How often do you work out?



  • turkeyhunter60
    turkeyhunter60 Posts: 319 Member
    about 3 times per week at boot camp, 30 minutes at a time.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,671 Member
    6 days a week on a split.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    25-30 min walk with the dog every morning
    40 min cardio workout M-W-F
    40 min strength training T-Th-Sat
    25-30 min walk with the dog every evening

    That's 90 minutes and 350-450 cals burned EVERY DAY.
  • sweetiecorn
    sweetiecorn Posts: 115 Member
    For me it's :

    Mon: Gym (40 mins cardio, 30 resistance)
    Tues: Ride the horsey
    Weds: Gym (40 mins cardio, 30 resistance)
    Thurs: rest
    Fri: Ponytime again

    Saturday: be a huge pig and undo all the work from previous days
    Sunday: Take it out on the poor horsey/or the gym
  • JazzieG13
    JazzieG13 Posts: 11 Member
    3x week - run/sprint 41 flights stairs up, then 41 flights down in my office building
    4x week - treadmill or outdoor running - 2 to 2 1/2 miles each session
    4x week - 4 sets 25 alternating ab crunches
    2x week - just signed up for bootcamp because I realize that I haven't concentrated on strength-training at all this winter :(
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    6 days of crossfit (if I'm lucky i'll hit 7 on sunday)

    Right now 3 of those days I do 2 a days - just started.

    Morning Tabata row sprints with GHD sit-ups and back extensions and hand stand push ups (afternoon back to CF)
  • jobean12
    jobean12 Posts: 99 Member
    Dang, I thought I was getting in good workouts, you people are rockin it!!!!!!!!! Now I feel a bit inadequate!!!
  • Brookesworld104
    Brookesworld104 Posts: 32 Member
    I have to agree with some previous posters that everyone needs SOME rest. Spinning every day? Yeesh...

    Ok so I typically workout 4 to 5 days per week. 4 days I do combo Lifting/Cardio. I mix up the order but one day is Chest/Tris, One day Back/Bi's , One day shoulders/calves and one day legs

    My cardio is typically 30-40 minutes unless I take a 60 Minute Spin class. I will do 30-35 mins on the Stepmill or a 30-35 minute run on random hill setting with sprints.

    I also like to mix up sometimes and do some tabatas or HIIT.

    If I go 5 days, one day is strictly cardio.
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    My goal is 30 minutes of bike riding five times a week. I usually exceed that by quite a bit. Just checked my history and have been averaging seven hours per week.
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    Daily-- if I don't workout to the point where I am physically tired then I'll have too much energy to fall/ stay asleep.

    Usually I run, if the weather is nice then I'll swim. I try for an hour of either. On days where I have time I'll run for an hour or so then swim for a bit. I also try to get in aerobics or pilates (dvds or I'll look up new things online) in the every morning and I do strength training every night before I get ready for bed (arms, thighs, abs and legs). And then of course, taking the dog out for her walks (1-2 hours a per day)
  • ChantiC
    ChantiC Posts: 137
    Monday: Upper body and cardio
    Tuesday: Lower Body and cardio (going to try light Yoga in the evenings next week)
    Wednesday: None or just cardio
    Thursday: Upper and cardio
    Friday: Lower and cardio
    Saturday: Cardio
    Sunday: Off

    Things change up from week to week but this is the general thing I do. :)
  • quirkyone1
    Crossfit 5 times per week. On my "rest days" I'm usually playing floor hockey, kickball, or getting in a long walk or short run.
  • PamelaGatorMom
    PamelaGatorMom Posts: 348 Member
    5 or 6 times a week, I have a hectic schedule with 2 kids playing sports and working full time, but I manage 2 bodypump classes a week and at least 3 more days a week for an hour of cardio, one of those days I add the weight machine & do 30 min cardio.

    Once I reach my goal weight my plan is 2 days bodypump 2 days cardio.
  • mmctaw
    mmctaw Posts: 30 Member
    Nothing is set in stone but I try to do the following every week:

    1A. Heavy Lifting x 3 days
    - OR -
    1B. Body Weight Exercises 60 min (only when heavy weights are unavailable) x 3-4 days
    2. Walking 60 min x 5 days/week
    3. Calisthenics* (e.g. pushups) x 3-4 days
    * = I primarily use the Runtastic Pushup Pro app to help me reach my goal of doing 100 consecutive pushups

    Sometimes I do all of this, sometimes I do less but as long as I'm doing something I'm happy. I also used to jog and do extended cardio (e.g. elliptical, stair treadmill) 3-5 times a week but stopped doing that as they weren't consistent with my current fitness goals.
  • itsDorian7
    itsDorian7 Posts: 105 Member
    Monday- back and bi's
    Tuesday- Legs
    Friday- Chest and tri's
    Cardio 3 x's a week- usually spinning 60 minutes or running 3 miles
    Yoga 1-2 xs a week
  • c8linmarie
    c8linmarie Posts: 358 Member
    M-W-F: Stronglifts (50 minutes) + Deadmill for "cool-down" (2 miles)

    Tu-Th-Sa: 3-7 mile walk (depending on weather, 1-2hrs)
  • JeeperChick
    JeeperChick Posts: 32 Member
    Every day:

    25 minutes on the elliptical, followed by:
    25 to 30 minutes of strength training- lower body, upper body and abs on alternating days, then
    20-35 minutes uphill walking at 4 mph on the treadmill or on the stepper
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    I am cutting so currently I do light cardio x5 days a week Mon-Fri and Lift heavy weights x4 days a week Mon-Thursday.
  • wcso911mn
    wcso911mn Posts: 68 Member
    One hour of Zumba on Tuesday nights. I was bowling for 1.5 hours every Thursday night, but the season ended (I'll take it back up again in the Fall). I will be starting softball soon (whenever it decides to stop snowing in MN!!!). So, that will be probably 1.5 hours of practice a week, as well as double-header games every Thursday night (approximately 3-3.5 hours of playing). I've been working in 1-2 mile-long walks in w/a friend and my dog. I've gone from doing nothing to getting back into everything I love now that my schedule allows it. I know I'm starting off slow, but every little bit helps. I would like to walk more (mile-long walks every day), but the weather up here right now just can't make up its mind! :laugh:
  • kts3639
    kts3639 Posts: 188 Member
    I do shorter workout sessions 2X a day. I have a 2 year old and an almost 5 month old, so short and going hard are the key for me!

    In the morning I do whatever video I am doing at the time, right now it's Jillian Michaels RI30 (about 30 minutes). Then, in the late afternoon/early evening, I will do HIIT on the elliptical (varying degrees of resistance) for 24 minutes.

    When I am able to, and when it's not mega windy outside (which isn't often), I like to go for a 2 mile run instead of the elliptical. I am trying to up my miles, but it's slow going since a run outside is few and far between.