

  • jusniq
    jusniq Posts: 49
    I can relate being the big kid in school...but 88 lbs just not realistic. Thats a pretty big goal, and its just not possible. Losing weight is not a quick thing, and your goals are just unrealistic. :(

    I understand the pressures of being in school cuz I'm headed toward my last semester in a about 6 weeks. I eat when I'm stress, and overwhelm, so i get it.

    Since this goal is unrealistic.....maybe you can start yourself a path right now....that maybe you can continue when your back in school. Maybe walk to class....maybe go for a walk/run before class or after your last class of the day.....does your school have gym? My school offers discounts membership to students, idk if they do that at other universities. When I first started working out (before I gain alot of my weight back), I'd take my notes w/ me to the gym, I'd use it to cover the screen in on the treadmill, and I'd do reading on the bike. I got creative because I was serious about.

    Goodluck...but you should make your goals more realistic
  • maddox22
    maddox22 Posts: 91
    +1 to what everyone else has said. You are young, and if you start now you will reap benefits for a really long time. Take the advice from folks who have dieted all their lives--it is no fun. And the ONLY way you will possibly lose all of that weight in two months is to make yourself even more miserable. Plus, when you do get back to school, your body will be starved and stressed--which means you will most likely a) get sick, b) have no reserves for dealing with studying and classes, and c) be even more miserable.

    As several people have pointed out, 16 lb is a very noticeable weight loss. You will look better, and you will feel better, if you focus on small changes that are sustainable long-term.

    Think of it this way. Which would you rather have?
    1. A thin body in 2 months that lasts maybe a month or two, being miserable and hungry and grouchy and stressed out the whole time, and then gaining all the weight back (plus more); or
    2. A thinnER body in 2 months, your goal weight in 10 months--but feeling healthier, less stressed, and being able to maintain that weight for the REST OF YOUR LIFE?
  • n2cooloh
    n2cooloh Posts: 1
    It appears you have a bit of support from all of us who want to lose the extra pounds for health, self-esteem, and even vanity reasons. The best advice I can provide you with is to find friends and/or family who are willing and committed to reaching REALISTIC goals as yourself. My fiance and I started going to the gym slowly and gradually picked up the pace (along with watching what we eat) to where we are losing 2-4 lbs/week, in a healthy manner. We are each-other's coaches and motivate one another because we want to live a long and health life together. If you find a relative or friend who has similar goals as you, be each-other's coaches.
    I am currently in my 3rd year of a pharmacy program, and long days of studying make it difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle, especially with my voracious sweet tooth and love of fried foods, but once you make your health as much as a priority as your studies, it'll be much easier to reach for some fruit rather than a bag of chips. Much of your loss in weight occurs with small incremental changes in your diet...I wouldn't stop eating unhealthy food cold turkey, because you run the risk of finding yourself at the bottom of a tub of ice cream.
    It also helps to consider your long term aspirations...I meet with countless of patients at my pharmacy who are on at least 5 medications for high blood pressure and/or high cholesterol for the rest of their lives because they lacked the ability and/or support to put their health at top priority. If you don't want to be one of those individuals, you have plenty of time to change your lifestyle around to better your future. And believe me, once the weight starts coming off, you will feel astronomically better about yourself. When I was a little older than you are now, I was a bit overweight, started going to the gym, and before I knew it (about 8 months), I had a body I only dreamed of and the confidence (borderline arrogance at times) to go along with it.
    If you have the confidence to lose the weight, you will...weight loss is a change in lifestyle and is meant for those who have the endurance to keep it's not a race or a sprint. Pace yourself wisely and set realistic goals and you'll be just fine! Good luck
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    It could be possible if you choose to have all your meals placed directly into your stomach from a feeding tube inserted through your nose. But don't expect to have the energy to be able to do much else than lay around your house all day. Everyone else has told you what's realistic, so I won't dwell on that, but I will tell you, your weight will come off mostly this year and some next year and you will be happy with your progress. You didn't put on that weight in 2 months - it's more than likely taken 4-5 years at least to get where you are, you can be drop it in one-fifth of the time it took to put it on. You're still very young, so you're body is flexible, it's great as it'll make this easy for you to get fit, but you've got to be patient and recognize that whether it takes you 2 months or 8 months, it will come off anyways and I'm assuming you intend to be alive for at least another 50 years so when you take it into perspective, 6 more months to change your life and your future around is nothing. Relax, don't kill yourself, cut out the rice first, the chicken if it's breast is one of the best things for you, soda is useless, don't overburden yourself with deadlines, losing weight is easy, it just requires patience, and it requires you still wanting to lose weight over time.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    hey honey, don't let *planning* get in the way of *doing*. don't over-analyze it. just start. start with eating correct portion sizes and tracking your food and staying in your calorie range and going for a half an hour walk everyday. start there. don't make it so huge that you don't even start.

    you can do this! you can be thin! you can be healthy! you can feel good about yourself at any weight!!! you can do this! hugs.
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    Honey I understand you are desperate, and sure am for 2lbs a week, in the beginning doing things the healthy weigh you will probably loose 20 maybe a little more than that in 2 months IF you do it in a healthy manner and IF you work out a reasonable amount of time 1-2 hours a day. you still have to have energy to go to school and study and live. don't lose faith, and as for "not being a house when you go back to school" its not a magic number you don't stop being a house majically at 88lbs it happens over the course, and you will be surprised at how many people give you good comments when you are loosing the first 20lbs, its very very noticeable in the begging.
  • orlandosgoddess21
    orlandosgoddess21 Posts: 72 Member
    Oh hunny, it's gonna be okay. I have been in your shoes too. I was heavy going into college and get this- I got an eye infection 2 weeks before school started, it was all swollen and it kept tearing up. I looked like Quasimodo!!! But anyways, you'll feel so good just 10 lbs lighter. Clothes fit better, you look better and feel better. I know you don't want to go back so heavy, but don't kill yourself with unrealistic goals. Aim for something you can do. Your confidence will go up and that alone will make you feel better and that will make going back to school better. You can do it, just don't hurt yourself :-)
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I agree with sassy... I went back through my records, and I am considerably older than you are, so my metabolism is probably slower, which should be encouraging to you. In 6 weeks, I lost 18 lbs. I did it by doing lots of walking, and counting my calories on MFP and limiting fat and carbs, lots of fresh veggies, fruit, lean protein. I don't feel I worked at it THAT hard, so if you have more time to work out than I did, you might do even better with the time you have. During that time, I did have a couple of special occasion days where I went over my calories for the day, but many people do that once every month or so to keep their metabolism guessing.

