz6958 Posts: 124 Member
    I like gained 2 pounds
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    The scale this morning said 109.5 and I said my goal weight was 110! I am surprised because I haven't been eating well lately-margs and Mexican on Wednesday and last night pizza and beer. Maybe there is something to the running, I am on week 5 of the couch to 5k but it is only exercising 3 days a week for 45 mins. Anyway, 2 lbs overnight is probably just water weight, it'll be back by Monday!
  • JJs25th
    JJs25th Posts: 204 Member
    Count me in! I am 5'5" and my starting weight was 152 Lbs. I needed to lose 25 lbs. I have been working at it for over a year. After all I want to keep this off and I have reached the age where it seems the smell of food can add weight some times. I have done really well adjusting diet and exercise to a life I can still live and handle, but I have been playing tag with the last 2 to 3 pounds for the last 2 months. My Birthday is next month --would be nice to finally reach that goal by then.
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Thank you for starting this thread, it's nice to find like minded people. I am 5'4" my weight peaked at 133lbs a couple of months ago, I have now got back to 120 and I don't actually mind if I don't lose any more as I feel happy in my skin again. However that said it would be nice to lose a couple more pounds. I still have that 'I've had a baby' pad of fat on my tummy! I am getting some criticism now about losing too much weight and I wish people could be happy for me, all I have done is go back to the weight I was a few years ago. Yes I may have still been at a healthy BMI and there may not have been anything wrong with how I looked but I wasn't happy that the weight was creeping on and my clothes were getting tight.
  • SayRah
    SayRah Posts: 104
    I'm 5'6" and 154 lbs. I'm not obese, and I'm technically not overweight, but I'm definitely not the skinniest I could be. My main goal is to get down to 130 lbs but I'd like to get down to 125 lbs -- when my mom was younger that was her weight apparently. Hopefully genetics will play in my favor, lol.
  • misslizz6958
    misslizz6958 Posts: 124 Member
    I lost so much weight with almost no problem but these last 10 are the hardest yet! Rarhhhhhhhh fu*k my life!
  • hartlife48
    hartlife48 Posts: 33
    I am glad you posted this I am also in the healthy range (130) but want to get down to 120 for MYSELF. I get a lot of people rolling their eyes when I say I want to lose a few more pounds which frustrates me more than anything because if I am just trying to feel better and be healthier what's the big deal??? Whether you want to lose 100lbs or 5 lbs, it's all about getting to a point where you can walk down the street with your head held high and thinking "damn I look and feel good!" We are all in this together and dealing with similar insecurities and self-esteem issues, there is nothing more important than feeling beautiful in the INSIDE.
  • hartlife48
    hartlife48 Posts: 33
    So proud of you girls for sharing your stories and coming to this site to do it the healthy way. I just lost a friend to an eating disorder...her body just could not take it anymore and she ended up having a cardiac arrest. I would not wish that upon anyone and I wish you girls the very best...stay strong and beautiful!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    welcome hartkl, I hear you on the healthy part, I know when I weighed 107 I wasn't healthy, I smoked and ate fast food all the time. Now I am trying to run a 5k, I eat better and exercise which is good for my bones and my heart.
  • AriesGrl
    AriesGrl Posts: 174 Member
    I'm so happy I found this message board today. I went from 184 10- years ago to 128 2-years ago. My friends and family were constantly telling me I lost too much weight, but that was where I was the happiest. Now I'm back up to 135-137 (It seems to fluctuate daily!) If I could just get down to 130 I'd be happy but that 7-10 pounds just looms over me.

    This past weekend, I totally blew my diet! But I was also at a party with girls who were a bit heavier than me all saying how little I was and stuff like that. They were even joking that I needed to eat another cheeseburger. As the former fat kid, no kidding, I've never had this problem in my life. The thing was though, they all looked so much better than me in their bathing suits! UGH!

    My point to this post is that maybe the 135 is an ok weight for me, but I'm going to keep trying to be back at 128. My main goal has to be to tone.

    Does anyone have good toning workouts that I can start off easy and then build up? If I hurt for days following a work out, I won't stick to it.

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