Such a fat loser



  • millea84
    millea84 Posts: 242 Member
    You are not a loser. Sometimes we all have off days. Still its good to have some unhealthy food once in a while as long as you don't overdo it.
  • aaronlawrenc
    aaronlawrenc Posts: 666 Member
    Call yourself what you want. Why do people get so butthurt about people talking about themselves?? Its you, you can talk to YOU any way you want.

    ps hashbrowns are awesome
  • NPAdamsPope
    It happens. Don't fret too much. Try getting rid of the foods in your house that you shouldn't eat. Also, you might want to research some alternative foods, although nothing can imitate hashbrowns well. Although, I did make some mock cauliflower mashed potatoes (no potatoes!) and then with leftovers I mixed in some sauteed onions, added an egg and some almond flour and made potato pancakes. Put reduced sugar ketchup on em. They were awesome! Don't know about low cal (probably was). It was low carb though.
  • katiewondergirlie
    A friend of mine was telling me that she spends a little time each night just telling her body that she love it and appreciates what it does for her. She suggested that i might do the same. I thought about it and figured out that I really couldn't do that because it would be dishonest. After some thought though I realized that the reason It would be dishonest because I really don't love my body... I've got MS and my legs and body are constantly failing me. However, I am also failing my body by giving in to this negative thought process. So even if I don't love my body (yet!) i thought the most honest and productive way to head my friends advice would be to apologize to my body for the things I have done and am in control of- like eating and not exercising. And when I started to do that things started changing. You hear over and over that this fight for health is mostly mental and it's true. Once I started this little conversation it's gone from constant apologizing to sometimes after exercising or eating well I think hey look at that body... we're a team! So my little bit of advice is to not keep feeding yourself with the idea that you or your body is a loser... just apologize and say 'sorry, I messed up but we'll be giving each other high fives soon enough'.
  • tammycolbert
    tammycolbert Posts: 236 Member
    Thank you for the support. I wasn't looking for pitty or sympathy (I know where in the dictionary to find it). I was having a very hard day, venting. I have always been a little self destructive. I have never found myself to be pretty even though people tell me this I just tell them they are crazy and need glasses and walk away.

    Yesterday was a bad day and I vented. Did I use the wrong words, definitly.

    Thank You for your kind words and not so kind words, I appreciate it more they you could know.

    Today is a new day and I shall move past all this negativity I have and move on.

    Thank You
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    It is virtually impossible to get away from the horrible voice inside your head that tells you you're fat, stupid and ugly (that's what mine says, anyway). It sucks because you would never allow yourself to speak that way to a stranger - how is it okay to treat a stranger better than we treat ourselves?

    Allow yourself to have the moment of feeling crappy, decide you are over it, and move on. Hash browns are not the end of the world. You had one meal that was maybe more than you wanted to eat. Adjust the rest of your day/week and forget about it.

    Only you can choose the attitude with which you approach your day.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    If it makes you feel any better, I had a stick of butter as my mid-morning snack.

    But seriously, just regroup and keep going. I actually wrote a little about this yesterday. Here's what I wrote:

    Cowboy up, and good luck to you. :)

    Did you put it in coffee, Ive heard thats good :)