Just ordered Power 90...Input wanted!!!



  • Total newbie to the world of fitness and I'm on day 5 of Power 90 today and in just 5 days I can feel myself getting stronger. I can actually do more than just 2 pushups now :)

    My biggest problem - staying off the scale. Getting on and seeing a 4 lb jump is discouraging. I took the photos and the measurements so I'm going to let them be the true judge. I feel better and that's a motivator.
  • mchase79
    mchase79 Posts: 18 Member
    Power 90 is a great stepping stone into the beachbody work outs. When I 1st started it, just the yoga got me sweating and that was on the 1-2 program. Once your done with your 90 days, you can redo at a higher level or step it up even more and go with P90x or Insanity.
  • Power 90 is a great stepping stone into the beachbody work outs. When I 1st started it, just the yoga got me sweating and that was on the 1-2 program. Once your done with your 90 days, you can redo at a higher level or step it up even more and go with P90x or Insanity.

    I can thank Power 90 for my love hate relationship with Yoga. LOL....
  • I've been doing Power 90 since last Wednesday. I love it!
  • albopballer
    albopballer Posts: 9 Member
    Just hit day 30 today! Actually finished my cardio workout for the day and I cannot believe I made it this far! For some of the people that posted above, DON'T LOSE HOPE WITH THE SCALE! In fact the first week I lost 2.6 lbs., and then weeks 2 & 3 I gained approximately 4 lbs. back! I thought to myself that the scale doesn't lie - but I noticed changes in my body big time, I adjusted my calories a little bit on weeks 3 + 4, and then on Sunday (day 28) I had dropped almost 8 lbs!

    Don't let the scale fool you as long as your noticing changes. If your endurance is getting better, and your actually feeling stronger then the program is working and you need to continue hitting play day in day out!!!

    Good job and Good Luck to all of you doing the program. I am very pumped for my next 60 days starting tomorrow!!!
  • tlucas69
    tlucas69 Posts: 74 Member
    Hey guys! I just bought power 90 on ebay and lookin forward to getting started with my hubby!! I have a question though, my set doesn't come with a resistance band. Do i need it? Should i buy the set with 5 different resistance levels?? any input would be helpful......thanks!
  • ahmommy
    ahmommy Posts: 316 Member
    I'm actually at my goal weight so I'm not worried about the scale, although I keep stepping on it out of curiosity. I won't be upset if I lose a few, but what I'm really going for is less body fat, more muscle. I've seen definite increases in strength and stamina and I can see some changes in the pictures, although nothing really noticeable with the tape either. We're done with the first week of level 3-4 and it's still really tough. I dread the max pushups and squats. I push hard and do my best and I know as time goes on I'll be able to finish each set in the allotted time and even push it further. I know the big changes will come, I just have to keep pushing play!

    Someone asked about diet and I'm not sure if it was directed at me or not, but I'll answer just in case. I'm eating around 1700 calories a day and I'm not logging exercise (this is easier for me, especially since I don't have an HRM). The 1700 is based off of my TDEE minus 20%, with activity level set halfway between light and moderate activity. I customized my macros to eat 1g of protein for every lb of LBM and reduce carbs. It hasn't been as hard as I expected once I started focusing on high protein meals and snacks. I've had to cut out a lot of processed foods but that's not a bad thing.
    Hey guys! I just bought power 90 on ebay and lookin forward to getting started with my hubby!! I have a question though, my set doesn't come with a resistance band. Do i need it? Should i buy the set with 5 different resistance levels?? any input would be helpful......thanks!

    Our set did come with one resistance band. It really comes down to personal preference. DH does not like the band and I also prefer free weights, although I am using the band. The one it came with is between 5 and 10 lbs of resistance, so I'm using it for the exercises that are too easy with 5 but too hard with 10. The main "difficulty" with us doing it together is that sometimes we want to use the same weights, but in those cases I just push DH to go up on his weight :)

    We have 5, 10, 15, and 20 lb weights and then one resistance band. So far it's working well for us. DH is the only one using the 20 lbs, I use the 5 lb and resistance band, and we share the 10 and 15 lb weights.
  • Just hit day 30 today! Actually finished my cardio workout for the day and I cannot believe I made it this far! For some of the people that posted above, DON'T LOSE HOPE WITH THE SCALE! In fact the first week I lost 2.6 lbs., and then weeks 2 & 3 I gained approximately 4 lbs. back! I thought to myself that the scale doesn't lie - but I noticed changes in my body big time, I adjusted my calories a little bit on weeks 3 + 4, and then on Sunday (day 28) I had dropped almost 8 lbs!

    Don't let the scale fool you as long as your noticing changes. If your endurance is getting better, and your actually feeling stronger then the program is working and you need to continue hitting play day in day out!!!

    Good job and Good Luck to all of you doing the program. I am very pumped for my next 60 days starting tomorrow!!!

