What do you eat/drink for breakfast?



  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    I don't like eating when I first get up. So, I either skip breakfast or I have some cottage cheese with an individual container of mandarin oranges (packed in juice or water).

    1 cup of cottage cheese & 1 container of Dole (packed in juice) mandarin oranges comes up to 230 calories; 33 carbs; 5g of fat; and packs in 23g of protein.

    I'm not sure what the sugar count is as I don't have that macro set up on my diary. You could lower the cals, carbs & sugar a bit by going with the Del Monte brand oranges packed in artificially sweetened water.
  • Shawnzgirl78
    Shawnzgirl78 Posts: 148 Member
    I know you said aside from eggs but if I eat breakfast, I am more likely to eat those - I change it up by adding ham, pepper (esp red bell) and sometimes cheese :)
    To tell you the truth - breakfast for me is trouble.
    If I drink just coffee, I don't get hungry until my lunch at 1.
    When I eat breakfast, I get hungry earlier and eat more through the day.
  • mbelle97
    mbelle97 Posts: 37 Member
    Most Days: 1-2 eggs, hard boiled if I'm at work, scrambled at home
    with a lower suagr fruit like strawberries or 1 piece of thin sliced toast or bacon/ham

    I also make a protein shake with EAS whey protein & almond milk with either strawberries/bananas or pb2

    On days when I forget or have no time (but time to stop) I have coffee and a Dunkin Donuts egg & cheese wake-up wrap
  • Arbonne Chocolate Protein Shake, mixed with 1 cup of unsweetened Almond Coconut milk, additional water and some ice. Also, Almased shakes are very good and low glycemic. If I am still hungry I will have a hard boiled egg. The hard boiled egg is my go to snack and I always have one (prepeeled and salted) in my lunch bag or fridge.
  • SweetCourt
    SweetCourt Posts: 17 Member
    Green juice!! (I <3 my juicer)
    Spinach, carrotts, cucumber, celery, 1/2 apple 1/2 orange 1/2 lemon
  • eskiadas
    eskiadas Posts: 45 Member
    Here are some of the things I may have for breakfast:
    - bowl of oatmeal and I'll add some chopped walnuts, fresh strawberries and blueberries.
    - I might have half an avocado, slice of whole wheat bread and a hard boiled egg.
    - 2 slices of whole wheat toast with all natural peanut butter and half banana.
    - a lot of the times i'll have a fruit smoothie..I'll add half a banana, whatever frozen berries I may feel like having that day, a cup of Almond milk and I'll add a protein powder. Very filling a nutritious :)
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    I usually just swallow my shame, and call myself a cab in the morning.
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    On a workday, plain oatmeal-- I'm usually not hungry enough to want anything else but I know if I skip breakfast my stomach will growl up a storm while I try to work. On days where I eat later in the day, I like to have a bowl of kimchi (favorite option) or a veggie mix of brocolli, asparagus, spinach, and onions with some hummus. A breakfast wrap with some grilled chicken, eggs or egg whites, spinach, chopped onion, garlic, a bit of feta, and a bit of sweet chili or sun dried tomato dressing is another option I'll use. If it's a day where I'm not in a rush I'll pretty much just see whats around and fix something.
  • ashleymarie530
    ashleymarie530 Posts: 60 Member
    I like to keep it simple and quick. Some times I'll do egg and toast or oatmeal and banana or some times a bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats.
  • Miiimii
    Miiimii Posts: 279 Member
    Green tea. That's it. ;-)
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    Whiskey and strippers.

    and cocaine
  • SafiyaBWG
    SafiyaBWG Posts: 119 Member
    I eat an ounce of spelt flakes(sugar free), with a banana, and it gets me to 10. am (I eat at 5. am) and to get me to 12. am or 1 pm, I eat a whole wheat bread peanut butter sandwich (1 tbsp of peanut butter, the no added oils and sugar kind !)
  • Nature's Path Organic blueberry and cinnamon cereal. It's a ridiculous amount of fiber. Since I am lactose intolerant, I have it with almond milk.
  • MichaelWms
    MichaelWms Posts: 22 Member
    Same thing everyday:

    1 Cup Fat-Free Milk
    1 Scoop "Optimum Nutrion" Whey
    1 Cup Blueberries
    1/2 Cup Old Fashioned Oatmeal
    1 Brazil Nut

