I Strongly Dislike Exercise!



  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I strongly dislike doing dishes, but I still do it.

    I strongly dislike waking up early to go to work every day, but I still do it.

    I strongly dislike paying my bills every month, but I still do it.

    What's your point?
  • Preesy
    Preesy Posts: 37
    Okay I didn't read all the posts to see what had been said, but I read some. =)

    First, I was as lazy as they get. But I decided that I hate being fat more than I hate exercise. You know, after a while I have really come to like it. When you want to be thin, firm, sexy, all that... you'll get off your butt and do it whether you like it or not.. trust me. I've been there.

    Okay, running - C25K is awesome. I haven't managed to complete the program yet because of various health reasons, but I'm still trying. Get the app and use it. Three times a week isn't much to schedule in since they're only like 28-31 minutes a go.

    If you have an android smart phone, go to Amazon app store. C25K pro is the free app of the day today. No excuse. It's free, it's there. Go.

    If you just can't get yourself running go try some Zumba. Fun music and dancing usually gets the best of everyone. =)

    Find a workout partner if nothing else. Someone you feel obligated to get off your butt and move for so you won't be ashamed when you check in with them to say you sat on the couch watching reality tv. =/
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    I don't like exercise and I've never been able to be consistent. I maintain my weight through calorie control (which IS most of it), walk whenever I can, dance to music (neither of which is as good as gym exercise) and I'm considering rejoining a gym once again.

    An iPod with a good playlist and tools like a HRM and rep counter help.
  • _journeyofavirgo
    _journeyofavirgo Posts: 16 Member
    Setting a calorie goal. I like that concept!!
  • RawCarrots
    RawCarrots Posts: 204 Member
    I admit I hate exercise, always have! I'd much rather sit at the computer or read a book than move my body, I am (used to be) the person who drives to the corner shop because I couldn't bother walking for 5 minutes, even the children were slagging me :blushing:

    I joined MFP last month, logged every single thing that passed my lips (35 days logging today, it tells me :) ) and weight started dropping off nicely. Then 2-3 weeks ago decided that I need to add some exercise, my pure selfish reason being that I wanted to be able to eat a bit more but still loose with the same rate. So I put the baby in the buggy and went out. Ten minutes later I was ready to die, that's how unfit I was. Pushed it somehow to 20minutes and loved logging those exercise calories in. Next day did it again, it was slightly easier. Then I said I'd set up a goal at the app I was using to track my routes and try to walk 50K for a month - to be honest I thought there is no hope in hell I would ever achieve that but wanted to see how the goal feature works, I love fiddling with technology. So went out the next day, and the day after, and the day after... I've only missed two days in the last three weeks. TBH I'm afraid if I stop for a day I won't get out again, so I push myself to do it, we even went out in the rain one day.

    I still hate it, and it's still hard work! But I get 250kCals extra each day which I absolutely love! Plus I'm three days away from achieving that goal of walking 50km (31 miles) and I'm so so proud of myself!! I read somewhere here that "Sweat is fat crying":smile: and I sometime imagine all fat melting away while I walk, it somehow helps:laugh: :laugh:

    My initial goal was go for 30 minutes walk twice a day. Start small and with something that you can stick to. If you can only do twice a day, so be it. If you can only do 10 minutes that's ok too. You just need to break that psychological barrier, just set up a plan and stick to it no matter how small.

    I'm now considering adding an exercise DVD twice a week and extending the walk to 40 minutes:smile: Maybe one day I'll even start running or lifting...
  • _journeyofavirgo
    _journeyofavirgo Posts: 16 Member
    I will say it...i HATE exercise. I love the way it makes me feel, love how it has transformed my body but I still hate it. So you are not the only one. I have done everything that others have suggested..find something you like, do it for 30 days straight (suppose to become a habit after that) but nothing has changed. So I have accepted it, come to terms with it..and I JUST DO IT!

    THANK YOU SO MUCH! I appreciate you saying that.
  • kimmykimmy77
    kimmykimmy77 Posts: 47 Member
    I kinda hate the gym and running just to run... I get real bored. I like playing sports though. You don't realize you're working out! Try tennis!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,663 Member
    Not uncommon to dislike stuff one is not good at or irritates them. Gotta hate fat more.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • April_Hollingshead
    I love to walk but thats it. So for now i just walk some days. But im in the same boat i hate excersizing too.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    A year ago I could barely walk a few blocks without getting winded. Now I can trail run for over an hour at a stretch. BUT, it was hard. Really really hard. When I first started using my stationary bike, it was for 5 miserable minutes (on the lowest resistance) until I had to take a break. But, I forced myself to stretch that time to 7 minutes, then 10, until I could go for an hour at variable, hilly resistance. C25K was miserable at first. I tried to use the excuse that I was just too fat to do it (I weighed around 275 at that point), but my skinny cousin started at close to the same time and it was just as rough for her. It's just hard.

