Going backwards on the elliptical



  • Kalona388
    I try to split my time on the elliptical, I normally go backwards for 3-5 minutes and then forwards for 3-5 minutes, then I repeat for like 45-60minutes depending on the day. I make sure to do it at different levels of incline too, that way it really works the muscles! It was definitely an adjustment to get used to, but now I can't imagine only going forwards on the elliptical. :)
  • Agator82
    Agator82 Posts: 249 Member
    I do 'reverse mode' at the gym simply to break the monotony of the elliptical. Just like I do the elliptical to get a break from the treadmill. 5 minutes forward 2 minutes reverse.
  • SupernovaLeon
    I just did a few mins backwards and it's given my legs an amazing breath of life! Great workout!
  • ohenry78
    ohenry78 Posts: 228
    I've done this as well. It works the different muscles, and it stops you from getting in too much of a groove -- you have to pay a bit of attention and such :)
  • angelicscars
    angelicscars Posts: 44 Member
    I do 30 mins and alternate 5 mins forward, 5 mins back. Great workout! :)
  • JJinWI
    JJinWI Posts: 197 Member
    I do a 60 minute elliptical workout - 30 minutes forward. Second half, I alternate going forward/backward in one minute intervals. I set a hill program at the start and make sure my backward intervals are on the higher resistance hills. Ironically, it is easier going backwards on a higher resistance - at least for me. It''s a killer workout, but I seem to get a second wind around 55 minutes!
  • jhohler999
    I find it a lot easier to go backwards rather than forwards, which feels like I'm pedaling through mud.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Do this on a treadmill with a steep incline. Works wonders!

    I used to do this quiet a bit- 1/4 mile forward 1/4 mile backward 1/4 mile forward 1/4 backward.

    worst mile walk on an incline EVER. Seriously.
  • Cheekies_
    Cheekies_ Posts: 319 Member
    What?! You mean to tell me that going backwards will work my a$$et?! DONE!