What keeps you motivated?



  • JBV321
    JBV321 Posts: 21 Member
    The number one way to successful weight loss and general healthiness is very simple, yet VERY hard, CONSISTENCY. If you stick with eating healthy and keeping active, you will see results. It's the fall backs that discourage us, myself included, to keep it going again. I recently had an extreme lack of motivation and commitment and just was downright lazy and tired of logging my food and working out every day. I gained about 10 lbs back of the 50 I lost. It happens. We are all human and make mistakes. But then I realized, I worked TOO HARD to give up and let temptation get the best of me. Yes, it's easier to sit on the couch than run, easier to get fast food than to make a healthy meal. I get it. Trust me! This is NOT an easy journey, by any means, but if you stick with it, I PROMISE it will be worth it. And remember, YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!! Never underestimate the power of YOURSELF!!!!
  • lockmand
    lockmand Posts: 90 Member
    Motivation, for me is different things at different times! Sometimes planning a new activity will get me out and active. Sometimes I need to talk, I need a buddy. Correction I need several weight loss buddies, because after all, we are all human and we all have our down days. If buddy #1 is not self motivated, I call on buddy #2...until I find a buddy that is motivated or that is willing to listen to my needs at the current moment in the journey to my goal. One buddy may understand one need better than another at any one point.

    Saturday, I was wanting to walk one of our local trails and did not want to do it alone. I texted several buddies, one was out of town, one was having a yard sale, one who was available was not my pick, because I just knew she would walk at a crawl and not at the pace I wanted to go. Well, bless my little southern heart, I told her ok and we headed out. She was a step ahead of me all the way!

    Serves me right for not having faith in my friend or myself! LOL...
    I know that getting started is the hardest part, once started, we will usually finish and be glad of it. Part of that getting started is finding the motivation, and don't be surprised if you find it in an unlikely place! Just keep looking for it until you are out there acting on it. Stay focused on what you need, what you are doing and on that WHY ! Know your WHY and work for it. Come on we can do this thing!
  • cstod74
    cstod74 Posts: 28 Member
    sounds like everyone had a bit to say regardining motivation, good thoughts for me to use this up coming week..............thanks everyone
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    I see your motivation and I raise you habit. I win.
  • ckredizon
    ckredizon Posts: 9 Member
    The answer is simple. Motivation doesn't last, habits do. So don't think "i have to be all pumped up and energized to workout or eat right." You don't, you just have to do it. Actions bring results which you can learn from which can make you successful, motivation doesn't do this. You can lay in bed all day being motivated to do something, doesn't mean you'll do it.

    Now for the simple answer.
    Habits is what makes us do those things, how do you build habits? Practice, and practice implies you will fail many times and over time you will learn to be successful if you learn from your mistakes. As you're practicing you're also building habits.

    YES! I love this.
  • lifesigns64
    lifesigns64 Posts: 110
    Perfectly stated!
  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg is well worth a read.

    I baby-stepped into this with the intention of looking at everything I do and every change I make to see if it supports my goals and is sustainable. No radical changes, all at once, then not being perfect and chucking the whole thing as too hard. Just one little change at a time.

    First, it was just tracking, not restricting, just logging it all. Next, I started paying more attention to getting enough protein and not over-loading on carbs. Next, I decided that I would no longer eat my emotions, period. Next I started staying within my TDEE-20%(ish) calorie limit. Next, I started adding at least one vegetable to each meal, even if it is just a handful of greens. Next, I joined the gym and started working out. There was no time table for the changes, but it made sense when it happened.

    I don't know what the next change will need to be, or when, but I remain committed to the changes I have made so far, and am learning to deal with setbacks without going off the rails (for instance, went over calories one day but just let it be and kept going. Realized there was a different emotional eating trigger that I hadn't experienced since starting. Determined that working out on days like those is extra important because exercise really works for me to release frustration/negative energy.

    I expect this to take a long time, and to require vigilance even in maintenance, but I want to do it right this time, so that it is the LAST time.
  • rdcphone572
    rdcphone572 Posts: 75 Member
    Bump for endofthiside for one little change at a time.

    One bite at a time got us here and one step at a time will take us to the next level.

    Double bump again for habit plus motivation being the key.

    I enjoyed how positive this string was.

    Have a good week everyone!
  • I have read your posts over and over and I'm sure I will come back to them on the days I am finding it hard to stick to my new habits of eating well and moving more. I will try to be patient with myself and the process and will reap the rewards big and small. I really do believe now that if I just stick with it, one day at a time, I might actually start to see and feel the changes that I am looking for myself.
    Thank you so much for such inspiration and positivity. Have a great week everyone.