Too many greens?

I have recently adopted a mostly vegetarian diet. I have been following the book "Eat to Live" which recommends a pound of raw and a pound of cooked veggies a day. I'm not quite sure if I have been hitting a pound or not but my stomach is seriously upset.

I ate 2 cups of cooked cabbage last night and a cup of bok choy and all last night and even to this morning but stomach feels overly full, uncomfortably so.


I also think I might be constipated?

Could I be eating too many greens/fiber? Or is this just a shock to my system that will work itself out?



  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    That doesn't sound like too much to me at all, but everyone's body is different. If you are having belly trouble, maybe try easing it into your diet slowly.
  • beyondjupiter
    beyondjupiter Posts: 247 Member
    That doesn't sound like too much to me at all, but everyone's body is different. If you are having belly trouble, maybe try easing it into your diet slowly.

    I should be clear that I also eat green smoothies with a couple of cups of raw kale or spinach. I usually have a spinach salad too.

    However, yesterday while I had the smoothie, I did not have the extra salad of raw greens.

    I don't know if it was maybe just the cabbage or bok choy? This was my first time eating bok choy.
  • Querian
    Querian Posts: 419 Member
    I eat a ton of greens and veggies each day and don't have any problems. I think the issue is that you went from eating none to a ton. Like the other poster suggested try to ease into it to let your body get used to consuming to much fiber.
  • essaryswife73
    essaryswife73 Posts: 81 Member
    For someone not used to eating like that, that much cabbage and bok choy probably has you really bloated and gassy. I agree, you should probably ease into it. Good luck!!!
  • Miiimii
    Miiimii Posts: 279 Member
    Probably it would help eating other veggies than cabbage - like carrots, spinach, peppers, eggplant, zucchini, etc. I can imagine that to much cabbage will upset your stomach, because it causes gases. ;-)
  • laurengaugler
    laurengaugler Posts: 45 Member
    I felt the same way when I tried implementing what the book recommended. I cut back a little bit and have been slowly building it up. I still feel kind of sick at times, but it's much better!
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    Cabbage and bok choi create a lot of gas.

    Eating more fruits and vegetables usually causes the opposite of constipation. I'm inclined to ask you to open your diary for more accurate responses to your questions. Thanks :smile:
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    It's worth adding that once your body is used to it, you will feel much, much better! These days, if I go too long without green veggies, I crave them!

    Make sure you are drinking plenty of water too, if you are feeling constipated.
  • domgirl85
    domgirl85 Posts: 295 Member
    If you're not used to eating that many vegetables/fiber, then yes. I usually eat a lot of veggies but sometimes I eat more and it does upset my stomach. What else are you eating? You should gradually increase your fiber intake. No point in living uncomfortably if you don't have to.
  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    Bok choy is pretty much the same thing as cabbage -- they're all in the brassica family, which can sometimes cause digestive distress. Broccoli, cauliflower, kale and collards are all brassicas, too. 3 cups of cabbage all at once sounds like a lot of cabbage to ask your digestive system to deal with at once!

    I'd recommend not eating huge quantities of brassica vegetables all at once; mix it up with other kinds of vegetable.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    A dramatic increase in fiber could cause some short term constipation. Make sure you are getting enough fat with all those veggies and consider easing in. Mix some chia seeds into that smoothie, or eat a whole bunch of grapes with some black coffee for the constipation.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Could I be eating too many greens/fiber? Or is this just a shock to my system that will work itself out?


    I'm going to vote for shock to your system. Any drastic change in diet is likely to cause problems at first.
  • ahaley48
    ahaley48 Posts: 54 Member
    i suggest you eat the rainbow.. orange fruits and veggies veggies, green ones, red ones, blue ones.. it should balance it all out.. me it sounds like you might have gas..(cabbage is known make both me and hubby gassy, and sometimes it's uncomfy till it comes out) and might need something, like maybe some raw almonds or something.. to push through your system..and firm up your stool if in fact it's loose.. Congrats on the major change! and yeah,.. i also agree..try smaller portions throught the day in stead up 3 heaping cups in one sitting :)

    oh yeah.. and drink more WATER>.

