Help! Green tea!



  • runningwild00
    Yogi "slim life" has a blueberry one that I find so delicious. There are a lot of flavored ones you could try!! Avoid adding sugar!
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    Lemon or honey.

    There are also a lot of flavored Green Tea's you could try. I like Bigelow's Pomegranate Green Tea. I don't put anything in that.
  • Gizziemoto
    Gizziemoto Posts: 430 Member
    I hated green tea! Then a friend introduced me to Teavana. I love their Jasmine Dragon Phoenix Pearls Green Tea. It has a smooth flavor and I do not add any sweetner to it. I will also mix it with the Weight-toGo (strawberry tea). I am addicted to it and it is worth every penny. I buy by the pound and it last me a year. Highly recommend it.
  • petechiae
    petechiae Posts: 147 Member
    You steep it for too long, and your water is probably too hot.
    I steep my green tea for 1-2 mins, anything beyond that makes it bitter and bitter. I also try not to bring the water to a boiling point, and if I do I wait a little bit for it to cool down. Burning your tea will also result in a bitter taste.
    You can put sugar in it if you want, there is no problem in that in my opinion. Just try to steep it correctly and taste it without the sugar. If you do not like it plain, add some sweetness to it. It doesn't have to be granulated sugar, it could be honey, agave syrup, maple syrup, or fruits.
  • skinnydreams19
    skinnydreams19 Posts: 282 Member
    Don't steep it for too long and add honey!
  • vanessawaw
    vanessawaw Posts: 18 Member
    green tea with honey and lemon will be sooo amazing :love: :love:
  • KyraBellwain
    KyraBellwain Posts: 15 Member
    THANKYOU SOOOO MUCH! I've done all u people said (added mint and made sure water wasn't too hot) and green tea is nyammy now :D

    Pd: I did add a teaspoon of sugar :P
  • boroko
    boroko Posts: 358 Member
    A Japanese friend told me to make green tea by pouring the boiling water into an empty cup/mug and then pouring it into a cup/mug with the tea bag in - apparently this cools the water to the right temperature. It works for me. I also second the suggestions about not squeezing the bag as this makes it more bitter.
  • iecreamheadaches
    iecreamheadaches Posts: 441 Member
    I drink green tea every morning. I like to buy the lipton flavored ones (my favorite is the purple acai and blueberry), I started putting 4 tsp of sugar in it cause I didnt like it plain, but I've been slowly reducing that amount, now I put two measly teaspoons of sugar in it and it tastes fine, i actually think putting any more in it now would make it too sweet.
  • sunnybunny34
    Like some others here I agree that using cooler water and steeping for less time takes all the bitterness out. (And I see that worked for you. Yay!) I also wanted to add that I buy loose leaf teas from Adagio teas, I think it's or something like that. They have an amazing tea selection. My absolute favorite is their apricot green tea. I buy it in bulk and drink about 4 cups per day. I don't feel the need to use any sweetener as the apricot adds a nice floral undertone. Very, very yummy. They also have a very nice oolong (#8, I think), which has a nice smokey flavor and jasmine (#9, I think), which is just heavenly.
  • endlesswonderr
    endlesswonderr Posts: 91 Member
    If you go to a tea shop such as David's Tea or Teavana they have so much variety with their green teas! Currently I have one that's green tea, mango, and has a bunch of spices in it and it's delicious. You should also try matcha green tea! :)