200+ (Week 38) Sizzlin' Through Summer



  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Orlando - great job on your first week. I love your goals - barns and noble (drooling).
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Well I'm a hoping today Is a better day. I woke up kind of cranky yesterday and my daughter decided to throw the mother of all fits and it set the tone for the rest of my day. I couldn't wait for bed time. And my eating sucked because of it. Today WILL be a better day.

    On the agenda for the day? I'm going to get out and water my flowers and garden here soon. The weeds in the garden are horrendous because I didn't till this year so I have got to get that done.
    Jeff is gong to take Gracie to the country fair for a few hours this afternoon which will be nice for me. A couple hours of time to myself is much needed.

    I did make the best grilled corn chipotle soup last night though. YUM!!

    I might head into town and get the rest of my groceries and hit up target as well.

    Kristina maybe this issue will adjust as your body gets used to your new morning routine? That's my only guess. Sorry I couldn't be more help.

    Victoria that is really cool you get all those plants from your mil. I would love that!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Thanks for the thoughts gals. I think I just need to putter around the house for longer before I go. I just want to be able throw on my clothes and head out the door, but perhaps that's just not meant to be. One nice thing about getting up at the crack of dawn to run? You're done with all your errands for the day before you'd normally get up on a weekend! Whew.

    Made a three-bean salad to take to work this week and have ingredients to make a WW garden veggie soup for dinners over this week. I've been craving Jimmy John's like whoa, so am going to get a veggie sandwich there for lunch after hitting up Old Navy for a few new shirts perhaps. Then watching the world cup, reading, and relaxing. Will need to get to bed early tonight though.

    Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday.

    PS. I'm down to where I was pre-TOM week gain, so I'm pleased about that. Now, I'm just hoping for a loss this week as well. Only thing on my schedule in terms of not so great eating is a birthday lunch with coworkers, but we're going to Panera and I can usually find good options there, so potential for a good eating/exercise week. Runs are the same as this week 3, 3, 4 miles, with 2 days of cross training, 1 day of stretching/strength, and a rest day. Plan to do a pilates dvd on my stretch days. Always feel long and lean after that.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Drool, Drool, Drool - I :love: Jimmy John.... I'm green with envy...

    The in-laws just left. Getting ready to haul dirt and mulch - that will be my ex for the day.
  • Hi! I just joined. It will be a week tomorrow. I've been looking for some help. Not sure how this group thing works, but it looks interesting.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hi there. I have been looking around for a group to join and you all look like you are right up my alley. I have been doing this (this time around) for a little over a month and had great success the first 2 weeks and then, for the last 2 weeks I've been gaining & losing the same 0.4 pounds. I have changed up my workouts to Insanity DVDs (wow - intense!) and I do C25K 3 days a week (I'm on week 6).

    Just wanted to say hi & introduce myself. I'm a hausfrau living in Germany & loving it - we've been here 2 months.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Hi ladies! First just want to welcome all the new people! We're a really great, supportive group and I know I wouldn't have kept up with my weight loss without the help of these wonderful ladies. I really hope you decide to stick around. We weigh in typically between Friday and Sunday. Pinbotchick keeps a chart for us and its posted roughly every 6 weeks (thats how long we make our challenges for). AkaSullenGirl starts our new threads every Thursday night so add her as a friend so you'll see on your news thread when she posts the new thread. Don't hold anything back; we don't shy away from embarrassing stuff.

    I'm having a good weekend. My dad has started teaching dance (shag, line dance and ballroom) again since he lost his job in November and its really starting to pick up. He had a dance party Friday night so I went to that instead of exercising. I danced to a couple songs. My eating was horrible that night. I ate before I went because I knew everyone was bringing finger foods but I still ate all kinds of crap. But it was fun and I had a good time.

    Got up early on Saturday and took Lexi to the vet to have him check out her neck. He acted like the bump on her neck was absolutely no big deal and said it will gradually go away. :indifferent: arg. But she did need some shots and I got more heartworm pills so at least I have peace of mind knowing that she'll be ok. Even though I spent over $100. :grumble: She's now 63 pounds! :noway: She was 50 when I got her!! I think I'm going to slowly cut back on how much I feed her.

    After that I took my parents' dog to a $5 rabies vaccine clinic at a fire station about 20 minutes from here. I figured it was something to do since I had gotten up so early and had nothing else to do the rest of the day. Then I came home and did nothing the rest of the day lol. I really just sat online all day. Around 7:30 I went over to mom and dad's for dinner. Then around 9 I went over to my bff's house and once it got really dark, we went outside and took AWESOME pictures with sparklers and flashlights! I will post the link here once I get them posted. I am thoroughly excited about how they turned out considering it was our first time trying this stuff. I didn't get home till 2:30 this morning.....slept till noon today. Its going to be a rough night trying to get some sleep today.

