Anyone tried the Nutribullet blender ?



  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I just purchased it also. What did you do to lose the 30lbs other than drink one of these for breakfast? It blended up everything really good. The only issue I had is that it had no taste at all. But i guess no taste could be better than a nasty taste lol

    I buy fruit in bulk at Costco and wait for it to ripen. Then cut up and freeze in a single layer. I find that pre-frozen fruit has no taste, isn't sweet and was just all around underwhelming :huh: Even though it's more work to prepare the ripened fruit, it's absolutely delicious.

    edited to include: I use my nutribullet for fruit and veggie smoothies but my regular magic bullet for cooking & milling.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    How do you document the calories used in a blast?

    same as you do in any can log as a 'meal' or as a recipe if you use the same stuff every day.

    I don't though, I use different stuff every day. Sometimes mango, blueberries, black plums, apple, banana. sour sop, get the drift. I prefer to weigh in grams and log that way. Most of my smoothies come out to just under 300 cal. You can have a peek at my diary if you'd like to see how it works out.
  • JeneeGentry
    JeneeGentry Posts: 8 Member
    I've had my nutribullet for a little over two weeks. I've lost 8lbs in two weeks just by having a blast in the morning and watching what I eat the rest of the day. I have two questions for all you NB users. First one is can someone give me some good blast recipes that incorporate veggies with the fruit? Or which ones pair well together? Or even one that is straight veggies?

    Second, how do you go about incorporating protein mix? Are you using a straight protein mix, or a protein shake mix? Would it help boost the flavor? I am clueless when it comes to protein shakes. I did a physician weight loss program about 15 years ago that used shakes as a breakfast and lunch meal. They were protein shakes and tasted absolutely horrible. Since then I have been scared to go near anything protein shake/bar. I figure it's been 15 years, to be sure the flavor has advanced since then?!
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    :sick: oh bleck. Protein powder just smells awful to me & I can't stomach it. My DH on the other hand tolerates it well. Note, I said tolerate :huh: He's an old muscle-head from the 80's so he knew what he was in for when he started adding PP to whole fruit green smoothies. Which is essentially what 'nutriblasts' are.

    I hear that gritty is what they are, so if you add protein powder, expect it. As far as recipes, we both start with 6 to 10 oz of coconut water or coconut milk, & then 30ish grams of greens, then frozen fruit. I like to soak chia seeds & give it a whirr in coconut water before I start adding any fruits/veggies but used to use freshly ground flax seeds.
  • JeneeGentry
    JeneeGentry Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks! Guess I will have to do a trial and error! I haven' tried the chai seeds yet. Only had the ground flax seeds! I am going to get those this weekend!
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    I just purchased it also. What did you do to lose the 30lbs other than drink one of these for breakfast? It blended up everything really good. The only issue I had is that it had no taste at all. But i guess no taste could be better than a nasty taste lol
    just owning it makes you lose 30 lbs obviously.
  • klemon10
    klemon10 Posts: 9
    Yes, I have a Nutribullet and I love it. I use spinach and frozen fruit. The cleanup is easy and all the fiber stays in the smoothie.
  • sodors
    sodors Posts: 1
    Not true. I love the Nutribullet that I have had for about 2 months.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    wait. what's not true?
  • bump
  • klemon10
    klemon10 Posts: 9
    The meal supplement by Andrew Lesserman (Secure Vanilla and Chocolate) blends well with spinach and frozen fruit and banana. It's not a protein shake but it gives the mix an awesome taste
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    I don't have one, but my BFF does and would kill the person who tried to take it from her. I also have a friend up north who has one and loves it. My BFF has brought it over here for parties and it seems... complicated. I'd probably go with a more traditional style blender if I were to buy a new blender. :)
  • JeneeGentry
    JeneeGentry Posts: 8 Member
    I don't have one, but my BFF does and would kill the person who tried to take it from her. I also have a friend up north who has one and loves it. My BFF has brought it over here for parties and it seems... complicated. I'd probably go with a more traditional style blender if I were to buy a new blender. :)

    It is the least complicated kitchen gadget I have ever used with the easiest clean up!
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    I don't have one, but my BFF does and would kill the person who tried to take it from her. I also have a friend up north who has one and loves it. My BFF has brought it over here for parties and it seems... complicated. I'd probably go with a more traditional style blender if I were to buy a new blender. :)

    It is the least complicated kitchen gadget I have ever used with the easiest clean up!

    All I know is it took her 5 minutes to get it running :P
  • JeneeGentry
    JeneeGentry Posts: 8 Member
    LOL, I don't know why! All you do is screw the blade onto the cup of stuff and pop it on the base and push down, that's it!
  • xtina1982
    xtina1982 Posts: 37
    I don't have one, but my BFF does and would kill the person who tried to take it from her. I also have a friend up north who has one and loves it. My BFF has brought it over here for parties and it seems... complicated. I'd probably go with a more traditional style blender if I were to buy a new blender. :)

    It is the least complicated kitchen gadget I have ever used with the easiest clean up!

