Addicted to Coke



  • darkangeljanie
    Going over your calories for the day causes weight gain, however, this is not the biggest issue here, I think the bigger issue is 2 litres of Coca Cola a day cannot be good for your overall health. People use Coca Cola in their toilets, people heat Coca Cola in a dirty pan because the Coca Cola strips the pan of dirt, and their are other things to consider, diabetes, osteoporosis, cavities and so on.

    There are a lot of soda police out there, I myself only have it once a week but I don't see anything wrong with people having it but it's like anything, moderation. Soda is full of fructose, the liver absorbs this and converts it to fat, which ups the chance you will have a fatty liver and liver cancer.

    Do some research, go to your doctor ask them how it will effect you in the long term as if you were a person with any other addiction. The possible weight gain shouldn't be the only reason to prompt you to reduce your intake, there's much worse long term effects.
  • chedges9090
    chedges9090 Posts: 208 Member
    What a great question. I am really addicted to Coke. Love it. I have recently changed my strategy. I used to drive through McDonalds and get my treat for the day -- 1 large Coke. Because why would I pay the same for a small coke when I can get a large? And, I will admit-- one Coke a day for me feeds my craving. I would love to drink more.. but, I know it is just empty calories.

    So, here are my thoughts-
    1) I have 8ozs of Coke each day. It is a snack or dessert for me

    2) timing is important. I try not to drink it at the beginning of the day.. so, that i can look forward to that "treat" later in the day
    3) while I was NOT buying Coke so it wouldnt be a temptation-- I changed that strategy. I bought the 16.9 coke bottles and I drink 1/2 of one per day. And, yes.. they are more expensive than a 2liter.. but, the 2liter gets flat, and I tend to drink more so as not to be wasteful. The bottles are perfect.

    4) I agree with the others in trying to stay within your daily calories. For me..working the Coke into the count.. and doing without something else is fine with me. I would rather have Coke than a piece of cake any day. :)

    Please don't let my 0 calorie status fool you. I was injured and have decided to reset all of my settings :)

    Sorry for the long response -- good luck to you !
  • beckymlong
    beckymlong Posts: 111 Member
    I used to drink lots of fizzy drinks particularly of the evening just keep topping up my glass with coke Fanta sprite lilt, I told myself I had to stop and replaced those drinks with herbal teas and fruit teas it was easier than I thought just make the conscious effort of making a better choice and good luck! Now I'd rather have a fruit tea instead of coffee as well! its all about breaking the habit and forming new, better ones
  • laceylucas86
    i switched to coke zero! way better than just diet coke, almost tastes like the real thing, my mom who is diabetic would rather not drink any pop than drink diet because of the taste and she likes coke zero, bare in mind that is does have asparatame to not healthy for you but it's good to satisfy the craving, try and limit yourself to 2 cans a day and ween off to one then mabey one every other day, don't have to deprive yourselfe
  • MeganGable
    MeganGable Posts: 68 Member
    It causes not only a ridiculous amount of weight gain, but major blood pressure problems, and all kinds of organ build up because soda is FULL of chemicals!!!
  • coe28
    coe28 Posts: 715 Member
    The coke isn't too bad, it's the hookers that got expensive.

  • blood6338
    blood6338 Posts: 90 Member
    OMG does it ever! SO, so bad for you. So much sugar!! Start cutting back slowly. The sugar is VERY addicting in my opinion. Very hard ingredient to cut out. You'll likely even get headaches when you start cutting it out. Whatever you do, don't switch to diet. That's probably worse for you.

    I definitely agree on diet sodas being worse for you. I would argue that drinking sodas themselves may not put on weight as long as you stay under calories but I believe they do mess with your sugar levels (even diet sodas too) and can make cravings worse. And I never realized how bloated they made me. I used to drink a 3 liter a day easy. So glad I kicked that habit.
  • scribega
    scribega Posts: 159 Member
    What a great question. I am really addicted to Coke. Love it. I have recently changed my strategy. I used to drive through McDonalds and get my treat for the day -- 1 large Coke. Because why would I pay the same for a small coke when I can get a large? And, I will admit-- one Coke a day for me feeds my craving. I would love to drink more.. but, I know it is just empty calories.

    So, here are my thoughts-
    1) I have 8ozs of Coke each day. It is a snack or dessert for me

    2) timing is important. I try not to drink it at the beginning of the day.. so, that i can look forward to that "treat" later in the day
    3) while I was NOT buying Coke so it wouldnt be a temptation-- I changed that strategy. I bought the 16.9 coke bottles and I drink 1/2 of one per day. And, yes.. they are more expensive than a 2liter.. but, the 2liter gets flat, and I tend to drink more so as not to be wasteful. The bottles are perfect.

    4) I agree with the others in trying to stay within your daily calories. For me..working the Coke into the count.. and doing without something else is fine with me. I would rather have Coke than a piece of cake any day. :)

    The above is exactly what I do! Couldn't have said it better.
    I was drinking 80-90 ounces a day, sometimes more. When I started to want to lose weight I knew that I need to cut coke (for calorie and health reasons). I kept in my diet, but planned for it. So every night as a treat I have about 8-10 oz. (about 100 calories). Like the above said, I use it as a snack or dessert.

    Also, try sprite zero. I use it as a substitute when I am really craving some bubbly during the day.
  • darkangeljanie
    Regular soda drinks and diet sodas, neither one is less harmful then the other on your health, they both come with health problems if you continue to consume them long term and in excess.

    There is the conception though that if you're overweight, diet sodas are better for weight management, that is neither true or false either. In fact many people without weight problems drink regular soda but only consume it a couple times a week. People who drink diet soda tend to be overweight, who believe it will help them to shed lbs, this isn't completely true either, there are chemicals in diet soda that trigger hormones in your brain making you feel hungry. Also people who consume diet soda are just as likely to eat back the calories they didn't want in their soda.
  • Change4Love
    Thank you everyone, I will be cutting down majorly, personally I think a lot of my weight gain is through drinking coke! I'll start to limit it. Thank you for everything, everyone advice has been brilliant