Phentermine 37.5



  • SummerNights32
    SummerNights32 Posts: 86 Member
    You should do what is best for you. I used it about a year ago, and with great results...but I worked hard, and I still do. I didn't have any large weight gain afterwards, but that was probably because I got in the habit of working out all of the time again, and counting calories. I will be honest, if you are going to keep "eating what you want", it is going to back fire, big time! There are not many success stories, simply because people don't do what they are told. It is not a miracle pill at all.

    By the way, I didn't have any side effects like you read here.
  • Rotten_Apple
    Rotten_Apple Posts: 58 Member
    I also used it several years ago. Another poster hit the nail on the head - it is legal speed. Did I lose weight on it? Yes. Did I keep it off? No. Did I get addicted to it? Yes. My doctor told me it is not a matter of IF it will cause heart damage but HOW MUCH. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone but hey, to each his own.
  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    I am currently on it as a kick start. My doc told me it is not a fix but will help it get going. I was n tot taking it seriously but have started to now and will for a month. I am also counting calorihs, eating well and working out 3-5 a week. He said wto taken I plateu and need a little push to take it again and then stop again. Your body will get used to it. I have not had any adverse side effect or jolts of energy. It does supress my appetite but I still eat.

    I took it also and this was mainly my experience, however, with those, exercise and tracking calories all I managed to lose was 4lbs, so my opinion is that it does not work for everyone and it certainly didn't seem to for me. The risks far outweigh the benefits for me.
  • everyonegetsasecondchance
    I took Phentermine 3.75, I lost weight fast, but I also gained it back faster. I find it best if a person just go through the pain and know they earned their weight loss through hard work and dedication. Every time I think about getting on meds to lose weight, I hear a voice from God asking me," did you take a pill to gain all that weight", I said no, and he said " well, you do not need one to lose It". I will not speak bad about those who take Phen, If it works for you and you do not experience side effects like I did, I almost passed out and it effected my mood in a negative way. Right now, I'm just walking five miles 6 days a week and I feel "GOOOD!!!

    P.S If someone desire to take this pill to lose the weight quick in order to save their life or have a life- threating medical condition and must lose weight, I agree, take it.
  • jolene_ca
    jolene_ca Posts: 91 Member
    I wouldn't touch this drug if you paid me. like a previous poster mentioned hemmroids. My mom took this a couple years back and quickly developed hemmroids so bad she was on disability for months and months. They were awful. No thanks.
  • Imigen04
    Imigen04 Posts: 112 Member
    I have been on phentermine since feb and have lost a total of 31 but I have combined that with eating healthier and only drinking water. I do Zumba every morning before I leave my house at seven and It has made an incredible difference on my hunger. I used to be hungry all day every day and even after eating all day I still never felt full until I made myself stop eating and by then I just felt sick. My high was 193 and that was mid feb this year. It is now April and I am at 162 and feeling better about me. I do recommend to not only weigh yourself but also measure yourself because I don't always see weight change and when those day come I get sad and decide to measure myself instead. That usually brings back the excitement and encouragement.
  • 1tjs10
    1tjs10 Posts: 8 Member
    What the hell is wrong with al of these Doctors giving ADDICTIVE drugs out for weight loss? Eat less, move more= lose weight. Period. Take a pill, don't change your habits, damage your heart...a vital organ, stop pill, regain weight = need cardiologist now? Hmmm. shame on modern medicine for this blunder. Your heart is way to important, you can't fix that or change it once its damaged. Oh yeah and if you want to mix this pill with another like Redux to boost your weight loss even further you can add Pulmonary Hypertension, a NON reversible debilitating lung disease to the list. Nice....
  • Mandypt
    Mandypt Posts: 173 Member
    Has anybody taken Phentermine 37.5 and had good results? My friend got a prescription from her doctor and lost 40 pounds in 2 months and has kept it off over 6 months already. She says it gave her a lot of energy. Anybody else with good results?

