how does your guy or girl support you?



  • magpie0
    magpie0 Posts: 194 Member
    By dumping me! Ha lol really though. Being dumped pushed me to take better care of myself.

    *party pooper*
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    How does my whatnow?
  • tmremramr
    tmremramr Posts: 3 Member
    ULG, my guy was pushing and pushing for US to work out and get into better shape. I bought a workout system, he already had P90X. The agreement was WE would quit smoking and then lose the extra weight from quitting smoking. Well I'm 105 days not smoking and a month into my diet/workout COMMITMENT and he is no where to be found. His excuse originally was that he just doesn't have the will power I have (and I'm a weak person), now it's "I'm too embarrassed at how bad of shape I'm in". And now he's all mad at me that I've already lost 10+ lbs (I need to weight in..) but still no support and I'm still alone on this. If anything it's attitude. He wants to get married... If he can't commit to this, can he commit to a marriage... do I want to marry a guy that can't get his act in shape... let alone his butt?!?!?!
    Rant over, thanks for the vent, I feel so much better!
  • Shelby1582
    Shelby1582 Posts: 191 Member
    My husband will go in the other room when I'm working out in the living room because I feel kind of awkward doing insanity jumping all over the place while he reads the sports. He started cooking dinner more often because after a long workout and shower I just want to veg out and not cook. He tells me I look gorgeous and he can tell I've really changed my body. I guess the biggest compliment was when we were out at the greenbelt swimming by these waterfalls and we both had our bathing suits on and he said he felt fat and old next to me since I was looking so fit now.
    The least supportive thing he did was having a bad habit of snacking after dinner and would bring cheetos or chips over to the couch. Cheetos are my weakness and I couldn't resist! I have invisalign now so it's not a big deal since I can't eat with them in anyways and I'm not going to go through the whole brushing process again just for some Cheetos!
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    well it's the first time that he's been doing some changes too :) I find it really supporting and motivating :) he dropped soda completely, doesn't buy candy, bought some home weights and started doing 100 push ups challenge among other things ^^ I'm so proud of him.

    I've tried to eat healthier before but he hasn't been like this before :)
  • NYCNika
    NYCNika Posts: 611 Member
    He is offering to make dinner, watch the baby, or do anything that needs to be done to free up time for me to work out any time I want to work out. He also eats healthy and choice of what we want to have for dinner or when to go out is completely up to me.

    He gets up and gets the baby every weekend morning so that I get more sleep and be more rested and have energy to keep up with healthy lifestyle.
  • SlimSumday
    SlimSumday Posts: 379 Member
    ULG, my guy was pushing and pushing for US to work out and get into better shape. I bought a workout system, he already had P90X. The agreement was WE would quit smoking and then lose the extra weight from quitting smoking. Well I'm 105 days not smoking and a month into my diet/workout COMMITMENT and he is no where to be found. His excuse originally was that he just doesn't have the will power I have (and I'm a weak person), now it's "I'm too embarrassed at how bad of shape I'm in". And now he's all mad at me that I've already lost 10+ lbs (I need to weight in..) but still no support and I'm still alone on this. If anything it's attitude. He wants to get married... If he can't commit to this, can he commit to a marriage... do I want to marry a guy that can't get his act in shape... let alone his butt?!?!?!
    Rant over, thanks for the vent, I feel so much better!
    You are doing FANTASTIC!!! Kudos to you!! It sounds to me like your life is going in a totally different direction than his. Perhaps you should re-evaluate this relationship.
  • VonTinka
    VonTinka Posts: 89 Member
    Well the thing is. My boyfriend isn't supportive, sure, hell say I've lost but then moans at me for taking comparison pictures. He eats crap everyday usually...i sort of encouraged salads of weekend but with whatever he wants. It's difficult as he says I'm going crazy, anorexic ect. I'm not though I'm just changing how i look!

    He ate 3 maccies this week as well as 2 Chinese and him are swapping though. Hes gaining the weight now and i'm slimmer than him for the first time ever and lighter! He moans at me if he comes the gym with me saying I'm deluded if i think ill loose weight. I just ignore his negativity now though.

    Basically the only person who supports me is my mum and my mind :)
  • run_way
    run_way Posts: 220
    My boyfriend knows I'm an emotional eater so I've told him if he knows I'm in a bad mood and he sees me reaching for junk food to call me out on it and he does. Having that accountability really helps. I remember one time during a particularly stressful time at work (going through layoffs) we were at the store and I stopped in the candy aisle. He walked up to me and gently said, "I know what you're doing." I didn't buy that candy. And if I'm not in a bad mood, he knows I've worked that candy into my calorie allowance for the day and to keep his mouth shut :happy: If I haven't brought it up yet in the evening, he always asks if I've done my workout yet and how it was. He's also really good about noticing changes on my body and complimenting me and letting me know my hard work is paying off. I'm a lucky lady :love:

    Love This! You are lucky!
  • kizzyb1977
    kizzyb1977 Posts: 199 Member
    My boyfriend doesn't do anything to support me which makes very hard. I will be eating the right thing and exercising every day and he will be eating McDonalds/Pizza etc and laying on his *kitten* (Which explains why he is 337lbs)! I will be getting ready to go to the gym which I do 6 days a week and he will say things like "Oh just take today off".

