Anyone else with an under active thyroid?



  • cmulligan101
    Hi there
    i also have a low thyroid and finding it a little slower loosing the weight. I just was told something by a friend which alarmed me and was wondering if any one else had heard of this. I have been all over Google about it. They say if you have under active thyroid you should stay away from green especially raw vegetables broccoli,spinach, kale etc. Very alarming since i have been incorporating all of these things into my diet. Just something for you to look into
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I'm having mine checked with my next Dr. appt. My coworker is about the same age and we have similar symptoms (also given to menopause) She found her number was 6 when she went and was put on synthroid. She lost a few pounds since and finally got below her elusive 150lbs.

    I don't know if mine is low, but I've never had this much trouble in my forties doing the same things and don't know if it's age and menopause...the foggy brain, tiredness, etc. Might be but I agree, a good thing to get checked.
  • IIISpartacusIII
    IIISpartacusIII Posts: 252 Member
    Do you think it affects your weight loss? Got any tips for someone else with an under active thyroid?


    Who diagnosed you? Was it you? Go to a doctor to find out if it's true. I think I'm a billionaire and yet my bank statements fail to prove it. Yikes! Seriously, if you're looking for excuses for why... try as you might, there's this medical condition that you have which won't allow you to lose any weight, then you'll find one (real or imagined) but how does this help you in the long term? Even if it turns out that you do have a thyroid issue, there's medication which will put you right back on track. Good luck.
  • AnthonyScalco
    Under active thyroid = excuses.
  • lfafnis
    lfafnis Posts: 35 Member
    I have no thyroid, it was removed 8 years ago because it had become a goiter. I have to be on medication for life, and as long as I keep an eye on it, and take my medication, it does not affect my ability to lose weight. If you are not seeing a doctor, and not on medication now, I would highly recommend that you make an appointment soon. You won't be sorry you did. A malfunctioning thyroid can affect many things with respect to your heath. Good Luck!:smile:
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I'm on levothyroxine. Don't feel any different now than before I was prescribed this drug. No symptoms at all that I can tell, just the numbers on my regular periodic blood work and my doctor telling me I needed this med.
  • lfafnis
    lfafnis Posts: 35 Member
    Yeah I'm on meds but just cannot seem to get the levels right. Can just be a bit frustrating at times.
    I have an iron deficiency as well. I just lack energy and really want to know if there could be something else going on or if it just because I'm lazy lol. I know I need to exercise more but it is hard when you have no energy

    For a year before I was diagnosed, I chastised myself for being lazy, because I was tired all the time and did not feel like doing anything. When they showed me that my thyroid had grown to 30 times it's normal size and had ceased functioning, I started to believe maybe there was something more to it. When they finally removed my thyroid and got me on replacement therapy, I realized that I had beat myself up for nothing. It had nothing to do with laziness, despite what a few other posters are suggesting.
  • MelissaVoci
    MelissaVoci Posts: 69 Member
    About a month ago I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid and put on medication for it. I have lost 13 pounds, BUT I am not attributing it to the medication alone.... I drastically changed my diet - I was told I am lactose intolerant and cut out dairy, and after doing some research on the thyroid, I decided to cut out gluten - and not only is my energy better, I don't have cravings like I did and my stomach feels better. I would definitely suggest getting with a good doctor, talk about nutrition, not just pills.... My doctor also found that I was extremely low in vitamin D, and I am taking 50000 units a week, once a week for the next 6 months. I had stomach ulcers and depression as well when I went in. Hope it all works out for you :)
  • mrsritchie83
    mrsritchie83 Posts: 3 Member
    About a month ago I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid and put on medication for it. I have lost 13 pounds, BUT I am not attributing it to the medication alone.... I drastically changed my diet - I was told I am lactose intolerant and cut out dairy, and after doing some research on the thyroid, I decided to cut out gluten - and not only is my energy better, I don't have cravings like I did and my stomach feels better. I would definitely suggest getting with a good doctor, talk about nutrition, not just pills.... My doctor also found that I was extremely low in vitamin D, and I am taking 50000 units a week, once a week for the next 6 months. I had stomach ulcers and depression as well when I went in. Hope it all works out for you :)

    - I am just curious , I also have under active thyroid and have been taking levothyroxine for about 2 years now with no change in weight. I started incorporating running and weight lifting 4x a week average, see muscle forming but no weight loss. I have always felt that I was lactose intolerant because of how I feel and how my symptoms match up to those who are lactose intolerant. I was also diagnose with low vitamin D and have been taking 4,000 units a day. My question is , is how does gluten free play a role in our thyroid function? I am afraid of trying gluten free because I hear it's high in fat, calories and carbs which is also bad for thyroid. Struggling to lose this weight!
  • louiselavender
    My thyroid was removed several years ago, so I take levothyroxine daily. It will affect how you lose weight. So long as you're getting the right dose of levothyroxine it is possible to lose weight with a calorie controlled diet. So if you're having problems. regular blood tests until the dose is correct is important.
  • dedicated2014
    dedicated2014 Posts: 36 Member
    Under active thyroid = excuses.

    Um, no.
  • kspexet
    kspexet Posts: 27 Member
    Wow! Critical much?
  • b3ll3gurl2
    Not really.

    I was here for a year and lost zero. I don't have a sedentary lifestyle. Work is stand up for at least 13 hours, 4 times a week. Dancer here. Yogini. Gym. I came back again before another check up to make sure I was on target. I have gained 25 lbs. since joining. This site help me provide the proof of all I was doing when I asked my doctor to check last time. Then, I started feeling tired and having pain all over my body.

    My reason for getting this, I took Lithium and did not have my thyroid levels taken after being weaned off.
  • rachell1985
    rachell1985 Posts: 1 Member
    to the person who said having an under active thyroid was an excuse, you obviously have never had a medical condition. i had mine diagnosed about 5 years ago, my bloods are checked regularly, i am on the correct dosage, eat well get a good amount of exercise despite this loosing weight is almost impossible,