    Because I took those, I had to have my gallbladder removed 3 weeks ago.. Just warning you.
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    5 years ago I took Phentermine. I've never gained the weight back. I knew when I started taking it that I needed to change my life, and I had already begun losing on my own. I was prescribed it by my endocrinologist because of my thyroid and PCOS. But I knew going in that I was fat because I ate too much and barely moved all day. So I used it to help me get used to a lifestyle I'm able to maintain. If you plan to just eat the same way and allow the pill to do the work for you, you're in for a world of disappointment. If you do take it, there are support forums for you online to interact with others. The side effects weren't strong for me. Definitely more energy. And I do remember being extremely thirsty.
  • mattschwartz01
    mattschwartz01 Posts: 566 Member
    Has anybody taken Phentermine 37.5 and had good results? My friend got a prescription from her doctor and lost 40 pounds in 2 months and has kept it off over 6 months already. She says it gave her a lot of energy. Anybody else with good results?

    I highly encourage you NOT to take Phentermine or Phenfluromine. Not only can both drugs bad for your cardiovascular system they do not teach you the habits needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle. There is a lot of reward in losing weight the old fashioned way, through dedication, hard work, and motivation. I get a real sense of personal satisfaction that I am losing weight and not considering weight loss surgery, drugs, or fad diets. This isn't to pass judgement on those that opt for weight loss surgery or medicine because it can be a lifesaver for someone facing imminent danger.
  • mattschwartz01
    mattschwartz01 Posts: 566 Member
    What the hell is wrong with al of these Doctors giving ADDICTIVE drugs out for weight loss? Eat less, move more= lose weight. Period. Take a pill, don't change your habits, damage your heart...a vital organ, stop pill, regain weight = need cardiologist now? Hmmm. shame on modern medicine for this blunder. Your heart is way to important, you can't fix that or change it once its damaged. Oh yeah and if you want to mix this pill with another like Redux to boost your weight loss even further you can add Pulmonary Hypertension, a NON reversible debilitating lung disease to the list. Nice....

    I sometimes privately wonder if doctors get "incentives" for prescribing drugs. I know Big Pharma has little interest in cures because cures don't mean profit. Sick people means a lot of money for Big Pharma.
  • fayeonherway
    Quick question... Some of the responses that have mentioned taking the pill, also mentioned they had to make a life style change too. They had to exercise and watch calories. If this is case then why wouldn't you just make the lifestyle change? Side effects will be fat loss, maybe some muscle gain and sustaining your health. Versus:

    feeling short of breath, even with mild exertion;
    chest pain, feeling like you might pass out;
    swelling in your ankles or feet;
    pounding heartbeats or fluttering in your chest;
    confusion or irritability, unusual thoughts or behavior;
    feelings of extreme happiness or sadness; or
    dangerously high blood pressure (severe headache, blurred vision, buzzing in your ears, anxiety, chest pain, shortness of breath, uneven heartbeats, seizure).

    Just food for thought...
  • Imigen04
    Imigen04 Posts: 112 Member
    I had tried just the lifestyle change only problem was I still couldn't lose the constant hunger and never feeling full and this med has helped me.. And personally I haven't really had any side affects accept being thirsty for water but before I started taking the pill I was never thirsty
  • mattschwartz01
    mattschwartz01 Posts: 566 Member
    Quick question... Some of the responses that have mentioned taking the pill, also mentioned they had to make a life style change too. They had to exercise and watch calories. If this is case then why wouldn't you just make the lifestyle change? Side effects will be fat loss, maybe some muscle gain and sustaining your health. Versus:

    feeling short of breath, even with mild exertion;
    chest pain, feeling like you might pass out;
    swelling in your ankles or feet;
    pounding heartbeats or fluttering in your chest;
    confusion or irritability, unusual thoughts or behavior;
    feelings of extreme happiness or sadness; or
    dangerously high blood pressure (severe headache, blurred vision, buzzing in your ears, anxiety, chest pain, shortness of breath, uneven heartbeats, seizure).

    Just food for thought...

