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petite girls (5'3orunder) under 120lbs.



  • aas1277
    aas1277 Posts: 67
    I completely concur with your original post...when I gain 5 pounds it is painfully obvious....if I were taller it wouldn't even show! I understand what you are saying!
  • dpwifey
    dpwifey Posts: 18
    What is everyone's "typical" day like food wise?
  • I'm so happy I have a place I can post and not get yelled at for being on a diet! :) I'm 5'2" and currently 110 pounds at my lowest during the day (I started dieting at 115 pounds). I'm 28 and decided that I really needed to get in better shape and get healthier. Prior to starting my diet, I was eating a ridiculously unhealthy diet and I barely ever exercised. I wasn't necessarily eating an excessive amount of calories...but the calories I was eating were awful (fried everything). Anyway, I've been using MFP to track my calories (I set the calorie goal at 1100 because when it was at 1200 I kept going over by a lot...so I'm just trying to trick myself, haha), but I've also been drinking mostly water (cut out most of the soda I used to drink and am only allowing myself a couple alcoholic drinks per week), making sure I'm eating a good amount of protein (cut out red meats though), and just trying to eat healthy foods. I started a Couch to 5K program so I'm also walking/jogging 3x per week. I also try to go to the gym 2-3 times per week to do weight lifting (I mostly use the machines). I feel like that's about all I've done. I generally consume 1200-1400 calories per day, but I eat back the calories I burn (I only burn up to 250 calories a day right now though through exercise...I JUST started running). I don't think my plan is anything special, but it's just made such a difference for me given the horrible diet I had before.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    5'0", 109, here!

    My diary is open.

    I work out 5-6 times a week.

    MWF: run a mile warmup, then heavy lifting. Leg press, free weights, squat rack, suspended leg raises and weighted situps.

    TTS: Train for my first 5k, running between 2.5-3.5 miles
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I am 5'1" and 110.
    I weighed about ten pounds less twenty years ago at 21. I ran about one hour a day or swam . I am generally happy with myself - only at age 39 the fat from by thighs started migrating to my waist. I could not find a cocktail dress for my cousins wedding- my belly stuck out! I have always eaten pretty well, but I really focused on nutrition then. I have cycled and swam at least 2-4 times a week but weight lifting has made the most beneficial changes for me. My weight is the same but my waist is smaller.
    I am happy to find this thread because only some petite women would understand-
  • Yeller_Sensation
    Yeller_Sensation Posts: 373 Member
    5'2 and 102 lbs here. In maintenance mode since last Aug.

    I 'run' for 30 minutes at a moderately steep incline on the elliptical six mornings a week. On non-lifting days, I throw in three 2-min planks before cardio. Now that the weather is warming up, I also try to ride my mountain bike on a new trail every weekend.

    I lift for an hour every Mon, Wed and Fri afternoon: dumbbells, pull-up bar and universal machine.

    Sunday is theoretically a rest day. Most of the time, though, my training partner and I end up finding something to do around the house because we get too damn restless.

    My diary is open. :flowerforyou:
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    5'1" and 130lb @ 22% body fat and currently maintaining. I'm not planning on losing any more scale weight, I have a large frame and I'm naturally quite muscular and I'm happy at the size that I am (USA size 6 in jeans). I'm focusing on getting stronger and maybe lowering my body fat percentage a little more.

    If you're already in the healthy body fat percentage range, then the best way to make changes is to lift heavy weights. Just dieting may make you lose weight but it won't improve your body fat percentage so much. Weight training can improve your body fat percentage, which results in loss of inches and getting a better shape and firming up all over, even if the scale may not go down.

    Also don't focus on the scale so much, focus on the tape measure, the mirror and how your clothes fit better. I've seen some fantastic transformations in women when they gained about 10lb, but ended up a smaller dress size and looking fit and lean all over, because they improved their body composition, i.e. more muscle and less fat. Weight loss does not always mean fat loss, and when it comes to bones and muscles, heavier = healthier. It's your body fat percentage that determines what you look like, more than the scale weight. Of course for an obese person, the scale weight will go down as they make improvements in body composition, but once you're in the healthy range of body fat percentage, or if you have normal weight obesity (i.e. healthy range BMI but carrying 30% or more body fat), then improvements in body composition may result in you getting heavier, or staying the same weight, while you see loss of inches and you get a better overall shape.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Also I'm just barely 5'2 if that. 5'4 and 100lbs is underweight I think

    It depends on frame size. It's not necessarily underweight for a very small framed person. It would be underweight for most people at 5'4. Height alone can't determine what is underweight or overweight for an individual. Based on my body fat percentage, I'd be underweight at 115lb, yet that's an average weight for a woman my height. You have to take into account frame size and how muscular you are and BMI doesn't do that. There's more variation in frame size than people realise, this is why body fat percentage tends to be more reliable (provided you get a reasonably accurate measure of it to begin with) and you can use this to find out how much you'll weigh at different body fat percentages, and determine what's underweight and overweight for you, and determine a good goal weight for you. And the weights that are right for you are not always going to be the same as for other people the same height as you.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    5'1" and 130lb @ 22% body fat and currently maintaining. I'm not planning on losing any more scale weight, I have a large frame and I'm naturally quite muscular and I'm happy at the size that I am (USA size 6 in jeans). I'm focusing on getting stronger and maybe lowering my body fat percentage a little more.