    The point I am making is, while there is no way you are going to lose 88 lbs. in two months, you could easily make a significant dent in your goal, and if you are doing strength/toning exercises along with the cardio that you need in order to have weight loss, your loss will look even better as you will be more toned than when you started.

    Good luck. And have a great year at college.
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    2lbs a week is easy and doable. That's your 88 pounds in 44 weeks,,, which mean bikini next summer easy. You can do it. Just choose to do it, and do it. We're here to help.

    You are young. If you do this the right way you could definately be in a bikini next summer. If you do it the unhealthy quick way you won't need to wear a bikini because all your loose skin will be covering up anything the bikini would anyway. :sick:

    Extreme quick weight loss leads to loose skin you may not be able to get rid of without surgery. If you loose 2 lbs a week that should give your body time to allow your skin to shrink with you.
  • summersmi
    summersmi Posts: 50 Member
    I don't mean to be a jerk here but you need to take a realistic look at your goal. The truth if you look at it honestly is that you did not gain all that weight in two months, as such you can not reasonably expect to lose it in two months. The thing that would do to your overall health are insane.
    1) Don't worry about the people in school and the opinions they may have about your weight. Anyone who makes that a priority in relating to you are most likely a moron. It's mind over matter (they don't matter so you don't mind)
    2) You sound like a nice person who is just a little depressed by the way some others treat her. Find other people to hang out with, people with a good attitude, perhaps the ones who are in school to get an education and spend time with them.
    3) Start on the program of 2 lbs a week and stick with it. Exercise to help you feel better ( I know how can working out make me feel better) but after the initial physical pain you will find your mental state to be better.
    4) Keep coming here for support, the people here are amazing and really help you out.

    Please don't go to the extreme you were thinking about, 88 lbs in two months would be the worst thing you could possibly do to yourself.
  • summersk
    summersk Posts: 59
    Trust me when I say that being over 200lbs at any age is not cool, unless you are supposed to be there! Now for some advice from some one who is over 200lbs and trying to lose weight. You DON'T want to lose 88lbs in two months. There are a few reasons why:

    1) If you lose that much weight that fast you will only gain that plus back!
    2) Losing weight that fast leave flabby skin behind because your skin doesn't recover that fast and won't be able to shrink back down fast enough. So while you won't be 88lbs over weight, you'll have flabby skin hanging every where that makes you look 88lbs over weight!
    3) It's just NOT healthy!

    I didn't gain 100lbs in two months, and I'm sure you probably didn't either. So I don't expect to lose it that fast and you shouldn't either! If someone is judging you for how much you weigh than you don't need to be anywhere near them. No true friend is going to care how much you weigh! Besides, the only opinion that REALLY matters is YOURS! No one has the power to make you feel as though you're not good enough unless you give them that power. Please don't try to lose that much weight that fast, just start working out and eating right and the lbs will start to melt off before you know it. You'll do fine, and be skinny again before you know it. Good luck and stick with this site, the support here is excellent!

  • worththeweight
    I know you feel like you need to get it all off before college starts, but think of it this hard until then and lose what you can realistically and exercise everyday as hard as you can (think biggest loser!) and when you go back, you WILL look different. People will notice, your self confidence will soar and as time goes on you will lose more and more and when you reach that 88 lbs, all those people will have witnessed your drive and dedication.

    hang in there, it's work but you can do it. you're strong, young and determined!!
  • manipriscilla
    manipriscilla Posts: 18 Member

    I actually feel motivated :happy: THAT'S IT !!!

    I'LL LOSE 16 LBS IN TWO MONTHS :bigsmile: I NEED TO BE patient !!!

    scared of loose skin ... ew !


    WISH ME LUCK !! :flowerforyou:
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member

    I am not sure 88lbs in two months is possible, no matter what you would try to do. In fact, I think you could exercise all day, everyday and still that amount would not come off, even if you were eating totally the right amounts, never wavering, all the correct nutrients, etc etc etc.

    If you have set your heart on such an unrealistic goal then nothing anybody says is going to help you to succeed and if nothing less than that is of any good to you, both you and others are wasting time and energy on this.
  • Megooo19
    Megooo19 Posts: 199
    I agree with everyone on here 88 lbs in two months is not a good idea. Just last quarter there was a girl in one of my classes who passed out because she hadn't eaten anything and for the rest of the quarter every time I looked at her I just thought 'Oh man I hope she ate something today' and believe me I dont think you want to be that girl.

    Just eat healthy and believe it or not college can be a great place to get in shape. Take advantage of your campus's gym. Plus to avoid snacking while studying its a great idea to make flash cards (my prefered study method lol) and then study them while on the eliptical or bike. Cant eat when your working out. Plus just walking around campus burns quite a few calories. Last quarter I was on campus 13 hours and I would burn 3000 calories a day between working out and walking around so you can totally do it!

    Also chicken is awesome! Skinless chicken breasts are probably one of your best choices ;) Good luck!