    Agreed! Those potential side effects aren't worth it. What's the point of trying to get healthy if the methods you are taking to get there end up being detrimental?
  • ktliu
    ktliu Posts: 334 Member
    I'm currently on this drug. but I had the script, filled it and didn't touch it for 9 mths to a year, cause everybody said you will gain it all back. So what I did was a to learn to eat for that year, learn to really appreciate vegetable. and not being able to function without large amount of veges. And this January I decided to break open the bottle and try it, I broke the pill off into halves and tried it. And it was good, I didn't need to eat. I will still eat because I know I need it to function. lost a couple of lbs, and then I'd increase the dosage and the took that whole pill all at once. That was crazy, heart palpitation, Lazer focus, I pound out a 10 page proposal in that 3 hours. then I see how this stuff can be addictive.

    Armed with that knowledge, I cut it at the 25/75 mark. and I took the 75% dosage. and that was just what I needed. I'd have this amazing energy. and the urge to go work out, and I've not look back since. I'd log an average of 600 calories workout days to 1500 calories per day, in the past 70 days or so I took 2 rest days off only. and today I've lost 23 lbs. I 'd also log in (eating my calories back ) net only around 900 calories daily, not because I don't want to eat, I'd have very healthy appetite. I just eat differently. My log is public. feel free to take a look at it.

    So the trick is to not to get that "high". and make yourself dependant on that drug. so I'd suggest experiment with that dosage, don't take the whole pill, do halfs, do quarters...whatever makes it work.

    Also MFP helps a lot in keeping me visualize my food and caloric intake. and having like minded friends helps.

    Also my doc is closely monitoring me, once a mth. So far, he's cut 50% off my dosage on my BP meds, 50% off diabetic meds. 75% off my Cholestrol meds. after 2 mths.

    I started at 208 and I'm at 185 today, and I'm looking to get to 165-168 range.

    In conclusion, it's a good drug that comes with it's own responsibility. It's not a miracle drug. but use properly and with understanding of good information. This stuff gave me the push I never could have done by myself. Verdict. I'd love it.
  • ktliu
    ktliu Posts: 334 Member
    Hunger pain was not easy to deal with when you have a big appetite.So phentermine helps And the extra energy gives me the will to work out.
    As far as cardio condition, if you do a lot of cardio work, your BP will adjust down if you are fit.
    if you have heart palpitation, cut off a corner or just take half a pill.
    Quick question... Some of the responses that have mentioned taking the pill, also mentioned they had to make a life style change too. They had to exercise and watch calories. If this is case then why wouldn't you just make the lifestyle change? Side effects will be fat loss, maybe some muscle gain and sustaining your health. Versus:

    feeling short of breath, even with mild exertion;
    chest pain, feeling like you might pass out;
    swelling in your ankles or feet;
    pounding heartbeats or fluttering in your chest;
    confusion or irritability, unusual thoughts or behavior;
    feelings of extreme happiness or sadness; or
    dangerously high blood pressure (severe headache, blurred vision, buzzing in your ears, anxiety, chest pain, shortness of breath, uneven heartbeats, seizure).

    Just food for thought...

    Agreed! Those potential side effects aren't worth it. What's the point of trying to get healthy if the methods you are taking to get there end up being detrimental?
  • CLFord79
    CLFord79 Posts: 5
    I used it and heck yes it worked (it is speed after all!)...but it only worked temporarily and when my tolerance built up after about 6 months it stopped working and I gained all the weight back plus some. While it suppresses your appetite and gives you energy, it still won't make you get your booty up and exercise and choose healthy foods. Also, it is proven to cause heart valve damage so you have to be really careful. I am much happier now losing the "right" way and feel like what I am doing now is something I will be able to continue to do for the rest of my life. Pills are for short term use only. Also, I can tell a HUGE difference by losing it the right way vs. abusing my body with diet pills, starvation, etc. This is the first time ever in my life I am losing and haven't done anything potentially damaging to myself. It is far more rewarding and my moods and sleep habits (not to mention my skin, hair, and nails) have never been better.

