Talk me down



  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 335 Member
    "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time."

    Thomas A. Edison

    KEEP GOING.... I was stuck for 4 months! I was over training! Did the metabolic testing at my gym for $200 ( well spent) and figured out I was eating too less and working out too much.was eating 1560/ day and burning 600-1000/ day. Had to eat more or burn less... Up to 1800/ day now. My body was protecting itself from myself ;) saw results in two weeks and been dropping ever since.Checkout EAT RIGHT FOR YOUR BLOOD TYPE online or the book. will give insight on foods to avoid for blood type.

    Good luck, keep pressin !

    Shan, Atl
  • GamerLady
    GamerLady Posts: 359 Member
    Have you been measuring yourself? Honestly, the scale is not your friend when you're losing weight. You lose a lot of inches losing fat and gaining muscle, depending on your exercise routine. Remember also as you lose weight to recalculate your calorie intake for losing as well.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Have you been measuring yourself? Honestly, the scale is not your friend when you're losing weight. You lose a lot of inches losing fat and gaining muscle, depending on your exercise routine. Remember also as you lose weight to recalculate your calorie intake for losing as well.

    He's not gaining muscle. Pretty much no one gains muscle while losing weight, least of all people who are losing weight while doing cardio alone.
  • OneDimSim
    OneDimSim Posts: 188 Member
    Use the zig zag method!!! Helps break plateaus, and worked for me :)

    Say your average cals a day should be about 1500, which I would say would be best for you. (I'm no expert though)
    Well instead of eating 1500 cals a day, every day, spread it out so you come to an AVERAGE of 1500 cals a day over a week span.

    For example, I have an average of about 1450 a day.
    Monday 1200
    Tuesday 1650
    Wednesday 1350
    Thursday 1700
    Friday 1250
    Saturday 1450
    Sunday 1550

    In this way, your body won't become too accustomed to eating so little everyday and think it is your norm that you will be doing forever and you are still netting a low amount over a week's time. Try it out! (I made up those numbers, but theres a site online that will do it for you)

    This....I am a fan of this - confuse your body with the food and the exercise a bit!
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    I was within 15 lbs. when I stalled for 8 months and kept just moving up and down the scale a couple pounds. I figured at 63 y.o. that might be my "set" weight. Then after reading about 30 Day Shred (Jillian Michaels' program) on MFP I figured I'd give it a try. I had to modify several of the exercises but after a couple weeks the pounds began to drop again and I lost another 11 lbs.

    So switching up the kind of exercise you do might be something that will help. Before I'd basically been walking for most of my exercise.
  • hendinerik
    hendinerik Posts: 287 Member
    Ultimately you will need to talk yourself down... BUT do this for your health, not just for the number on the scale - the number is just a number - you will feel better, look better and have a better outlook with regular exercise and a decent (not perfect) diet.
    I am struggling too if it's any consolation, with much less time to exercise than I used to and quite stressed...
    We all do what we can each day, and that just has to be good enough.
    Good luck!
  • SGSmallman
    SGSmallman Posts: 193 Member
    For me,

    Cardio helps you get fitter/ ups stamina

    Lifting weights/ resistence training helps you lose weight

    Work out your TDEE - no more than 20% and do at least 3 sessions a week of lifting heavy weights

    I am on a 1850 TDEE after taking my 20% off I lift 3 times a week do a number of cardio class (spin, circuit training) and the weight is going down 2 lbs exactly every week but the inches are flying off, as i'm gaining muscle.

    Do it for 6 weeks and see if you have any results. But please as someone of your height/ weight NEVER eat below 1400 calories again!!!
  • carolyn0613
    carolyn0613 Posts: 162 Member
    You've done brilliantly so far and are still keeping yourself on track, even if there is no movement on the scales.

    I agree with the posts above about making sure that your TDEE is accurate when doing TDEE-20%. I was directed to a site that seems excellent for accurately entering your activity:
    I know a lot of people also like this site:
    So perhaps you can start by working out your average TDEE from these. ANd making sure you are consistent at logging. And if you include your workouts in TDEE, don't eat back the calories. I'm also recalling that the advice is TDEE-15% if you have less than 20lb to go

    What about your measurements? Inches lost? I found that to be comforting when my scales didn't move for 6 weeks.
  • chellec23
    chellec23 Posts: 147 Member
    My suggestion is to change up your workout routine. I've always heard about muscle memory and that if you stick to one workout your body gets used to it and doesn't burn as much. If you always do the treadmill, try doing bike and/or elliptical every other day. Maybe some circuit training a couple of days a week. (I'm no expert! Just going off of things I have read and been told)
  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    Zigzagging got me off my plateau...still eating on average 1500 cals but at different may help!
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    If you are using the TDEE method, you need to figure out your TDEE - 20% and eat that every day, whether you work out or not. Make sure you are figuring it correctly, based on your actual activity level. You need to be sure you are above your BMR. It can take a couple of months for your body to reset, so just hang in there.

  • mo1700
    mo1700 Posts: 78 Member
    This might not work for you but at one point, years ago, when I was nearly at goal and got stuck, someone suggested protein at every meal so I tried that and it worked, as a vegetarian it was hard but I tried having cheese or baked beans etc at breakfast instead of what I normally ate and then the rest dropped off relatively easy. Good luck, be strong and be determined,you WILL get there!
  • TAMayorga
    TAMayorga Posts: 341 Member
    I took a peek at your profile and read your comments about your spinal condition. It made my think of Arthur's Amazing Transformation, Never, Ever Give Up on youtube. Of course, I'm no medical professional and I don't know the specifics of your health issues, but I wonder if yoga would help you....