    There are those of us who force ourselves to go through the hard part so that we can enjoy the benefits, and those who bail because it's hard and it sucks at times. That's the only dividing line there is between runners/athletes and couch potatoes.

    Those benefits are: being able to hike into amazing places. Walking confidently, knowing you can do it all day. Running over wooden bridges along wooded trails. Being able to lift heavy stuff like it's nothing. Those things make the hard part worth it for me.

    And yes, I LOVE trail running now, and I hate it, and I love it, and I hate it...... but mostly I love it.
  • dawnpturpin
    dawnpturpin Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there,
    I can say I have gone from really disliking it to enjoying it so much more than I thought I would.... So there is still a chance, but first you have to change your mindset. Sure, there are days I dont want to workout at all. But 99 % of the time I get started and I am so glad I did. If you want some help with some motivation let me know. We can talk.
  • Pink_turnip
    Pink_turnip Posts: 280 Member
    I highly recommend taking a few classes at the gym, try out a few of them until you find something you enjoy. Also, because it's a group setting, (at least I find) it keeps me motivated to try harder.

    If you don't like what you're doing, you're not going to keep doing it.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Funny you say that! I HATE cardio!

    Well, I don't really hate it, I just love lifting more. Once you get the desired results from lifting, THEN you might grow to LOVE it. LOL
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I know from past experience that once it gets easier, it becomes more enjoyable -- like biking. At first, you're huffing and puffing and struggling to pedal; then, a few weeks later, you're peddling along happily and enjoying the scenery.

    By the way, I recommend biking, especially if you have access to trails.
  • lynne81673
    Have you tried Just Dance for the Wii...I dont like to exercise either (does anyone?). I try to do Just Dance a few times a week for 45 minutes to an hour each time. The time flies by - you are exercising & you dont even realize it. I am also very lucky to only work 3/4 of a mile from home so I walk to & from work when the weather permits. I have tried the Couch to 5k app, but struggled & couldnt get past week 4. I am going to run/walk my first 5k next month. I will probably end up walking most of it, but I will try running it first. Do u skate at all??? I take my son to the roller rink once a week or we skate outside now that the weather is better...I skated for an hour the other day & burned 500 calories...and it was fun!!! GOOD LUCK!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I hear ya! I hate the gym. Love to walk and I love yoga and Barre 3. I am queen of the 10 to 30 minute exercise / walk sessions . Big fan of making sure I stand at least 10 minutes of every hour at work..

    We all figure out how to make it work. Have fun exploring what works for you!
  • ccanova123
    Doing little things too, like parking your car farther from the store, will just add to all the other things you do during the day that count as exercise. I like to walk, so I have a treadmill. I blast my music. Originally I started out doing only 15 minutes. It was something. It made me feel pro active and eventually I reached an hour because it felt so good. And I don't kill myself. If I feel like it I push myself, but that's very rare.
  • JaimeMWS
    JaimeMWS Posts: 36
    I dislike most forms of exercise, and have bad knees so can't run. Last year I took a rowing class and discovered I enjoy it, so I do that three times a week. In the winter we have a winter conditioning class. For me, having something that is at a particular scheduled time, with other people who are counting on me to show up, that is outside, seems to be the key. It helped also that we were all beginners together. And some of the others also are heavy, so I'm not the only "fatty" in a crowd of slim fit people.

    What obscure forms of physical activity are available in your area? English Country Dance? Kayaking? Volkswalking? Belly dancing? Dog agility training? I think for those of us who have memories of humiliation in PE class and who are heavy, physical things that put us in the company of others who aren't conventionally athletic can be the key to finding something we enjoy and will stick with.
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    I lost the first 30 walking and then another 15 when I started adding intervals.

    I'm crabby if I don't exercise now.It helps me feel less stressed and there are days when my body craves exercise.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Runners high. . . . from running

    Lifting, because I enable beast mode

    Of course its hard, Its really hard. No excuses, not ever.

    couch 25k. google it.

    You mean business!

    Yup. Better than being fat, out of shape or dead.