Anyone run 5k "races" alone?



  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    Oh-and as for procedure, unless you're planning to finish in less than 15 minutes, you'll be following the crowd. Just line up with the people in the flashy neon colored clothes (slower people in the back-they are usually the ones chatting a lot when you like up). Then people will go, and you go. 3.1 miles later, you cross the finish line. Then go find the beer tent. And don't clothesline anyone under the age of 12-that's generally frowned upon.
  • mindyjo74
    mindyjo74 Posts: 68 Member
    I have done all mine solo!! They are a lot of fun too!! Just let them know its your first race and they will direct you where you need to be!! Good luck!!:smile:
  • DavidMartinez2
    DavidMartinez2 Posts: 840 Member
    Start near the middle or further back and off to a side. When the race starts the fast will take off like rockets you do not want to be in their way. You will want to take off very fast; don't do it. This is your first race so run fast but not as fast as you can the first 2 miles. The last mile you can pick up your pace if you are feeling it. When you finish clear the finishing area, keep walking for a minute or two then grab a drink but don't stop moving so you don't contribute to the backlog at the finish.

    Good luck and remember it is supposed to be fun :)
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    If it's a motivation thing, feel free to find another loner out there. I'm sure they would enjoy the company of a similarly skilled runner. I've made many friends by being stuck next to someone for many minutes/hours. A 5K is a race to me, so I do best when I'm not struggling to keep up with, or slowing down for, a running buddy.
  • Judith509
    Judith509 Posts: 8 Member
    I haven't run a race alone, but a few weeks ago I walked a 10K alone. My friend wasn't able to get the day off, and I had registered assuming she would join me. My co-workers were all running the race, so they would be far ahead of me. I was nervous to do this alone, as in prior years I always had friends to walk with. As it turned out, it was great! I was able to get into my own zone, and paced myself on others who were around me. I chatted with a few, but really just enjoyed the day, the ambiance, the energy level. Go for it!! You will find that you are your best companion!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I've run alone. Even if I go with people I wind up alone because I'm slow :ohwell:

    Usually people wind up talking with me anyway because I have to run with knee braces and they ask what's wrong with me and I make new "friends" :laugh:

    Go and have fun! Good luck!
  • LindaLou252
    LindaLou252 Posts: 106
    Glad I found this post... I always plan 5ks that I never run b/c my friends bail. This year, that's not gonna happen! Doing it for me! Y'all have given me reassurance! Thanks!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    You come into this world alone.
    You race alone.
    You spend eternity alone.

    Just do it. Make friends on the way, but remember, you're alone when it's just the clock ticking.
  • suv_hater
    suv_hater Posts: 374 Member
    I don't understand this trend where people HAVE to do races in groups.

    Just freakin go and run. People that actually care about their time go there to run. A measly 3.1 miles and people need to show up with a posse? I find casual/social runners, um, interesting.
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    I run all my races alone :(
    BUT on the + side I go at MY pace no waiting no trying to catch up
    put the tunes on and go :)
    when you get there let them know that its your first race they are SO supportive

    GO for it you will be hooked

    While it stinks not to have someone pushing you along, I agree with the pacing and with putting the tunes on. And yeah, lots of support if you identify yourself as being there alone. :)
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I ran my first race alone. I talked to a few people but then I didn't have to worry about anyone but myself and I kind of raced people without them knowing. I was also in a city where I didn't know anyone and there were thousands of people there. The next week I ran a 5k with a friend which was nice, but definitely went slower as she is a slow runner. I was also in my hometown for that one and only like 200 people tops were running. I definitely enjoyed the first one more :D
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    I only ran one "race" with a friend (the Color Run), of which was not timed. I am not the type of person who prefers a workout or running buddy though. If it's an actual timed race, you need to go at your own pace. If it's not timed, you still need to go at your own pace! Don't be afraid to tackle things alone. There will be PLENTY of other people there running alone as well.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I ran my first race alone. I talked to a few people but then I didn't have to worry about anyone but myself and I kind of raced people without them knowing. I was also in a city where I didn't know anyone and there were thousands of people there. The next week I ran a 5k with a friend which was nice, but definitely went slower as she is a slow runner. I was also in my hometown for that one and only like 200 people tops were running. I definitely enjoyed the first one more :D

    Yeah, it's definitely more fun when you're not thinking, "omg where's _____?!"

    I occasionally go to the gym with a friend, but I typically like it better when I can go at my own pace, show up when I want to, and leave when I want to. I love having her there so I can encourage her and push her, but there are definite pros and cons to each!
  • Rgtjax85
    Rgtjax85 Posts: 99 Member
    The best tips are to get there early so that you have your number and time chips or anything else already established. I do most of mine alone. It is nice to see people you know there but slowing down for others or trying to run too fast to catch up with your fast friends makes running hard. I run my best at my own pace. bregalad5 I love your ticker. I am a big Red fan. I love the new album and am wearing a Red t-shirt right now.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Huh? I have run all of mine alone. Why would I want company if I am running competitively? No friends ever!

    :laugh: Pretty much this.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I"m running my first 5K July 1st. I thought I wanted my sister to do it with me but I'd rather rock my earbuds and go at my own, very slow pace. I don't want to struggle to keep up, nor do I want to hold back if I think I have more go in me! I thought racing alone was pretty standard until I read this thread. I'm nervous about how it "works" but I'm sure I'll figure it out. I am an introvert but I secretly love being out of my element :P
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    I've only run two races with other people. I like running alone the best. I ran my first half marathon by myself and it was awesome!
  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    I have always done my 5K's alone. I did do an obstacle course 5K with a friend last summer, and I don't think I'll do that again. I ended up wanting to go faster, but I didn't as I was waiting on my friend. It was still fun, but it made me realize that I prefer doing it alone. Also, my 13 1/2 son and myself do 5K's together, but we both go at our own pace. And he's always waiting at the finish line cheering his mom on at the end. You could also do it with someone, but be sure to go at your own pace. You'll be more proud of yourself that you did!! You can do it and Good Luck!!!
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I ran my very 1st race alone. I run alone anyway so why change that for a race?
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i run better alone. yeah you can have a group or 1 other person who you go with and meet up with afterwards, but really everyone should be running their own race. the only races i've ever done in a group have been mud races and it makes sense because of the obstacles,but for the other stuff anytime i run with others we usually start off together then soon after we end up throwing up deuces and meeting up afterwards