Rude comments from "friend" and finally getting it out!



  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member

    ......A few months ago, over the winter, she told my SIL that "I try to make her (me) make bad food choices." .......

    Does she indeed! She is not a true friend she is using you as a butt for her cruelty. It is all about control by the sounds of it.

    "Friends" like that you can do without, I would rather be on my own that have somebody like that in my circle x
  • dj_stevie_c
    dj_stevie_c Posts: 270
    Hmm, the people we're closest to are sometimes the most cruel.

    To be honest it sounds like your 'friend' has real self esteem issues and makes herself feel better by picking on you, what you have to do is, put those comments out of your head, and don't bother handing out with her as much, maybe ask her how she would feel if someone said those things about her, or anything else in her life.

    Tell her how you're feeling about what she does, ask her to listen to you and talk in a calm way, don't get upset and don't spit venom, tell her you need support not hate, if she truly is a friend she'll look at her behaviour and realise what she's doing, this hopefully should lead her to apologise and you can both move on. If she doesn't and instead goes on the attack or starts making excuses and blaming it on you....

    ...well I hate to say it but she's probably not someone I'd personally want to ever be around.
  • 30togomoveit
    30togomoveit Posts: 116 Member
    I called her out on similar behavior before (she told me once that she was going to put pig chip clips..yes I guess she has a faciniation w/ pigs, on the snacks at work b/c they were doing a Biggest Loser competition there). This came up b/c she asked me "don't they have temptation type things on that show (as she knows it's one of my favorite shows). I told her that would not make her friends w/ anyone! I guess calling her out on it tames it down for awhile, but not for good!

    I do not know what her beef (no pun intended) is w/ the world b/c obviously it's not just me (work people too). Hopefully she's nicer to the new boyfriend or she will be alone (again). I just don't get it b/c she CAN have a big heart sometimes!

    Crazy thing is..when I have joked about moving (away from family drama)...she says she will want to move where ever I go! She does have some serious self esteem issues, I have come to realize!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I called her out on similar behavior before (she told me once that she was going to put pig chip clips..yes I guess she has a fascination w/ pigs, on the snacks at work b/c they were doing a Biggest Loser competition there). This came up b/c she asked me "don't they have temptation type things on that show (as she knows it's one of my favorite shows). I told her that would not make her friends w/ anyone! I guess calling her out on it tames it down for awhile, but not for good!

    I do not know what her beef (no pun intended) is w/ the world b/c obviously it's not just me (work people too). Hopefully she's nicer to the new boyfriend or she will be alone (again). I just don't get it b/c she CAN have a big heart sometimes!

    Crazy thing is..when I have joked about moving (away from family drama)...she says she will want to move where ever I go! She does have some serious self esteem issues, I have come to realize!

    Sorry "30" but unless you are studying psychiatry and need a case study, I still say "run away" from this sad person. You can't help someone who doesn't, apparently, want to change, but sticking around can damage YOUR self esteem and adversely affect your kids' response to the world and to you.

    Good luck!
  • :flowerforyou: Friend of 1 year or 50, you handeled that a lot better then i would have. Specially in front of your kids and her new man. That had to have made him uncomfortable also. I think you do need to talk with her about it. Good luck, and keep up the good work.
  • MamaJess
    MamaJess Posts: 181 Member
    wow thats worse than her friends comment. back in october my daughter then 7 saw me failing miserbly at jumping rope. she said i love it when old people exercise. i handed her the rope and said lets see you do it. she was jumping rope like rocky. i thought it was pretty funny though.

    After reading all of the support on here and everyone elses thoughts I sat down with my family (husband, and children) and told them that if they didn't have anything good to say then just keep thier big mouths shut! I told the girls that they always ask for help folding their laundry and doing homework and fixing bike chains, so until they are perfect they need to quit picking on mom who has given birth to all of them there for this is why I am in this shape and I told the husband that he is bigger than me so instead of complaining about the workouts and healthy foods maybe he shoudl give it a try and until then take the same advice as the kids were given...JUST SHUT UP! The girls said they never want to be as big as me and they have been working out with me even the 11 month old baby trys to help... he sits on my tummy while I do my crunches and chest flies. The husband said just cook one meal and we will either eat it or go hungry. No more complaining. I think sometimes people just need to know that they aren't really being all that funny and their resistance is sometimes really hurtful even when they think it is funny or appropriate some times, most of the time it is just rude and un called for to begin with.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    I am glad to see you stuck up for the life changes MamaJess!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Just in case anyone else is scratching their head about the last post from "MamaJess"--I figured out the poster known as "brianjessica" must have changed their login since their initial post in this thread.(That is possible. You do have the option of changing your login-one time-after starting your account.)