    Hope this helps! But be encouraged and keep on trucking .. and listen to your body.. if your tummy is full, don't eat. :)
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I would not do the raw veggies. They are not very friendly to the digestive tract. Veggies should be steamed lightly. How much water do you drink? You will need to drink more because of the extra soluble fiber. Soluble fiber draws water into the intestine and if you do not drink enough you will become constipated.
  • beyondjupiter
    beyondjupiter Posts: 247 Member
    Bok choy is pretty much the same thing as cabbage -- they're all in the brassica family, which can sometimes cause digestive distress. Broccoli, cauliflower, kale and collards are all brassicas, too. 3 cups of cabbage all at once sounds like a lot of cabbage to ask your digestive system to deal with at once!

    I'd recommend not eating huge quantities of brassica vegetables all at once; mix it up with other kinds of vegetable.

    Ahhh! I did not realize this. I need to find myself a list or chart somewhere. I drank a kale smoothie with cooked broccoli a couple of days ago and the of course the bok choy and cabbage together. I didn't know bok choy was in the same family. I know you are supposed to rotate your greens so I have been trying to be adventurous and buy random veggies at the market I haven't had before. Good information, thank you.

    Thank you all for the input. Maybe I need slow down a bit and ease myself in a little better. Glad I am not the only one!

    I'll try the black coffee for the other issue ;)

  • beyondjupiter
    beyondjupiter Posts: 247 Member
    I would not do the raw veggies. They are not very friendly to the digestive tract. Veggies should be steamed lightly. How much water do you drink? You will need to drink more because of the extra soluble fiber. Soluble fiber draws water into the intestine and if you do not drink enough you will become constipated.

    Thank you for this. I have been consuming around 10 glasses, however yesterday I did only have 4-5 glasses.

    I eat the veggies raw (in a smoothie or salad) to preserve the nutrients that cooking can kill.

  • AuddAlise
    AuddAlise Posts: 723 Member
    You ever see that episode of Big Bang Theory about sheldon making 1 night a week cruciforous vegetable night? He wakes his roommate up thinking he's dying. Turns out to be gas, that what cruciforous vegetables do to you. I would assume that is what is going on with you. Try some Beano.
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    Also, I don't know how many of you are cabbage eaters, but that could be a big culprit. I know for myself when I eat a lot of cabbage, it can get to my stomach. It makes you gassy, and that will bother your stomach. There are definitely certain veggies (cruciferious) ones that have that effect on some people.

    ETA - just saw everyone else's responses and they beat me to it :flowerforyou:
  • beyondjupiter
    beyondjupiter Posts: 247 Member
    Cerdwin, I LOVE BBT! I totally forgot about that episode :laugh:

    Thank you, Bella! I have eaten a lot of cabbage before and never had an issue. Although I'm having stomach fullness and unease now... no gas (yet). I think maybe it was the mix of the cabbage and bok choy.

    It sucks too because I love cabbage and I have a whole tupperware container full left in the fridge and I think I should stay away from it today. boo.

    I am going to look up a veggie chart and see if I can find a better balance and don't eat so many cruciferious veggies at once.

    Also, I'll look into beano. I am not a huge pill person. So I may just try and wait it out unless beano happens to be natural.

  • LoonaAdl
    LoonaAdl Posts: 12 Member
    Bok choy is pretty much the same thing as cabbage -- they're all in the brassica family, which can sometimes cause digestive distress. Broccoli, cauliflower, kale and collards are all brassicas, too. 3 cups of cabbage all at once sounds like a lot of cabbage to ask your digestive system to deal with at once!

    I'd recommend not eating huge quantities of brassica vegetables all at once; mix it up with other kinds of vegetable.
    I agree!