    OHH! I weighed 220.8 this morning!!! :noway: Now I have to focus on maintaining that all week so I'll have it for next week's weigh in!

    anyways, I need to get my day started ...yeah I know...its a late start :laugh: :tongue:
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I typically weigh in on Saturday - so the group's weigh-in fits just right with mine. This past Saturday, I was down 0.4 pounds but it was the same 0.4 pounds I was UP the previous week. I know it's way too soon to claim plateau but it IS frustrating to see the same pounds on the scale. I had a crap day on Saturday as I was dealing with a fibromyalgia flare-up and felt like hell all day long. Today was much better (still a bit of pain going on but I got my Insanity work out in).

    Blombie: How fun, to dance for your exercise on Friday. That's cool. My dog (Bernese mountain dog named Sofie) was getting a bit on the hefty side (I always said that if I was a dog, I'd be a Berner as they are laid back, loving and don't really like unnecessary exercise!) - she was 97 pounds - but when we moved to Germany in April, we started hiking in the woods and she has slimmed down A LOT. I wish I could say the same for me :laugh:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Welcome armyrangermom and anvy1221!

    Jump right on in with the posting.

    Anvy- I know that can be quite frustrating. My weight tends to fluctuate like that too. I'll lose some, then gain some of that back, then lose it again, then gain, etc. The overall trend is downward, but it can be quite annoying! Glad you were able to get your workout in despite the fibro flareup!

    Kendal- way to go. 220?!? Woowoo! You've been the group rockstar this challenge so far. You've been working hard at it. So proud of you!

    Enjoying the world cup game and relaxing. Still contemplating getting my nap on. Already chopped all my veggies for the soup to make tonight, so it'll be super simple to make. While this weekend has been relaxing, it's still too short. Could use another day before work again. Oh well.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome new ladies:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: We love getting to know new people. Ask questions and we will give you our best advice. Our group has been around for quite awhile now and as you can see we are successfully losing weight. Eating better and exercising more are keys to success.

    Kendal - I wanna dance too. Lexie should be okay. Mom's dog gets at least one tick a week and has survived.

    I'm such a blond - I almost posted this to another group (*sighs*). Exercise for the day was 90 min of moving dirt to the new flower bed. We have so much more to move but heat and rain stopped us today. Now it's time to do paperwork.
  • Thanks for the welcome! This site is awesome. I only walked 3 times last week for almost 3 miles. This week I would like to do 5 days. It's challenging enough because I need to get up at 5:30 to do this, but I'm also going to be out of town Thursday and Friday. Thanks again. I appreciate the support. This time seems different.
  • justahorsen
    justahorsen Posts: 234
    Mind if you have another newcomer? I have been going up and down with the same .6 lbs for a couple of weeks, but today decided to "take the bull by the horns". My son-in-law (Neil) left for Iraq yesterday (2nd tour) so I started the "nervous" eating with all the worrying I'll be doing for the next year, and of course, the sympathy eating for my daughter and her "alone-ness". See the pattern???
    I really want to find a exercise or two that I can sub for the eating....any suggestions for quick/easy short burst workouts that I can do anywhere...work, or home? I sometimes now will just squat a little and do "punches" (like on the 30 day shred) to speed up the heart rate and help me avoid the vending machines.....and I don't care if I look "goofy" standing in my office throwing punches for 30 seconds to a minute if it works....So does anyone have anything else I can try? ooohh and I work in an office in a factory so I wear jeans and blouses to work so I don't have to worry about exercising in skirts.
  • My oldest son left for Afghanistan last Monday, his second tour too. His girlfriend is also going through the alone-ness. However, she was the one to inspire me. She just lost 22 pounds and looks awesome. Where is your son-in-law stationed?

    I'm just going to walk for a couple weeks. I'm lucky that I have a park on the way to work that has a 2.75 path. I would like to work up to a 5K. The local running club here has a Women's Walk/Run 10-week training program that starts tomorrow. I'm looking forward to going to the open house and seeing what it involves.
  • hey everyone im Julie.
  • pennylbunch
    pennylbunch Posts: 122
    Hey guys, Julie (above) is my niece, she's a great person and a wonderful mother to her baby Wesley! Welcome Julie!

    Julie cooked dinner for me tonight and the entire meal was under 400 calories, don't remember exactly how much, but its in my food list. It was good too! amazing to find that you can eat healthy, and loose weight and it can TASTE good too! And here I thought I would be eating salads for the rest of my life! We left Julie's after eating and walked off the calories at Walmart checking out calories on everything we passed and laughed at each other alot. It was fun, I had a great time, picked up some low cal snacks and got a chance to plan a few meals for next week!

