Littlest Losers (Week 3)

shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Welcome to week 3! what's our challenge this week?

I'll post our progress on the thread Monday night when I get ak from vacation!!


  • Hi, I'm just about to start my second week using this website . Would love to tag onto your thread.

    My goal would be exercise 5X this week. My biggest problem is that I start work at 7:30, so to work out I need to get up at 5:30. I live in the south and its just too hot to wait til later in the day, besides the fact I tend to not be motivated then.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Thanks, Shanna- you rock!!

    I'm not sure what our goal should be this week... just throwing an idea out there- what about trying a new healthy food that you haven't tried before? If anyone has better ideas, that's cool too :flowerforyou:

    Good luck this week, losers :tongue:
  • antiadipose
    antiadipose Posts: 447

    good luck this weekend ya little losers!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member

    afternoon all so whats are new targets still 8 glasses water 40mins exercise 5 fruits veggies and to try a new fruit/veggie we wouldnt usually have?? or would that make for too many

    thanks shannah not sure i could keep up with all of us chart or no chart im not that motivated lol
  • boo518
    boo518 Posts: 13 Member
  • I'm still at weight 123! Annoying!
  • rowie
    rowie Posts: 75
    I like the updated challenge.

    Keep going with our 8 glasses of water
    keep going with our fruits and veggies
    up the exercise per day time to 40 min.
    try a new healthy food

    It's a lot of stuff to work for, but if we keep up with the old goals then they will become habit (we can hope). New healthy food ideas for those of you out there who haven't tried these...

    a vegetarian meal
    goji berries
    chia seeds
    plain non-fat yogurt (no added sweetness!)
    flax seed oil (good in smoothies)
    a new type of melon (casaba, tuscan...)
    unsweetened green tea

    Just throwing some ideas out there. Good luck everyone!
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    rowie thanks for the healthy ideas! i'm especially looking for protein-packed things to sneak into smoothies to make them a little more filling. so that's what i'll be shooting for.

    a quick update on my weekend - well, i can just hope thani shocked my system something fierce! i ate too much dessert & too much in general! drank lots of water - but i'm definitely on track with all the goals this week - i'll need it & lots of motivation from you all! below is the chart for last weeks progress. i thinned it out a bit and deleted some that hadn't checked in from the beginning. congrats on being die hards!!

    Name Starting Weight (6/25/10) Goal Weight 7/2/10 7/9/10
    Akosky585 136 125 136 138.5
    an94 109 95 108.5
    AnneElise 143 135 143 142.2
    antiadipose 119 115 118 118
    arobles3231 117 110 119
    badrianne 139 125 139
    blj014 122 115 121
    carilyn39 149 145 149.2 148.2
    Chelseap891 126 110 124 123
    Cooperledgen 140 125 138.8 141.8
    Kath711 131 125 130.5 129.5
    kath712 145 140 145 144.5
    keylnn 158 135 155.8 155
    Loathesome 145 135 145
    Lobster888 130 125 130 129.2
    MissyCrissy18 119 113 118
    monkeysmum 136 125 136 136
    mshay09 148 151 150
    omid990 140 130 140
    princess purple 138 128 141 139.5
    rowie 135 125 135 137
    salvirez 133 120 133 132
    schnarfo 112.6 110 111.4
    Shagybear33 146 136 146
    shannahrose 151 140 151 151.8
    Shellee9tj 156 145 157 155
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    happy monday all

    its raining dull and grey and generally yuk today not very motivating but i shall aim to go on the wii step later 1hr step 20minute toning and depending how much kids driving me insane i may even have fun with some of the other games id like to see the scales move downwards this week for a change staying the same is getting me down

    hope you all have a good monday
  • RooMcDermott
    RooMcDermott Posts: 105 Member
    Good morning! Like the added challenge.

    I spent this last weekend with girlfriends I hadn't seen in over a year, so I didn't pay too much attention to my goals. Back on the wagon this morning.

    I am trying a new fitness class tonight at our Y, called Body Pump. It's an hour long so I am sure I'll get a great workout!
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Here's to week 3!!! :drinker:

    I really like the new challange! The weekend was ok, had a little too much sodium. So this week I am really going to get my water in!!

    I have 67 days till my wedding so I am really staying focused! We can do this ladies! :flowerforyou:
  • carilyn39
    carilyn39 Posts: 91 Member
    Week 3 challenges are great. I am continuing my 5K training. went camping this weekend. Saturday was a "cheat" day. Sunday got up and did my 35 minute run. I don't like that i had that Cheat day but i suppose its better to do it one day then both days of the weekend.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    evening all

    i had my 5 fruit/veggies did my exercise nice slow walking round shops water well i had 5 and half
    i also ate 3 bags of crisps they are my weakness kids were like go on mum have one mine they had the world cup flavours only 1 tatse turned to 3 bags makes me glad i dont eat them often
    tomorrow new day and i will be better motivated and i shall stay away from the crisps hope you all had a good day
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    mshay05 when is your wedding? mine is september 4! sneaking right up!! time to kick it into high gear!!

    i completed level 2 of the 30 day shred this morning and will have spinning class tonight. i'm eating pretty healthy today and feeling so much better and energetic compared to how i felt last night after eating junk for 2 days! amazing!

    and i just got back from the store and stocked up of fruits & veggies so i'm ready for this week's challenge! also bought some ground flax seed, which i've never had before, to drop into my morning oatmeal or smoothies for some extra protein!

    and on glass #6!
  • This is hard chasing this thread...
    I am busting my butt this week-if I don't see a loss, I will :sad:
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I am so silly!! I posted to week 2 and wondered where everyone was - and it was me in the wrong place!!! Good thing it wasn't a physical location...LOL

    Anyway I am here, ready for week three!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    We have a couple of Brides on this post - mshay05 and shannahrose - mine wedding is 10-10-10!!! Anyone else?
  • shellee9tj
    shellee9tj Posts: 221 Member
    Doing good with my water and fruits/veggies, I couldn't workout yesterday I was too sore from Saturday's run, i am training for my first 5K and I ran up a killer hill in 90+ humid weather and it really wiped me out......then when i woke up on Sunday, OUCH-super sore even still today :frown: So I will take tonight off too to rest my muscles and will be back at it tomorrow! I plan to try quinoa this week, i keep hearing about it!! Good luck this wk girls!!:bigsmile:
  • rowie
    rowie Posts: 75
    I am still loving our fruits and veggies challenge! I have noticed that i'm finding ways to work in veggies (which was my REAL challenge) to most of my meals. This is big! I also have started making the veg dish with our family dinners every night, no matter who is cooking the rest. This is such a great group, with great ideas and goals!!! Thanks everyone! Even though i haven't lost any weight in a while, i am pretty excited about the life changes going on! Yay!
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member
    On vacation this week so the exercise challenge I will probably pass on but sticking to the water and veggies. Will try to find a new food but limited by us being guests. Hoping just to maintain this week w/o exercise and lots of good meals!!
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