    All I know is it took her 5 minutes to get it running :P

    Now, be fair. It was halloween, I was making a round of vodka drinks, and EVERYTHING is hard when you're wearing inch-and-a-half-long talons. ;) all that was wrong is that i couldn't get a grip on the cup and it kept popping out of its little motor-activatey tabs.

    (i'm the bff in question, if that's not clear, and she's right - i adore my nutribullet and want to be buried with it. SO much easier than a full-size unit, does a better job with the fruits and veggies, and i won't have a coronary if and when it finally shuffles off this mortal coil.)
  • The nutibullet base is larger in size than the magic bullet!
  • elle2bee
    elle2bee Posts: 70 Member
    I have one and love it. I don't use it just for veggies and fruits. Sometimes I add in yogurt, raw almonds, peanut butter, honey, agave nectar, protein powder, and uncooked quick oats for added taste and texture. If you use the proper blades and blend it up enough, you will get a fine texture. It all depends on what you're blending. If I'm trying to get more greens in, I use my juicer. Unfortunately, some nutrients are depleated when using a juicer as you don't get all the pulp which is where the fiber is. Juicing greens taste better than extracting them in the Nutribullet. One good tip. I have noticed that when I follow a more veggie based recipe in the Nutribullet book, it taste much better than if I just make something up. I would stick to the recipes as the blends are created to work together and compliment / enhance each other.
  • jacval60
    jacval60 Posts: 1
    I was wondering, if it was the same for me as it was for you? I purchased the Nutri-bullet and I did not mind it(No Taste and thick), if it is healthy I can live with it, but I really wanted my son to and you know how the young generation always is? I'm 53 years old and have diabetes 2, Fibromyalgia. My son has Hirschspring disease, and I think he is a agoraphobic he will not go any where, he stays home all the time he is on disability and he is 22 years old. And I think he is a cutter and he abuses himself when frustrated. Well I made him a Blast for his Hirschspring problem and he did not like it. Maybe I'm making it wrong yet on the infomercial people on there said it tasted good. When I made it, it had no taste to it and it was thick. Am i doing something wrong or is that how it is suppose to be? If so I do not understand fruit does have taste and I know kale, spinach and those have no taste unless you add something to give it taste. I was told on the Nutri-blast blog by David Wolfe I can add honey to it, as long as it is organic and raw. But I was just wondering if when you blasted did it have any taste? I have a lot of problems with severe Fatigue, I even ordered a herb that is supposed to give you energy, I have not got it yet it is a Maca powder from Swanson vitamins I can put in my blast.

    So is it the same for you as for me tasteless and real thick? What happens to the flavor when it is processed? Juicers give you flavor. It all seems puzzling to me. I tried Jack Lalaines juicer did not like it cause it wasted the peelings of the fruit and vegetables . Which are Insoluble fiber which are the best part of the fruit and vegetable. Speaking of oats they say the best oats are Steel cut oats they sell it at target in a can but it is 10 bucks small can it is better. I have been studying herbs and that.

    A good book to get is The illustrated Encyclopedia of Healing Remedies by C. Norman Shealy MD, PHD it talks about Ayurveda, chinese herbal Medicine, traditional home and folk remedies, Homeopathy, aromatherapy,Flower remedies,Vitamins and Minerals, and herbalism History and back ground of all these. God gave us all these remedies, i'll say it is better than any man made pills. But remember to ask your doctor before taking any of these if you are on some medications. Like Cholesterol medications you are not supposed to eat Grapefruit.

    I bought 4 of these books I showed it to friends and family they liked it so I bought them one also.
    Also I heard that the other blade that comes with the Nutri-bullet is used to chop whole chocolate into powder so you can make natural Cocoa instead of store bought. which dark Chocolate is good for you, has a lot of nutrition in it I want to try and grow some chocolate and try it. It has to be grown in warm environment with filtered sun. Seeds need to be kept warm to sprout.
  • dlamy
    dlamy Posts: 1
    My friend at work has the Nutribullet, and I have the magic bullet. I've stole some of his recipes and am just using the Magic Bullet. It works great. I make it the night before, put it in the fridge, then drink half before my morning workout and the other half in the car on my way to work along with a few cashews and almonds. It's delicious, energizing and easy!!!

    The one I've had the last couple days is: 1 cup Kale, 1 cup Spinach, 2 strawberries, 1 small banana, and a handful of mixed berries which is frozen cranberry, fresh bluberry and fresh raspberry. I also add in 2 Tbls of flax, then about 1 cup of Coconut Water with Orange. I think the Coconut water makes all the difference.

    This is a great alternative for me because I'm gluten intollerant and alergic to eggs so breakfast is really difficult.