    Regardless of what you call yourself---Congrats on standing up for yourself. :drinker: And keep up your efforts to better health.:flowerforyou:

    I hope the original poster will come on at some point and let us know how things turned out for her.
  • BigVinney
    BigVinney Posts: 16
    A guys perspective...
    I definately get the feelings part and all the talk about friends like that etc...
    But I feel it may be partially your fault. It sounds like this developed into a pattern of exceptance over time.
    This pattern was formed by your refusal to step up and speak your mind, tell it the way it is, and or for fear that you would hurt feelings. Letters are great and all but with that much pain, you need to have a face to face. She will see the hurt as you speak and will either figure out that she has been insensitive, or feel that she has done nothing wrong. If you write a letter, it will cause you to speak anyway. I know the value of letters and feelings, but in this case tell her. If you cry, then use it, its real, if you yell, then maybe she needs that to get a clue. She sounds like an insensitive good friend, try and help her to understand you, tell her how to help you, tell her what motivates you. If she is a true friend she will change her behavior and you will become closer.

    I have friends and value each and everyone of them, the ones who bottle things up and then hit you with bombs because they held it in forever, are still friends. The ones who get mad, loud, accuse, disagree immediately, they are still friends, they are just different.

    Good luck!
    and no matter what happens, keep doing what is right to be healthy and fit for your children..
    Big Vinney...
  • She gifted your children candy and then insulted you about your weight in front of your them. This is all kinds of wrong for anyone to do... especially a friend. You can tell her off for your own release but if this is who she is or has become as a person it may be time to move on. You wouldn't stay with a man who treated you this way, right? Why do we as women always feel we have to make nice and get along? Anyhoo, if she doesn't shape up she really leaves you no choice but to move on. It's hard when you have invested 30 years in a friendship but do you really want to be subjected to 30 more years of her venom? Best wishes to you on this. I do hope she pulls her head out of her butt and realizes how hurtful she has been. If not, just remember it is ok to move on.
  • JJs25th
    JJs25th Posts: 204 Member
    That is awful and I would NOT tolerate that! You are in charge there! I hope that gets better for you!

    Sister --you said it! and so did Abby/Ann Landers: "People will treat you like a doormat only if you let them." Just let her go. No explaination, no conversation, no letter, no blow up. Stop making time for her and let the negativity she brings out of your life. IF she actually calls, a simple "I'm sorry I don't have the time ..." or "I'm sorry I just can't do that right now." No further expaination is needed on your part.
  • 30togomoveit
    30togomoveit Posts: 116 Member
    I will eventually come back to post the outcome.

    I did mention that unfortunately it's partially my fault, for letting it go so long and not having said anything concrete about it or any other comment. Although almost 5 yrs ago, she made a comment to me WHEN I was pregnant w/ my twins about my size and I called her out on it. It died down for awhile but for some reason, this past yr, I have not LOVED her as a friend very much!

    I may end up having to talk to her about it b/c I think a letter will be a big slot of my time and yes, I will eventually have to talk about it anyway.

    I have a feeling she will end up calling me tomorrow b/c on Sunday when I saw her, she asked me what my day looked like. I think she is off.
  • shellybressler
    shellybressler Posts: 13 Member
    unfortunately sometimes misery loves company... and she sounds miserable I have had friends like that in the past and i have had to cut ties... nice and friendly but not friends. People like that are just going to bring you down and at a time like this you need to surround yourself with those who are going to support you because it is hard enough to try and loose weight and negativity just makes it harder.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    That is awful and I would NOT tolerate that! You are in charge there! I hope that gets better for you!

    Sister --you said it! and so did Abby/Ann Landers: "People will treat you like a doormat only if you let them." Just let her go. No explaination, no conversation, no letter, no blow up. Stop making time for her and let the negativity she brings out of your life. IF she actually calls, a simple "I'm sorry I don't have the time ..." or "I'm sorry I just can't do that right now." No further expaination is needed on your part.
    it is my experience that some people have no OFF button. That tiny thing in their head that tells them to shut up! I mean, we all think silly/stupid/mean things............we just never say them.

    The girl I dumped 17 yrs ago is STILL repeating my early life history to ppl in the office she moved to. She has no off button.
  • 30togomoveit
    30togomoveit Posts: 116 Member
    HAHA..I love it. It's so true though. We all think things...sometimes we say them, but most times we don't! I love the OFF button connection!

    I am editing the letter today and mailing it out!
  • DKWaggoner
    DKWaggoner Posts: 185
    I think you should confront her one on one not with a letter.Friends do NOT tear each other down..they build one another up..Shame on her..
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