    It's great to have someone you know do this with you!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    hm....trying to get my pictures up here but its late and I'm not thinking straight...here's the link to my sparkler/flashlight pics :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome to Julie and Justahorsen (*imagine flowers*) I can't get smileys to work from the iPhone.

    Kendal - I'm almost tempted to get out of bed to see the pics but good sense says stay in bed and try to go back to sleep. I'll look tomorrow.

    Why have I been up since 3 am??? Must be the rain storm. At least DH got 3 loads of laundry done today. Have I told you about the washer trouble? It went on the fritz last weekend. I called the repair guy and he was coming over Tues morning to fix it. Mr Brilliant (aka DH) messed with machine and claimed it was fixed so I cancelled the repairman. Mr. Brilliant has 2 left thumbs - I was a bit skeptical but he kept insisting it was working. By Wed night, he admitted things weren't going as planned. He cont to tinker. By the time the in-laws arrived we have piles of dirty laundry every where. Thank goodness FIL helped. They finally decided it's the pump (rolls eyes). Of cousre it's Sunday so the part hasn't even been ordered yet (rolls eyes). Who knows when it will be fixed. So DH calls my mom and sweet talks her into doing 3 loads of our laundry at her house - gotta love moms. Is it sad I was more worried about workout clothes than work clothes?? DH is planning a load a night at moms until we catch up. The sheet and towel pile is huge.

    I'm going to try for more shut eye. Have to up in 2 hours for my bike ride - I hope this rain stops or I'll be running on the treadmill.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    PS - great job on cooking Julie. What did you make? I'm always looking for more tasty, lo-cal recipies.

    Penny - it's great that you've found a someone to keep you accountable.

    Armyrangermom - good luck with the running. Deciding to do C25K was the best decision (other than joining MFP) I've made. Speed doesn't matter - just get out and do it.

    Justahorsen - it's nice to see someone else from MI. I like your profile pic.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Morning ladies (I guess it's still night in the states but it's morning here!). I got up and was going to do my C25K but it was just too danged hot (It was already 80 at 7 am!). So I cleaned my house instead. And it was STILL too danged hot! I was vacuuming the stairs and sweat was pouring off my face as if I was working out! I just cannot get the hang of this summery weather. For the past 5 years, I lived in Monterey, CA and it rarely went over 75 degrees - even in summer (and I LOVED it). Southern Germany is waaaayyyy hotter than Monterey. And...there's no air conditioning...yuck! But I'll get my Insanity workout in this evening. It helps that my husband does the workout with me. I like knowing that someone is expecting me to show up for the workout, it keeps me accountable. Plus, he's in a lot better shape than I am (being in the military does that to you) so my competitiveness keeps me pushing hard to keep up with him.

    Victoria: I hope you got back to sleep. We had a thunderstorm the likes of which I've never seen before last week at about 4 am. It freaked my dog out and my son climbed into our bed cuz the lightening and thunder "kept him up". The rain came down in sheets (I actually thought it was pretty cool) and it kept the whole house up for at least 2 hours in the middle of the way early monring - we made up for it by sleeping in until 10 am (It was a Saturday, thank goodness). I hope your washer gets fixed. Not being able to do laundry is miserable.

    Have a great day!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal – Wow! Those pictures are amazing. How do you get the sparklers to show up so well? What kind of camera do you have?

    Penny & Julie – It so nice you have each other to support you on your weight loss journey. It’s always nice to have someone make a tasty and healthy meal for you – that’s awesome.

    Justahorsen: Where in Iraq is your son-in-law going? My husband is gearing up for a deployment to Iraq at the end of the year <sigh>. He’ll be in the Green Zone basically in an office the entire time but it still stresses me out. When I was working in an office last year, I would walk around the block for 10 minutes or walk up & down the stairs for a bit to get some extra exercise. You could also do some stretches in your chair/office, which would help with flexibility and stress.

    Armyrangermom: I started exercising by walking. I was recovering from blood clots in my lungs at the beginning of 2009 and my pulmonologist told me that I absolutely HAD to get at least 10 minutes of walking every day. So I plodded along, barely able to breathe due to the damage to my lungs, every day. I ran a 5K this past February (at a snail’s pace but I finished so I was happy with that). I’m still working on getting faster & running farther but it all started with walking 10 minutes a day & building from there.

    Kristina: What did you think of the World Cup game? I thought the reffing was a bit …er, off (but what else is new) but I was happy with the outcome. All my German neighbors were rooting for Spain (for some reason the Germans don’t really like the Dutch but I can’t get them to tell me why…it’s just the way it is…weird.)
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