    If you're already in the healthy body fat percentage range, then the best way to make changes is to lift heavy weights. Just dieting may make you lose weight but it won't improve your body fat percentage so much. Weight training can improve your body fat percentage, which results in loss of inches and getting a better shape and firming up all over, even if the scale may not go down.

    Also don't focus on the scale so much, focus on the tape measure, the mirror and how your clothes fit better. I've seen some fantastic transformations in women when they gained about 10lb, but ended up a smaller dress size and looking fit and lean all over, because they improved their body composition, i.e. more muscle and less fat. Weight loss does not always mean fat loss, and when it comes to bones and muscles, heavier = healthier. It's your body fat percentage that determines what you look like, more than the scale weight. Of course for an obese person, the scale weight will go down as they make improvements in body composition, but once you're in the healthy range of body fat percentage, or if you have normal weight obesity (i.e. healthy range BMI but carrying 30% or more body fat), then improvements in body composition may result in you getting heavier, or staying the same weight, while you see loss of inches and you get a better overall shape.

    Yeah, I agree. I only lost about 5 pounds, but went down 3 sizes because of heavy lifting.
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    I'm 5'3'' and maybe 115lbs. 53kg anyway.. trying to maintain the weight but I know I will probably gain some if I manage to build muscle.. don't focus on the scale too much if your goal isn't just about weight.. ^^
  • altinker
    altinker Posts: 173
    I'm 5'2" and 118 lbs. I was 125 lbs. But, for about 10 years, I weighed between 102 and 110 lbs. I have slowly gained weight because of a sedentary lifestyle and not watching what I eat.

    I am at a period where I'm not really trying to actively lose right now -- but I'll get back on track in the next month. I like to drop a little, maintain it for awhile, and then drop more, maintain it, and then drop again. I'm really going for about 107 or 108 lbs.

    What works for me for a schedule -- I track my calories and aim for about 1500 calories with a goal to burn about 300 calories. This helps me lose steadily. I may only lose a half pound to a pound a week, but it doesn't make me feel crazy. I also wear an HRM to track my workouts. My workouts sync from Digifit to MFP.

    My workout schedule was as follows:

    Mon: barre - I rotate through Bar Method, P57, Fluidity, Xtend, Booty Barre (35 min to 1 hr)
    Tues: Cardio -- I rotate through Zumba, Core Rhythms, and various dance style workouts because that is what I enjoy.
    Wed: barre (35 min to 1 hr)
    Thurs: Cardio dvd
    Fri: barre
    Sat: Cardio dvd

    My goal was just to burn an additional 300 cals a day, so I try to incorporate a 20 or 30 minute walk in at lunch if I think I might just do a 30 or 40 minute dvd at home.

    My arms have gotten pretty toned with barre, and so have my legs and my seat has lifted. I haven't gotten the results in core that I want. So, I will be incorporating Tracy Anderson's Abcentric in to my rotation and/or Pilates dvds.

    This type of routine was pretty good for me because I was doing exercise that I enjoy and eating enough that I didn't feel starved. If I really wanted to drop the weight faster, then I would eat a little less and make sure that I did an extra walk at lunch or in the morning -- in addition to my workout schedule.

    Right now during this maintain phase, I am not really watching what I eat so much, but I am trying to work out for 30 min or so a day. I am doing things like Pilates and Classical Stretch and previewing other dvds.
  • TheYoungys
    TheYoungys Posts: 44 Member
    I'm 5'3.5 and 112 llbs. My lowest ever as an adult was 105 and I was WAY to thin. I have an athletic build so build muscle quite easily which is really nice. I agree with other folk though that we get a lot of stick for trying to watch our weight. As soon as people found out I was on MFP many were saying "but you are thin already" and "You don't need to lose weight" yada yada. THEY don't see me naked so have no clue.

    My workouts don't have a defined day/activity to them. I generally hill/trail run 3 times a week between 5k and 10k depending on how I am feeling. I also bike/mountain bike, do a short cardio bit in the gym once a week, walk with my family and generally attempt to do some decent exercise every day. I don't and won't allow myself to be a slave to the gym as I would much rather be outside in the fresh air. I also don't want my exercise to feel like a chore.

