tired of being made fun of need someone to talk to

Hi I'm 19 I've been over weight my whole life I'm ready for a change I'm tired of being made fun of because I'm not a size zero I've done diets before and exercise for some reason I keep gaining weight and I get more depressed I want someone to talk to about this I just want to know I'm not the only one that has this problem I wish people could see that I'm more then my weight


  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Hey bertata.

    Welcome to the site. I think you'll find that alot of people here have had a similar experience as you and with consistency and effort have been able to change their lives around.

    Best of luck to you.

  • newtro0925
    newtro0925 Posts: 24 Member
    Welcome to the site. You already made the first step in making a change and always remember that there is more to you then just weight. Use your past as motivation. You will also find plenty of support and motivation on the site as well. Let this be the first day of a new you! Good luck and you can friend me if you like.
  • aaronlawrenc
    aaronlawrenc Posts: 666 Member
    ill be your friend
  • RunsForFood
    RunsForFood Posts: 110 Member
    I promise that you are not the only one with that problem. People can be cruel, you just have to remember that you are better than them, even if you aren't a size zero!
    I hope that myfitnesspal helps you out as it has many others!! Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like :) good luck
  • minihorselover
    minihorselover Posts: 77 Member
    Hi there! keep you chin up deary!! I have been there myself where people even family make fun of you for being anything bigger then a zero. so If ya need a pal I'd love to be your friend on here.
    keep up the good work and you will see success !
  • pinksands143
    welcome doll!!!! Keep your head held high you got this!!!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Remember this: There is no use arguing with stupid people. You are not the *kitten* whisperer.
  • ddky
    ddky Posts: 381 Member
    spend some time reading the success threads to see how amazing their transformations are. It is totally possible to lose weight and get healthy. It won't be quick, it won't be easy, but it will be worth it. You are an adult now, and will find that in the adult world there is a lot less (but it does still exist) of that kind of pettiness and cruelty. Be honest and exact with your food measurements. Don't cut back your calories too drastically or you will damage your metabolism. Do several of the BMR calculators and average them out to get your BMR and then set that as your calorie allowance for the day. Eat back part or maybe half of your exercise calories. You can do this. I wish you all the luck. If you want a 56 year old grandmother as a friend, then send me a request.
  • Frank_Just_Frank
    Frank_Just_Frank Posts: 454 Member
    The bad news is that most people are a-holes. The good news is that the a-holes identify themselves pretty quickly. You'll find nothing but people who sympathize here.
  • tatey2009
    tatey2009 Posts: 47
    You can change your weight, your body shape, your image, your clothing and your mindset but those that grind you down can never change their negative, nasty , short sighted and shallow attitude

    I would rather be a size 16 and a good person than a size zero with a bad attitude - don't let some cruel people drag you down, positivity all the way, set small goals and set about them one day at a time xxx
  • luckyshilling
    Awe honey, don't be down, you've found a good place with lots of people going through the same struggles.
    Welcome to the site.

    Use it's tools and enjoy talking with the rest of us, we'll help you get going =)
  • 1two3four
    1two3four Posts: 413 Member
    Hi I'm 19 I've been over weight my whole life I'm ready for a change I'm tired of being made fun of because I'm not a size zero I've done diets before and exercise for some reason I keep gaining weight and I get more depressed I want someone to talk to about this I just want to know I'm not the only one that has this problem I wish people could see that I'm more then my weight

    I'm 5-foot tall and have been over 200-pounds since I was 13-years old. I've heard it all from peers and even family. You are MUCH more than your weight. I've tried dieting in the past and it never stuck. This is different.

    Welcome to My Fitness Pal :) I'm glad you are here.
  • Noodle797
    Noodle797 Posts: 366 Member
    My Grandma bought a button for me to wear when I was in high school that said, "I may be fat, but you're stupid. At least I can go on a diet!" Kind of mean, but funny at the same time. Unfortunately some people are just miserable poo heads & the only way they can feel good about themselves is making fun of other people. Shrug it off because you don't need their validation to be happy. I usually feel sorry for people like that.

    Anyway, I'm in your boat. It takes a long time for me to lose weight. It can be discouraging doing the whole 2 steps forward 1 step back thing, but I'm not giving up. I want to live a longer, healthier life.
  • fisers
    fisers Posts: 7 Member
    People really can suck sometimes, dont let them get you down. I started 56 days ago had am down 25 lbs doing nothing more than tracking every bite I eat, keeping my total calories at 1200 cal and exercising when I can by taking my kids to the park, walking the dog, some free weights at home. NO one loved to eat or cook more than me, I was a true emotional eater and after my two kids were born could not get below 226 which for a 5'1" frame is so unhealthy. My whole goal for losing is for health, looking better is just a plus. The first week was tough, I had headaches and cravings especially when I was stressed but drank my water and hung in there. As my stomach began to shrink and as I started seeing results food wasnt that important, it was something I needed not something I NEEDED. There was no bigger slug than me and I am well on my way to losing it, you can too, just believe in yourself, thats whats important.
  • Dainty59
    Dainty59 Posts: 39 Member
    You can count on me
  • dimitymartin
    Hey there, I am 19 in June and I have been made fun of since I was 5 about my weight. I know how it feels and I just want to tell you that if you want to add me feel free. It's time for us to be confident, happy and healthy :)
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Hi I'm 19 I've been over weight my whole life I'm ready for a change I'm tired of being made fun of because I'm not a size zero I've done diets before and exercise for some reason I keep gaining weight and I get more depressed I want someone to talk to about this I just want to know I'm not the only one that has this problem I wish people could see that I'm more then my weight

    Welcome, hon!

    I was that girl. And I kept on gaining until this year, at nearing 34. I started in January on MFP (for the third time) at my highest weight ever - 288.6. I'm down just shy of 47 pounds (tickers round up) as of now.

    KUDOS to you for grasping onto this at such a young age. You have the power to do something amazing for your health right at your fingertips. The word "diet" doesn't need to be in your vocabulary! This is a lifestyle change, that'll allow you to live a long long life of eating great foods and enjoying nights out/drinks/desserts in moderation.

    Feel free to add me. I will give you any advice that I've learned along the way (which may or may not 100% fit you but it's still something you can learn from and take some out of it) and will be here for you 100%!
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Remember this: There is no use arguing with stupid people. You are not the *kitten* whisperer.

    I always have to remember this! I was always made fun of in high school, not necessarily for being fat (although sometimes for being fat) I was usually made fun of for being poor. It hurts but you can't let pathetic people get to you. People who feel the need to put down others like that are not worth it.
  • jgcurry3
    jgcurry3 Posts: 172 Member
    Welcome to the dark side of nutrition and fitness, let their words boil inside you into hate and anger and use it on every mile you run and every weight you lift. If they can't deal with you big then they can watch you walk away shredded.
  • ecmorales
    ecmorales Posts: 33 Member
    You find the right place....come to the site every day for inspiration, accountability, good tips -- this is your safe place.