I had a massive binge :(



  • aeg176
    aeg176 Posts: 171 Member
    Cookies, ice cream, donuts, candy... What is wrong with me :(. I hope I haven't undone all my hard work. What should I do to recover from this

    Next time you binge do it in front of a mirror totally nude and really look at yourself, critic yourself... your wiggling and giggling self and then see if you can take that next bite.

    ^^^wow that's intense but def a good way to stop that habit, I hate looking at myself as I pass the mirror let alone naked, sitting in front of it AND eating. that may throw me off food completely until I could get that image out of my mind lol

    binges happen and the best thing you can do to make sure it doesn't keep happening is look into what triggered it, get any leftovers out of the house, take a walk if you have the time and start fresh tomorrow. Good luck!
  • ruckerbenton
    Hang in there. Just get busy if you get the feeling that you want special stuff that you don't plan. I can rarely eat just a little of something good so fight the urge and especially the "what does it matter!" You have the skills to get through this.
  • skinnydreams19
    skinnydreams19 Posts: 282 Member
    I do this, too (I just did this weekend) and I think the most important thing is to forgive yourself and start tomorrow like today never happened. Whenever I try to increase exercise/decrease food the subsequent day to make up for a binge, I set myself up for another binge - and end up in a vicious binge-starve cycle that's almost as awful for my psyche as my waistline. Binges happen, move on. It's only a real disaster if you let it bog you down.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    You can't undo what you did.
    You can "recover".
    As to what you're doing wrong...
    #1 You aren't tracking what you eat.
  • FellaBritches
    FORGIVE yourself and start again tomorrow.
  • gonnamakeanewaccount
    gonnamakeanewaccount Posts: 642 Member
    Yeah, you've undone all of your hard work within one binge. Definitely.
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    It is harder when you are 100 years old, just drink metamucil from now on.
  • FitBlackChick
    FitBlackChick Posts: 215 Member
    Happened to me about two weeks ago. I must have eaten up to 10000 calories between the two days! (I normally eat around 1700 calories in a normal day so you can see how massive this blunder was). I gained three pounds, and yes I was very devastated and mad at myself. But I decided to get over it, and start over. I lost 2 of the 3 pounds within a week after, and now it doesn't even matter. Whenever I make a mistake, I always remind myself of what the link below says:

  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Trolling much?
    100 years old?
    No tracking... "no snacking"... that would probably cause binges.
  • ainsleybtown
    Cookies, ice cream, donuts, candy... What is wrong with me :(. I hope I haven't undone all my hard work. What should I do to recover from this

    Next time you binge do it in front of a mirror totally nude and really look at yourself, critic yourself... your wiggling and giggling self and then see if you can take that next bite.

    I am DEFINITELY going to try this haha.
  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    I would either
    a)work out asap
    b)distract myself
    c) go to bed.
    I would do all of above.
    You will learn from this and you are in control of your choices!

  • Brads2ndLife
    Have a blowout binge once every 9 months?

    Count me in :)

    Won't make even a tiny difference over a year.
  • TekMom
    TekMom Posts: 10 Member
    I recently heard that if you "binge" the following day on citrus fruits - oranges, grapefruit, lemons & limes - it helps to flush out the calories that you binged on the previous day. It's worth a shot!
  • losing5555
    a few weeks ago i had a sort of binge. i just worked out how much i ate, considered that to gain a pound you have to eat 3, 500, and just worked my butt off the next few days to lose it... and i did! don't worry about it, it happens to everyone. the only bad thing here would be to give up. :smile:
  • NYCNika
    NYCNika Posts: 611 Member
    Can you have your "guilty" foods in a planned way and not binge? Say a favorite meal at a restaurant once every 6 weeks. Or an extra 400 calories every Friday night. Or a donut once a week... Something like that. I have an almond croissant for breakfast once or twice a week, on workout days. I still come under calories on those days.
  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
    first find out why u binged. an adresss that. diet 2 strict? need to remove temptation from the house? need to schedule a cheat meal every couple wks? U got this!
  • lisacast123
    lisacast123 Posts: 1 Member
    I just saw Dr. Oz where his speaker said that if you have a binge day make sure to follow the next day with 5 servings of citrus (grapefruit, oranges, lime). My doctor told me to have 5 servings of apples after a binge. If you pace yourself and count the calories, it couldn't hurt to have both. Oh, and don't forget your water. Good luck! :)
  • Suffer4beauty
    Suffer4beauty Posts: 44 Member
    I actually plan of having a few binge days - like once or twice a month. I just had 2 last weekend, and yes, I gained, but it was minimal and I already lost the weight. I wait to "binge" after 6 PM. I found that if I force myself to be healthy the rest of day, I can only binge so much in the evening. I still gain because my choices are high calorie (like I had chocolate lava cake when going out with some friends that I only see once or twice a year due to distance) - but still, I can only eat so much food after 6 PM - meaning that I only go about 1,000 to 2,000 calories over my maintenance level - so I gain less than half a pound. I find that if I give myself permission to have these days, I don't lapse in-between unplanned days and I still get to enjoy the foods I miss (like the Chili's baby back ribs with loaded mashed potatoes and a side of sweet potato fries with a girly alcohol drink and a chocolate desert :)) then I stick to my "diet" of healthy eating all the rest of the days because I know that the desserts aren't in a "never" category or even in a "I must have self-control" category - sometimes just letting go and eating whatever you want helps you to enjoy the food so much more since planned (at least for me) equals "no guilt" just move on with the diet.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    You might like to join this mfp group, if binge eating is something you regularly have an issue with.
    Lots of support there and we do a challenge each month of ourselves vs the binge monster, so we can keep tally of our good days and encourage each other.

  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I do have a history of it which caused me to gain a lot of weight. I was doing so well though and didn't binge for 9 months. Now I'm going back to my old habits :(

    No, you are NOT going back to your old habits. You had one day that you didn't make the wisest choices. Out of 9 months one day is nothing to give up over.