    I say try it if you want, you're an adult and it's your choice, but really consider the potentially dangerous side effects and remember you still have to change your habits by watching what you eat and working out if you intend to keep it off permanently! Good luck!
  • somanyrhoades
    somanyrhoades Posts: 107 Member
    I don't have any personal experience with phentermine, but I am a nurse so maybe I can give you a bit of insight into what it actually is. First of all, the rules and regulations regarding this drug (at least in ohio law) require documentation of an effort on the patients part to make a lifestyle change that includes calorie counting, exercise, diet coaching etc. It should only be used in cases of morbid obesity, and it should only be used for short term use (as in a few weeks), and it is supposed to be used as an adjunct therapy, not the only therapy. It is a schedule IV narcotic, which mean that it's illegal to possess without a prescription. How does it work? It works by acting on the catecholamine group of chemicals in your brain. high levels of catecholamines in the brain supress appetite, among other things. the catecholamines include serotonin, noradrenalin, adrenalin and dopamine. These are the chemicals in your body that are responsible for the "fight or flight" response in the body when threatened, they increase heart rate, increase strength (short term i.e. that's how people have been able to lift cars of people in emergencies), dilate pupils, dry mouth, sweaty palms etc. Messing with these chemicals long term can lead to depletion of mood regulating hormones. Basically, catecholamines are the chemicals that are released when you are stressed, as in running for your life. Your body is not meant to perpetually be in that state. When you take phentermine that's what you are doing... throwing your body in a stress state that lasts as long as you continue taking the drug. You are much better off making a change in your life that will nurture your body and mind instead of temporarily destroying it. Sorry if this is hard to follow, I tried to use as little medical jargon as I could, but seriously, think about what you are putting into your body, and certainly don't do it without the supervision of a qualified doctor.

    Here is a link if you want to read more about catecholamines

    and here's some research that discusses the long term effects of high catecholamine levels. this one is a heavy read.
  • somanyrhoades
    somanyrhoades Posts: 107 Member
    Hunger pain was not easy to deal with when you have a big appetite.So phentermine helps And the extra energy gives me the will to work out.
    As far as cardio condition, if you do a lot of cardio work, your BP will adjust down if you are fit.
    if you have heart palpitation, cut off a corner or just take half a pill. <---- this was a quote from a previous person

    Seriously? Unless you are a doctor who is actually treating this person, you should not be giving medical advice regarding the dosage of a schedule IV narcotic. Heart palpatations can be nothing or they can be something SERIOUS, which means it needs to be evaluated by a health care professional, not you. You do realize that medicine is not necesarily distributed evenly throughout a pill (if they are scored, then yes) but if you are just "cutting off a corner" it's possible that you may be getting all of the active component, or your could just be getting a corner full of buffer. Please watch what you say to people, hopefully they have the good sense to know not to take advice from some random person online. <---- this is what I had to say, for somereason I messed the quotes up.
  • somanyrhoades
    somanyrhoades Posts: 107 Member
    What the hell is wrong with al of these Doctors giving ADDICTIVE drugs out for weight loss? Eat less, move more= lose weight. Period. Take a pill, don't change your habits, damage your heart...a vital organ, stop pill, regain weight = need cardiologist now? Hmmm. shame on modern medicine for this blunder. Your heart is way to important, you can't fix that or change it once its damaged. Oh yeah and if you want to mix this pill with another like Redux to boost your weight loss even further you can add Pulmonary Hypertension, a NON reversible debilitating lung disease to the list. Nice....

    I sometimes privately wonder if doctors get "incentives" for prescribing drugs. I know Big Pharma has little interest in cures because cures don't mean profit. Sick people means a lot of money for Big Pharma.

    Docs do get incentives for prescribing drugs. Some doctors get kickbacks from drug companies if they prescribe so much of their drug. Have you ever met a drug sales person? i've met quite a few and they will pretty much do anything to get doctors to sell their prescriptions. Plus, some doctors have ties with specific drug companies, maybe not your local doc but many of the ones teaching in medical schools or in the research field are tied in with someone somewhere.
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