    463 Calories
    6g Fat
    57g Carbs
    8g Fiber
    23g "Sugar"
    42g Protein

    *"Sugar" is okay if it is not added sugar like in candy n such. When it is consumed as a whole fruit (Blueberries) or in fat-free milk I've never had a problem. Added sugars like in candy rarely come with the fiber and protein that the above has...read the labels...
  • Oatmeal with a little plain yogurt or cottage cheese and 1/2 bannana. smoked salmon on toast or 1/2 bagel is a favorite too.
  • I was having the same problem so my trainer recommended that I order Dymatize Elite Whey Protein from Amazon. I have one scoop of Dymatize (chocolate fudge flavored) with 8 oz of Vanilla sugar fee Almond milk. I put it in my shaker cup with tiny ice cubes. It's thick, delicious has no sugars, and holds me over till lunch time! I HIGHLY recommend!!!
    Good luck to you!!!:happy:
  • I drink a green smoothie every morning (2.5 cups kale, 1 cucumber, a handful of cilantro, the juice of half a lime, 1 TBP ground flax seed, 1 TBP chia seed, half a banana, and one cup frozen mixed organic berries...throw it all into my vitamix). It's about 270 calories, but packs a lot of vitamins and minerals (almost all, if not all, of my daily requirements for most vitamins/minerals). I then eat a 100-cal snack (usually some cooked quinoa) as a mid-morning snack.

    I've noticed huge improvements in my skin quality since I started drinking these on a daily basis. I've gotten compliments on my skin actually.
  • I have an egg white omelet most mornings, they cook so quickly if you can do some light preparation earlier in the week. I heat up a nonstick pan, add egg whites and a piece of chopped Jennie O turkey bacon I make at the beginning of the week. (I just throw half a package on a sheet pan lined with foil and a rack, and bake it for about 12 minutes, then let it cool, wrap it up, and put it in the fridge.) I scramble the eggs and bacon, and when it's just about done, I add a bunch of diced tomatoes or peppers (you can find them diced already in your grocers freezer), and lots of baby spinach. Sometimes I might add a tablespoon of lowfat mozzarella, and sprinkle with cracked pepper. It's delicious, nutritious, practically no sugar.

    My other go-to is nonfat, plain Greek yogurt that you can add any number of things to, unsweetened toasted coconut, nuts, honey, fruit, etc, and I also like to keep vitatops in the freezer if I'm running late. They're usually thawed by the time I get to the office!

    Good luck. Hope this helps you.
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    A Protein Shake most mornings (I am too busy for anything else during the week). Weekends (1) It is a piece of whole grain toast, a slice of turkey, or turkey bacon, two poached eggs, two tomato slices. (2) A bowl of steel cut oats (1/2 cup cooked) small banana, tbsp. raw sunflower seeds, 1 tsp. agave nectar. (3) BLT w/ turkey bacon, romaine lettuce, tomato, and veganaise (by Follow Your Heart, it is full of healthy fats). (4) two small whole grain pancakes, 5 strawberries or 1/2 cup blueberries, a piece of turkey sausage. (5) Low-fat Cottage cheese, pineapple slices, piece of whole grain toast. (6) Poached egg(you do not want egg do this with black beans), sauteed mushrooms,peppers, and onions, one piece of low-moisture string cheese (pulled apart), and a whole grain tortilla wrap (Mission makes a good one)

    I do not worry too much about my natural sugars that I take in esp. if it is from a whole fruit. remember fruit is a perfect portion control that includes the fiber you need to ensure a slow release of sugars to not spike your insulin levels. (Eat the whole fruit, not just the juice!) The sugars you should worry about. Refined sugars, or sugars that are stripped of their natural packaging (i.e. corn syrup, sugar in the raw (although this is better than granulated white sugar), and for me personally artificial sweeteners)

    Maybe this is a better way to put it. I strive for 15 - 20 grams of protein, and 20- 30 grams of carbohydrates (healthy ones) to start my day.
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    Lately it has been an apple with peanut butter and a cheese string.. but not cheese string or peanut butter...
    I'm a little heart broken...
    So today was carrot with ranch dip. Nothing exciting I know.