Could you share your experiences as I feel like a FAILURE!!



  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    Generally you have to start at the bottom and work your way up. It would probably do more harm than good to go from being sedentary to doing 30 minutes of JM. You would be more likely to injure yourself. You are doing great. Slow and steady usually wins the race.
  • Jude_V
    Jude_V Posts: 72 Member

    Listen to your body. Put that DVD away and go for a walk in the fresh air. Walking is one of the best things you can do for yourself physically and mentally. It does everything in a gentle way, no damage to your knees, builds up your immune system, and burns calories. You can extend the walks as you are able and build up the miles. Getting outside is great for depression, too. Then try the DVD at a later time.

    This.....Your body is heavy and unused to exercise. Start slowly with something you'll stick at it longer :)
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    You did 10 minutes of a Jillian Michaels DVD!! That is nothing to sneeze at, I can't keep up with her!! Keep it up, you will get there!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You've only failed when you stop trying.


    If you aren't used to doing any exercise then maybe start with walking. Start slow and build up from there. In a few weeks you will be able to do the whole DVD you tried today!
  • alsuna
    alsuna Posts: 65 Member
    haha. I still can't do the Jillian video properly. Even I lost already 20 pounds, I'm still unable to make normal push ups. But as long as I see an improvement in my condition and my weight, I don't care. Sooner or later, but I will get there. But for a start I would also recommend you walking. It helped a great deal to me in the first month to get my body used to exercising again.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member

    Listen to your body. Put that DVD away and go for a walk in the fresh air. Walking is one of the best things you can do for yourself physically and mentally. It does everything in a gentle way, no damage to your knees, builds up your immune system, and burns calories. You can extend the walks as you are able and build up the miles. Getting outside is great for depression, too. Then try the DVD at a later time.

    This.....Your body is heavy and unused to exercise. Start slowly with something you'll stick at it longer :)

    WOW, what a fantastic video. Brought tears to my eyes!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm going to add my vote to the people who tell you to start small with exercise. You don't want to risk hurting yourself by doing too much, too fast. Like others have said focus on clean eating and building up with fitness. When I first started working out a few years ago I joined a gym and someone told me to start with 10 minutes on the elliptical. When I barely made it to 5 minutes I felt like a total failure, but I kept going. People I knew were stopping to ask me if I was okay because I was bright red and breathing so hard, but I didn't give up. Every day I added an extra minute until I finally got up to 20 minutes. From there the progress came faster.
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    Do not be defeated. Slow and steady wins the race every single time.

    When I first started exercising, I had to limit my walks on the treadmill because the pain from my thighs rubbing together would halt matters. I was red, sweaty, in pain, but determined as fock.

    You CAN do it. Only you stand in the way, and take it one baby step at a time. We all start somewhere.
  • Emsie_lou
    Emsie_lou Posts: 50 Member
    Wow, thank you for all of your replies. You have really made me feel much better about myself. Thank you for the support!
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Set small goals for yourself. Use that DVD and each time try to do a few more minutes. Work on the first 5 pounds. IF you look at ALL of the weight you need to lose you'll get discouraged because it seems so far away and feels impossible at first. After you reach each small goal you've set for yourself give yourself a reward...but not food! Your not a dog!

    I would try to exercise a little more each time I exercised and once I would lose 5 pounds or get to a specific weight I would reward myself with a hair cut. Once I lost the first 20 pounds I bought myself new jeans and a blouse. After the next 10 I realized I needed new bras so went to VS and got a couple. Do something nice for yourself. Go to a place you always wanted to visit. This makes all of the hard work worthwhile.
  • Grazia23
    Grazia23 Posts: 2
    To all those who feel like a failure. Don't even if it is two steps forward and one back.
    You must believe in yourself! Very day keep telling yourself you can do it! Fake it until you can make it!

    I gave myself a 12 week challenge last year but gave up.
    This year I started another 12 week challenge. My friend was working out using calorie counter at the gym.
    So I started to do the same.
    Then she introduced me to Fitness pal.
    At firstI felt it was time consuming but now I am aware of portion size and choose what I like to eat. I have more steamed veges and work out every day, even if it is just brisk walking for half an hour, then I know that I have bonus calories.
    I feel in control. Diets always say you can't have carbs etc. I have lost weight and my clothes are now loose!

    If you are feeling discouraged don't quit! Pick yourself up and start again. If you have binged, say o.k I didn't do too well today but I will get better at this. DON'T QUIT!
  • VanessaHeartsMasr
    Noo! Don't feel like a failure! I started here last August at 234 pounds as a last attempt to do SOMETHING before I went to the doctor to ask about weight loss surgery. I was getting to the point that I couldn't tie my shoes without getting out of breath. I started slowly on the elliptical for 20 or so minutes at a time. What helped me was hearing that weight loss is 80% diet/20% exercise. Even if you can only do 5 minutes of exercise at a time, it's more important to watch how many calories you are putting into your body. Count your calories! It's the most important thing. You don't even have to eat "diet food." Just stay under your daily calories and you will do this! And you will work your way up in exercise. Be patient. It's taken me 8 months to lose 35 pounds and to work my way up to being able to do over an hour on the elliptical and running a little bit. It's not going to happen overnight. You can't expect your body to be magically able to do things it's not used to doing. It's like giving your 5-year-old a bicycle with no training wheels and expecting them to ride it. Not gonna happen. You must "practice" when you exercise and change your eating habits.

