sitting on your butt at work for 8 hours



  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    My trainer recommended I sit on an exercise ball instead of a chair to burn extra calories and work on posture.
  • mariabee
    mariabee Posts: 212 Member
    I'm in the same position. Sometimes I just wanna drive a pencil through my Since starting my job in (Feb) I've actually gained 10 pounds which is very sad, as oppossed to my last job where I was on my feet for 8 hours moving around and still had energy by the time I got home to actually work out and managed to lose 19 pounds. But yes, i get up and use the restroom, fill up my water bottle etc. So you're not alone. But sometimes when no one is in the restroom I do 2 sets of 10, squats, and about 30 jumping jacks. Sounds crazy but it does burn a few calories. =) Hope that helps!!!

    I do the same thing! I wonder what people think we're doing in there! LOL.
  • herky
    herky Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks for the help everyone!
    I've gotten into a habit of bringing my gym bag to work, so I force myself to work out right after work everyday before going home...that's probably the best I can do for now.

    It would help if I didn't work in a department that is 98% women who all bring homemade sweets to work nearly everyday, and I have a terrible sweet tooth. At least by the end of the summer I will have built up some good resistance!
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    :happy: :happy: :blushing: Good move with the gym bag! Just remember, just cuz people bring "treats" into work, doesn't mean you're obligated to eat them! I have Celiac's (gluten allergy) so can't eat the stuff people bring in: I always have "healthy" options for myself in the way of "munchies" like carrots, celery, apple or even an extra serving of Chex cereal (honey nut or cinamon satifies as sweat tooth!). Also, bring your own lunch so you're not tempted - while will-power is good to have, it sometimes isn't enough & takes time to build it up. Put a pic of your goals in front of you & that will help remind you what you want (I have a pic of what I looked like 5yrs ago & I want to fit in those jeans again! Yes I still have them in the hopes I will fit in them!).
  • Julien1
    Julien1 Posts: 11

    Don't worry too much about not being on your feet at work. You can get up, take little walks when you can, which will help.

    Just try to be active outside of work, before or after your shift by taking a walk, a job, or simply working out on the elliptical, cross trainer, or with weights:).

    Ensure you're eating healthy foods as well. Restrict the junk.
  • kpaulsen
    kpaulsen Posts: 25
    I've been out of school for a few years, but I definitely remember getting a desk job after graduation and how amazed I was by how sedentary everything is. I miss having to run/walk 20 minutes across campus to catch a bus or make a class. What great exercise without even realizing I was getting it!

    I'm in business development/marketing, so I do a lot of running from one printer to the other, to the workstation, taking copies to people's offices for edits, etc. Advice:

    * Always walk like you're late to a meeting (double time it)
    * Taking stairs in the parking garage (if it's well lit and the garage has good security). There are several women in my building who walk all 10 floors of the parking garage every day during lunch
    * Every hour or 90 minutes take a quick lap around your floor. You'll be able to meet people and chit chat, which will also be good for networking!
    * Change up water by having some of the "singles" drink mixers
    * Agree with the hand-deliver things to people or ask questions again in person. +2 with the networking and getting to know people in the office
    * I do butt squeezes and leg lifts under my desk every 15 minutes when I'm working on a really tedious editing project.
    * If there is a nearby shopping mall, go there during lunch and double-time it doing big laps. You can figure out how much distance the mall "track" covers and then add that to your daily exercise (just resist the tempting smells of Auntie Anne's pretzels)

    Good luck!
  • rockinright
    rockinright Posts: 241
    I work in a bank and struggle with this. It's a one-story building so there's nowhere to walk during lunch unless I go outside...and July in the Mid-Atlantic isn't a good place to take a lunchtime walk when you're wearing a long-sleeve dress shirt and's kind hard to look professional to customers when you are wearing a sweat-soaked shirt and red in the face!

    Best I can do is walk at home in the evening but I rarely do that with a 16 month old (and my wife gets home later than me...and she too is trying to lose weight...)
  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    Get one of these for under your desk:

    you can pedal away all day long!