    This makes me feel better! Congrats on making it thru your first 30 days!!!!
  • Hey guys! I just bought power 90 on ebay and lookin forward to getting started with my hubby!! I have a question though, my set doesn't come with a resistance band. Do i need it? Should i buy the set with 5 different resistance levels?? any input would be helpful......thanks!

    No - you can use free weights. They have someone demonstrating with the band and someone demonstrating with the weights.
  • tbgree00
    tbgree00 Posts: 25 Member
    I am on day 39 of the course right now. So far I'm down 3 inches on my waist and around 15lbs since I started doing it. I'm at the awkward stage where Sweat 3-4 is a little too hard combined with Strength 3-4 but Sweat 1-2 is pretty boring. I end up pausing during the high heat portions and try to finish out strong.

    The only complaint I have about it is that there are so few videos that his jokes get really annoying after awhile. If you can keep yourself engaged with it and really try you will see great results.

    I bought a set of bands off of ebay that has 5 bands, a door anchor, and handles. It was pretty cheap and has been good quality. I can make it harder by adding more bands. It's pretty nice.
  • albopballer
    albopballer Posts: 9 Member
    To Tlucas69, it comes with 1 band, however I went to Amazon and purchased a set from Black Mountain Products so that my wife could use them. I tried them as well and Black Mountain has high reviews and a really great product.

    If you type this into Amazon they should be around 24 bucks with free super saver shipping...takes about 5-8 business days to get to you...but these things are worth it! TYPE THIS: Black Mountain Products Resistance Band Set with Door Anchor, Ankle Strap, Exercise Chart, and Resistance Band Carrying Case.

    Good Luck!
  • albopballer
    albopballer Posts: 9 Member
    I am on day 39 of the course right now. So far I'm down 3 inches on my waist and around 15lbs since I started doing it. I'm at the awkward stage where Sweat 3-4 is a little too hard combined with Strength 3-4 but Sweat 1-2 is pretty boring. I end up pausing during the high heat portions and try to finish out strong.

    The only complaint I have about it is that there are so few videos that his jokes get really annoying after awhile. If you can keep yourself engaged with it and really try you will see great results.

    I bought a set of bands off of ebay that has 5 bands, a door anchor, and handles. It was pretty cheap and has been good quality. I can make it harder by adding more bands. It's pretty nice.

    Hey Tbgree00,

    Great work on getting to day 39...I had a question for you. You said you were already on the 3-4 phase at 39 days, did you jump up because the 1-2 was getting easy/boring? My current calendar has it divided at the 6 week mark, with the final 7 weeks being 3-4. I just started week 5, and I am actually alternating the sweat 1-2 days with Fat Burner Express to build me into the 3-4 phase in week 7. I too am getting a little bored with the 1-2 Sweat Routine.
  • tlucas69
    tlucas69 Posts: 74 Member
    Thanks for the input guys!! Appreciate it!!
  • tbgree00
    tbgree00 Posts: 25 Member
    I am on day 39 of the course right now. So far I'm down 3 inches on my waist and around 15lbs since I started doing it. I'm at the awkward stage where Sweat 3-4 is a little too hard combined with Strength 3-4 but Sweat 1-2 is pretty boring. I end up pausing during the high heat portions and try to finish out strong.

    The only complaint I have about it is that there are so few videos that his jokes get really annoying after awhile. If you can keep yourself engaged with it and really try you will see great results.

    I bought a set of bands off of ebay that has 5 bands, a door anchor, and handles. It was pretty cheap and has been good quality. I can make it harder by adding more bands. It's pretty nice.

    Hey Tbgree00,

    Great work on getting to day 39...I had a question for you. You said you were already on the 3-4 phase at 39 days, did you jump up because the 1-2 was getting easy/boring? My current calendar has it divided at the 6 week mark, with the final 7 weeks being 3-4. I just started week 5, and I am actually alternating the sweat 1-2 days with Fat Burner Express to build me into the 3-4 phase in week 7. I too am getting a little bored with the 1-2 Sweat Routine.


    Yes I jumped up because I was really bored with 1-2. If I hear "No blue people!" one more time I may throw punches through my TV!

    If I'm doing 1-2 sculpt I can complete 3-4 sweat pretty well. If I do both at 3-4 in the same two day period I can't complete the sweat. I think doing the squats in sculpt 3-4 kills my legs for the high heat portions of sweat.
  • albopballer
    albopballer Posts: 9 Member
    I am on day 39 of the course right now. So far I'm down 3 inches on my waist and around 15lbs since I started doing it. I'm at the awkward stage where Sweat 3-4 is a little too hard combined with Strength 3-4 but Sweat 1-2 is pretty boring. I end up pausing during the high heat portions and try to finish out strong.

    The only complaint I have about it is that there are so few videos that his jokes get really annoying after awhile. If you can keep yourself engaged with it and really try you will see great results.