    Again, I stress patience with yourself. When you lose patience, you fail, which is happening to me right now. I'm a little stuck at the moment. But it's okay. I'm not giving up and I'm not beating myself up. I've FINALLY learned that it took me a long time to get so heavy and it's going to take me a long time to get healthy. I'm "practicing" and eventually I will be a pro at this lifestyle. I know I will get back on track and get to where I want to be. So will you if you just stick with it. Remember there are 365 days in a year. That's 365 opportunities to be awesome! You can do this! Trust me, you can. If I can, ANYBODY can.
  • cwaters120
    cwaters120 Posts: 354 Member
    when I started AGAIN in December 2012, I was 252 lbs at 5'2" - For some reason THIS time I feel more committed and I have had much more success than any other time I've tried to lose the weight.

    It comes down to this: anything you are doing, that is healthier than you were (more active, better meal choices), is a step in the right direction and NOT A FAILURE! Yes, it's hard to jump around and move quickly some days. You may find it difficult to do the moves or finish the DVD, BUT DON'T GIVE UP! Keep working at it. MFP friends and community are a great help when you want and need the support.

    All things will become easier as you lose weight and you will lose weight when you keep trying the things that challenge you. Remember, it is often the EASY choices that got us all here in the first place so challenging (proper) choices will take you where you want to go.
  • workinprogress37
    workinprogress37 Posts: 24 Member
    You have to be patient with yourself but challenge yourself at the same time. I also suffered from depression for years. I think that the best thing you to do is to eat right and exercise. You may need medication also, because you could have a chemical imbalance causing your depression. But eating right and exercising really help to improve how you feel about yourself and your life. I recommend that you read Never Say Diet by Chantel Hobbs. The author started out weighing 350 lbs!! She has lost 200 lbs now. This book was so inspirational to me, it's change my outlook on whether I can make losing weight a reality or now. I hope things get better for you.
  • MensEtSalvere2013
    MensEtSalvere2013 Posts: 230 Member
    awe, don't call yourself a failure :( I am 5 ft and I started at 210-215 pounds. When I first started I could not do things such as a push up, a sit up, or a plank. The journey that you are on takes time and patience. When I feel like I am having a rough day I read the reasons as to why I am on this weight loss journey. Sometimes the little things are the big things that are non-scale related. I hope this helps! :) Mens et Salvere (Mind over body)
  • BenChase
    BenChase Posts: 169
    well my extended version is on my profile but long story short i was dianosed with cancer and at that time i couldnt even WALK a full mile,in under a year i ran a full marathon with a .3mile detour (26.5miles) (i actually jogged the first 17miles straight before slowing down to alternating walk/jog) the only one who can stop you is yourself, dedication goes a LONG way, that being said short answer to your question is yes,i am unaware of anyone who started their journey and was a beast right away. we ALL started off with a variety of big challenges where we thought it wasn't possible. when i first started i KNEW i wasn't ever going to be able to run more than a full mile - then i just changed my thinking and kept at it,some of my first days i made it about 20-30 seconds before i thought i was going to die so you are already far ahead of where i started at,just to help you with a little perspective :wink:
  • yorkshirekevin
    yorkshirekevin Posts: 6 Member

    I'd just like to echo all the other comments.

    You're not a failure; you WILL succeed!

    I started about 6 months ago; by weight loss to date is around 50lbs.

    Some days it's up, some day's it's down, but mostly it's down.

    I started on 1200 calories/day for the 'fastest' loss, and pretty soon my weight loss stalled ....

    I upped my calories and it started coming off again!

    I'm doing much more exercise than I ever did - I had to build up to what I'm doing now, but I'm feeling much better for it!

    Don't give up, it's a long journey, but you will get there ...

    PS some of the weight losses in your replies make my 50lb loss look small in comparison.

    Good luck! Every journey starts with a single step .....:happy:
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    When I started here, I could not do even 10 minutes of some of the challenging workouts of Jillian Michaels.
    But that was ok. I made myself as a target do everytime a minute more. And after trying and trying, I got to do some whole workouts.
    To mention that I don't do JM daily, I alternate them with lower impact workouts.

    Try a little more every day, sometimes change is slower. But with trying, you will get there.

    Everyone has a way, you must find yours.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Haha. I was 208lbs or something when I started. I didn't start with that dvd, but with another one (the slim in 6 series, which is so so much easier on the joints, the 30day shred killed me), and I was able to last... 5 minutes into the warm up. Yep. Then I was so horribly sore for 3 days.

    It gets much better. But you got to stick to it.