Big girl motivation! (Pic)

I think with anyone who has a ton of weight to lose there is that utterly and pure moment where clarity shines through and the light bulb turns on. The light bulb where you see the whole picture and your life right before your eyes. I had that moment in November of 2012. I had to make a choice to either live or die. That sounds dramatic but it's true. At my size of about 380 lbs. I was facing life or death. Facing food which was my greatest comfort but also my greatest enemy. I want to say to the people who think its impossible to weigh a lot and do crazy workouts that its absolutely possible if you want it bad enough. As someone with back and knee problems I used these things as excuses to not go after what I deserved. After doing Turbo Fire my life has changed indefinitely! Turbo Fire, saved my life. And now I'm currently in my 3rd week of Insanity. If you ever have that moment in which you feel like you can't do this anymore. Think of who you will be leaving behind in your life. Who do you love? Love yourself because I can bet there would be a lot of people who would miss you.