    I bought a set of bands off of ebay that has 5 bands, a door anchor, and handles. It was pretty cheap and has been good quality. I can make it harder by adding more bands. It's pretty nice.

    Hey Tbgree00,

    Great work on getting to day 39...I had a question for you. You said you were already on the 3-4 phase at 39 days, did you jump up because the 1-2 was getting easy/boring? My current calendar has it divided at the 6 week mark, with the final 7 weeks being 3-4. I just started week 5, and I am actually alternating the sweat 1-2 days with Fat Burner Express to build me into the 3-4 phase in week 7. I too am getting a little bored with the 1-2 Sweat Routine.


    Yes I jumped up because I was really bored with 1-2. If I hear "No blue people!" one more time I may throw punches through my TV!

    If I'm doing 1-2 sculpt I can complete 3-4 sweat pretty well. If I do both at 3-4 in the same two day period I can't complete the sweat. I think doing the squats in sculpt 3-4 kills my legs for the high heat portions of sweat.

    Yea I am getting pretty annoyed as well, I'm going to try your method for week 6 and go with Sculpt 1-2 and the Sweat 3-4 to maybe get me prepped for the full 3-4 sculpt and sweat routines back to back for 7 weeks. The fat burner express has actually been pretty tough as well, the constant squats/half squats/leg phases is hard as heck but man does it work!

    Thanks for the feedback!
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    I owe my life to Tony and Power 90. It was the program I started off with when I was really out of shape (and morbidly obese). My DBF joined me a few days in. It was hard getting up every single morning before work at 6, but I lost 30 lbs with it and really introduced me into the world of fitness and health. I did however get bored of it quite quickly, since my endurance increased very fast (I am someone that picks up on fitness very fast), so I felt like it wasn't going fast enough. I quit about 78 days in and started Insanity :)
  • ahmommy
    ahmommy Posts: 316 Member
    I am on day 39 of the course right now. So far I'm down 3 inches on my waist and around 15lbs since I started doing it. I'm at the awkward stage where Sweat 3-4 is a little too hard combined with Strength 3-4 but Sweat 1-2 is pretty boring. I end up pausing during the high heat portions and try to finish out strong.

    The only complaint I have about it is that there are so few videos that his jokes get really annoying after awhile. If you can keep yourself engaged with it and really try you will see great results.

    I bought a set of bands off of ebay that has 5 bands, a door anchor, and handles. It was pretty cheap and has been good quality. I can make it harder by adding more bands. It's pretty nice.

    Hey Tbgree00,

    Great work on getting to day 39...I had a question for you. You said you were already on the 3-4 phase at 39 days, did you jump up because the 1-2 was getting easy/boring? My current calendar has it divided at the 6 week mark, with the final 7 weeks being 3-4. I just started week 5, and I am actually alternating the sweat 1-2 days with Fat Burner Express to build me into the 3-4 phase in week 7. I too am getting a little bored with the 1-2 Sweat Routine.


    Yes I jumped up because I was really bored with 1-2. If I hear "No blue people!" one more time I may throw punches through my TV!

    If I'm doing 1-2 sculpt I can complete 3-4 sweat pretty well. If I do both at 3-4 in the same two day period I can't complete the sweat. I think doing the squats in sculpt 3-4 kills my legs for the high heat portions of sweat.
    This is what DH and I are experiencing as well. We went up to 3-4 for both sweat and sculpt at 30 days. We did okay for a week but then it got to be really hard to do them back to back. Of course we've also been sick and pushing through. Yesterday we decided to do sweat 1-2 again and I felt like I did better. I was able to really push myself instead of just trying to make it through level 3-4 and really worked up a good sweat. Maybe we'll alternate for a little while and keep working our way up to being able to consistently do both levels 3-4.

    Remember, don't grab a cheeseburger!
  • velvteen
    velvteen Posts: 5 Member
    Congratulations everyone on your succes with P90!... I researched it forever until I felt confident I could do it and would be committed to it...I start tomorrow..<insert nervous smile here> :)
  • I started doing p90 one week of 1-2 level and than 3 of 3-4 levels. Like a person mentioned earlier in the post, I also gained 3 pounds, but I noticed change in my body, so whats wrong? Let see what happen! This week I just started P90 Master and really excited! I also add the squats.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    You are going to LOVE power 90! It's not too hard, but not too easy. I LOVE the sculpt so much--but I have to admit, the yoga/cardio gives me a serious run for my money and it's HARD for me...let me put it to you this way, If I would ONLY do the program Cardio & Sculpt (beginners) and work my strength up to be able to move on to the next level...I have NO doubt I'd be built like a shero now.

    Thanks for posting this question, it's excellent and I'm not diligent with it as I should--but if you will be, you will see and feel results, I guarantee. Plus I LOVE Tony's spirit/personality (I also love Leslie Sansone) and a lot of people don't like their voices or enthusiastic ways, but I LOVE it!

    Do it...you won't be sorry, I promise!