Morning eaters- a rare breed?

Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
I notice a lot of MFP'ers saying that they save a bunch of calories for their evening meal or midnight snacks.

I'm the opposite. I wake up STARVING and eat a good portion of my calories before noon and am then pretty content to eat lightly for the remainder of the day. Anyone else like me?

NB- this isn't about debating what time you eat. I support the idea that meal timing is not important. I eat a big morning meal be aide that's when Mutant gets her hungry on.


  • FitBlackChick
    FitBlackChick Posts: 215 Member
    Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day!
  • Jane_1705
    Jane_1705 Posts: 152 Member
    I'm with you on this one.
    I love breakfast and eat at least 400 cals every day for my first meal and I pack it with filling carbs :)
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    I'm never hungry in the morning. I'm happy if I can force down a protein shake. I prefer to eat at noon and beyond. There's been a rare occasion I might actually wake up hungry. I'll eat a little something then, but nothing heavy. The thought of bacon and/or eggs in the morning makes my stomach
  • johnkernmusic
    johnkernmusic Posts: 91 Member
    I used to always eat a big breakfast. However, now I usually save most of my calories for dinner and beyond. I find this works great for late night hangouts/parties.
  • shiplizard
    shiplizard Posts: 20 Member
    Some mornings I'm starving, and it's always hard to say no to Biscuits and Gravy day at work. Other days I'm good on a coffee until lunch time... just a coin toss every day.
  • fitnessbuilding
    I'm not hungry in morning. I prefer to have more calories in night, because it helps me build muscles easily and quickly.
  • jbutterflye
    jbutterflye Posts: 1,914 Member
    I prefer eating evenings. Mornings just don't satisfy me. I also nibble on afternoons from time to time.
  • smoootka
    smoootka Posts: 67 Member
    I can't eat if it's really early. When I was still at school I never ate before I left home, but I had a sandwich at around 10am and even that wasn't every day. Now, I don't usually eat much before noon, it's fruit for me most of the days, every 2 hours till noon. When I'm on vacations somewhere else that seems to change - I could eat a bull in the morning then!! :laugh:

    I say if you can, go for it, I think it doesn't really matter when in the day you eat as long as it's not too late :)
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    I'm the same as you......i have always been a massive breakfast person!!!!!

    I could easily eat up to 600 calories for breakfast.....hearty oats, nuts, fruit etc.....lunch could be anything from soup/sushi/salad etc.....and a normal dinner!!!!

    Where I have such a big brekkie......I find it gets me til about 1pm, and I hardly graze of biscuits/sweets/choc etc throughout the day
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day!

    Snap!!!!!!!! : )
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I notice a lot of MFP'ers saying that they save a bunch of calories for their evening meal or midnight snacks.

    I'm the opposite. I wake up STARVING and eat a good portion of my calories before noon and am then pretty content to eat lightly for the remainder of the day. Anyone else like me?

    NB- this isn't about debating what time you eat. I support the idea that meal timing is not important. I eat a big morning meal be aide that's when Mutant gets her hungry on.
    maybe the reason you're so hungry in the morning is you don't eat enough in the evening. Personally I think if you're as hungry as you say you are in the morning something is not quite right. For me I find spreading my calories pretty evenly means I'm never over hungry at any one point. Not debating just my observation.
  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    I cannot do anything without breakfast. I'll get dizzy cranky and can't concentrate. But I also don't need a very big breakfast, tend to get about 300 (carb heavy) calories in the morning. Which is good, I can then start the rest of my day.
  • shanster23
    shanster23 Posts: 144 Member
    I eat breakfast! Porridge and peanut butter is my favourite, delicious! That said though if I wake up and I'm not hungry, then I won't eat til later, and it just means that I get to eat a bigger dinner or bigger evening snack :)
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    I prefer eating evenings. Mornings just don't satisfy me. I also nibble on afternoons from time to time.

  • cwaters120
    cwaters120 Posts: 354 Member
    I eat a much larger breakfast than any other meal - unless I KNOW I have something going on later that night. Often its just a loaded breakfast shake that ends up around 400 calories because I'm on the run, but I find I function better during the day and sleep easier at night. Since I go to work for 3 am and need to be in bed by 8 pm, my schedule is usually "off" anyway :blushing:
  • Jacqsie
    Jacqsie Posts: 51
    I love my early morning breakfasts! They used to be porridge oats with a piece of fruit and cinnamon but now its a nice bowl of mixed frozen berries, a diced up apple then I mash up two bananas to a lumpy liquid consistency to pour over it because I have this weird thing that I must eat with a spoon in the morning (I have my own favorite spoon and little bowl for my mornings :P) I'm just finished my breaky now and fueled for a nice fruity powered session at the gym :D
  • aalpass
    aalpass Posts: 124 Member
    I see so many dairies with their first entry at lunch. What the?! Ive consumed usually almost 1000 calories by then! Couldnt live without a decent breakie, morning tea, and lunch.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    If I'm hungry I eat it.

    If I'm not I don't.
  • sexymuffintop
    If I'm hungry I eat it.

    If I'm not I don't.

    I've heard you love to eat it in the mornings...:wink:
  • MissFuchsia
    MissFuchsia Posts: 526 Member
    I'm usually hungry in the morning. I normally have a protein shake after my workout. Then after my shower I'll have a cheese omelette. When I get ino work I have a 2nd breakfast. Usually porridge or cottage cheese with nuts.