    My daughter eats junk as well, she apparently inherited the "skinny" gene from her father.

    So MFP is my only support and I am grateful I have everyone here!! :-)
  • kizzyb1977
    kizzyb1977 Posts: 199 Member
  • jess_goobie
    jess_goobie Posts: 133 Member
    My fiance doesnt diet and he is such a bad eater, He loves his soda, pizza, chips, candy and beer (probably one of the reasons I gained so much weight being with him for 6 years lol). I dont tell him he has to eat healthy or diet with me, its my choice to lose weight and if he decides he wants to thats fine if not thats fine, yes it is SUPPER hard doing it by yourself with a unhealthy eater in the house so much food I crave just sitting in the fridge or counter. But he has been with me for 6 years and I have gained 100lbs in those 6 years, yes I went to college for 4 and gained a lot more than the freshman 15 lol. But he never once said " you gain weight" "your looking bigger" " dang fatty" " you should go on a diet". He has loved me for me all these years not focused on my gained weight or anything. Now we are getting married in August and I have lost almost 60lbs would love to lose the other 40 by our wedding, he deserves it, and so do I. Now that the wedding is getting closer and it is crunch time he is helping me by supporting me with my diet, not going to fast food as much so I am tempted, when he eats his junk and I reach for a cookie he gives me "the face" like no you are working hard you dont need it! But he wont tell it to me directly. Overall he is terrible support lol he brings all this junk in my house and eats it in front of me and its so hard tosay no, but I pui myself in this spot not him, and he has never given me grief about gaining 100lbs so that is all the support I need!
  • jess_goobie
    jess_goobie Posts: 133 Member
    My boyfriend doesn't do anything to support me which makes very hard. I will be eating the right thing and exercising every day and he will be eating McDonalds/Pizza etc and laying on his *kitten* (Which explains why he is 337lbs)! I will be getting ready to go to the gym which I do 6 days a week and he will say things like "Oh just take today off".

    My daughter eats junk as well, she apparently inherited the "skinny" gene from her father.

    So MFP is my only support and I am grateful I have everyone here!! :-)

    I know how you feel girl! But my fiance is 175 and does manuel labor ( installs security systems) so he works out all day at work and for some reason has a fast metab cuz he eats all the junk and soda he wants and loses 2lbs...errrrr I diet and exercise and gaine 1lb....err lol
  • jess_goobie
    jess_goobie Posts: 133 Member
    He told me I had less cellulite in my legs once. He's stingy with his compliments, so I cherished that one. Still do, actually).

    And when I get in his face and scream, "Tell me I'm pretty!!", he tells me I'm pretty.

    I'm just kidding on that last part.

    When he hugs me he says "I can squeeze you so much tighter now" lol makes me feel good, skinner lol
    TIDDYBEAR Posts: 63 Member
    My husband calls me "skinny" all the time. I am ANYTHING but!! That is the most depressing thing to me.... loose 86lbs and I'm STILL fat!! Just not AS fat, lol. He points out the bones on my back and shoulders that didn't used to show. And he BRAGS on me all the time!! Shows people my pic of what I USED to look like!
  • natmckn
    natmckn Posts: 48 Member
    My husband started lifting with me in the evenings :) He doesn't really need to; he's naturally very muscular and skinny but it's really nice to know he's supporting me. I always get text messages from him throughout the day telling me how proud he is of me and all the hard work I'm doing. If I go to the gym to go for a run, when I get back he will tell me he did jumping jacks, pushups and squats while I was gone.

    Sometimes I wish he'd go for a run outside with me, and it bums me out we don't share the same activity interests (you will NEVER EVER see me on a basketball court...LOL), but then I think about all the encouragement he gives me and I feel so lucky all over again!! :)
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    If he didnt chances are very high he would be an ex, his junk would be hurting, and maybe a black eye. :laugh:

    In reality.....he would be an ex.
  • VanellopeeVonSchweetz
    My boyfriend is very supportive of me. His main concern is that I get healthy again since when we first met I was struggling with my eating disorders even moreso than I am now. He doesn't want to see me that sick again so he roots for me to eat properly and supports me working out but always is a bit cautious and advises me when he believes I may be over doing it with the exercise. Takes me out to restaurants and reminds me of the things I should be eating (making sure i'm not skipping out on the carbs I need etc). SOOOOO many people can play the food police and really irritate you when it seems they are playing drill sergeant with you every day, but he balances it well and now only does it on occasion when I may be slipping here and there

    Other than my mother, I have never had ANYONE so supportive of me through hard times like he has.

    He's wizard :)
  • millea84
    millea84 Posts: 242 Member
    My boyfriend goes hiking with me and tells me I am beautiful. "Good Morning Beautiful" is such a nice thing to hear, esp on days when I don't feel it.
  • jillybean_75
    jillybean_75 Posts: 70 Member
    No boyfriend/husband, but as a single mom of an almost 7 year old, I have great support from him. He asks me every day if I did my exercises. When I do the 30DS at home, he picks up his little 1lb weights and does it with me. Or he will do the cardio jump rope and butt kicks. Plus, he doesn't mind staying at afterschool program a little longer doing his homework so i can get to the gym and run. And, he eats all of the meals I make, tries new foods and vegetables, and even tries the protein shakes I make as his "dessert". I am one lucky mama.