    MFP has been great as I snuck up to 125lbs last year due to illness and university schedules. I hope to never let that happen again! :-) Good luck to all the smaller ladies as, despite what some of the lazier folk around us might say, we also need to watch our diets and exercise!
  • I am 5'1" and 110.
    I weighed about ten pounds less twenty years ago at 21. I ran about one hour a day or swam . I am generally happy with myself - only at age 39 the fat from by thighs started migrating to my waist. I could not find a cocktail dress for my cousins wedding- my belly stuck out! I have always eaten pretty well, but I really focused on nutrition then. I have cycled and swam at least 2-4 times a week but weight lifting has made the most beneficial changes for me. My weight is the same but my waist is smaller.
    I am happy to find this thread because only some petite women would understand-

    I know exactly what you mean about the belly sticking out. I don't think I ever realized how tiny my frame is until I started dieting. I'm 5'2" and 110 pounds, and my stomach still protrudes out quite a lot! I've seen women who are overweight, but because their frame is bigger their stomach looks SO much better and fits the rest of their body.
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    This post is making me wonder if I should change my goal. I'm 5' 1" and 123 lbs rigt now. I had set my goal to 118, but I lift every other day and I'm starting to think that maybe I won't get down to that weight because of the muscle I'm gaining...which is fine! But maybe those few extra pounds are not really that important after all...I def don't want to be "skinny". Just fit. hmmmm....
  • charliehefferon
    charliehefferon Posts: 223 Member
    Hi ladies!! 5'1 here and 108lb - highest weight was 136lb and lowest was a couple of months ago at 107lb.

    I'm basically at my goal weight, just working on building muscle now so I have lumps and bumps in all the right places!

    I eat between 1400 cals and 1900 cals dependent on workouts :)

    Feel free to add me, I love having fellow shorties for encouragement!!
  • emjaycazz
    emjaycazz Posts: 330 Member
    Hi everyone--I am 5 1 and 105 lbs. I hit my goal weight about a week ago, and so I really don't need to lose any more weight--just get my fitness level better, and maybe work on some of my problem areas (love handles in particular). I have just started to learn to take better care of myself nutrition-wise. My current routine is Les Mills Combat (Beachbody-distributed MMA-based routine). Typical week goes something like this:

    Monday: 60 minute kickboxing
    Tuesday: 25 minute HIIT (Power--so lifting + leg work)
    Wednesday: 45 minute kickboxing
    Thursday: 25 minute HIIT (Plyo)
    Friday: 60 minute kickoboxing

    It is ending in about 20 days so I am trying to decide whether or not I want to do a second round or do a hybrid of Les Mills Combat with Tapout XT. Before this, I ran 3 miles 4 times a week and lifted. I'm an early morning workout person (I work full time and have a son who is in extracurricular activities 4 days a week plus weekend games). I love caffeine and endorphins in the morning!
  • Lisselinde
    Lisselinde Posts: 11 Member
    Hi guys! I'm 5'1/2" and currently at 116lbs, aiming for 106. I jog about 3 miles per day at the gym in the morning, and do some weight training 2-3 times a week, mainly on legs (I have weak knee muscles). Most of my weight ends up in my thighs and lower belly, though I also naturally have large-ish breasts (size DD) as well, which could be contributing to my overall weight. My three biggest tips are: 1) Drink lots of water! 2) Sleep 8 hours a night and 3) Do at least 40 minutes of cardio a day, at at least 8 METs.
  • noaddedsugarx
    noaddedsugarx Posts: 169 Member
    edited February 2015
    Ahh I'm thankful for this thread as I think sometimes people think my goal is too low but people carry their weight differently depending on their body type. I have a friend who is the same height as me and over 15lbs heavier but I would never have guessed until she told me!

    I'm 5'2. I started at 140 and am currently 112lbs. Most of my weight is around my stomach but I have quite slim arms and legs. I want to get down to 105lbs and see how I feel, maybe even shoot for 100. I've been 105 before and was content however that was a good few years ago! Saying that though I'm not really obsessing about getting to a certain number it's more about how I feel. If I don't lose any weight at all but my body looks better then forget the number! It's one thing I'm learning not to be hung up on. I'm eating between 1000-1200 calories during the week and probably more close to maintenance cals on the weekend. I don't eat back exercise calories.

    I've just started Kayla Itsines BBG which is 3 days resistance training with some weights (28mins each) and 3 cardio sessions (45mins) a week. However I am trying to add some cardio in on the resistance days. I've been doing a kettlebell workout a couple of times a week too.

    Feel free to add me. Always like having new friends with similar stats! :)
  • Nat_oxox
    Nat_oxox Posts: 6 Member
    mathjulz wrote: »
    I would suggest lifting weights, even lifting heavy, and not worrying about the number on the scale. I can't imagine being under 110, and I'm only 5'0". But then, I've always been one to lift and to build some muscle mass, so that I can look slammin' hot at 115-120. When you get your body fat down below 25%, even just under 20%, you can weight more and look really really good. And you get to eat more calories to maintain, too! (In my profile pic, I'm at 127, just for reference)

    There are several great lifting programs out there. New Rules of Lifting for Women might be good because it specifically addresses women's concerns and issues. If you've never lifted before, you could even start out with something like Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. Or a couple of sessions with a personal trainer who understands you want to lift, not be a cardio junkie.

    And don't worry, you'd have to really really really try to bulk up. Women just don't have the hormones for a lot of manly bulk.

    Spot on!