Being told you're not fat



  • I'm going to look stupid here, but what is fupa? :ohwell:

    I am really trying to not worry about what anyone else says, or try to analyze why they say it. I tend to do that, and it's a waste of my time and energy.
    I tend to stay really private about my weight issues and struggles with weight loss. Because if I talk about it, I get either bad advice, or someone who wants to be a partner in whining, but not actually doing anything.
    I'm not saying this is right, or the best thing. I know so many people have success because they have an awesome support system. But I haven't found any support system, except for here, and within myself. :happy:

    edited to add: I looked up fupa. lol oh my! :laugh:
  • my fiance does this a lot and i can`t stand it. i KNOW i`m overweight, stop pretending i`m not.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    I used to get that a lot when I was clearly overweight. People are def just trying to be nice, but you're right...I found it annoying too. Now just wait till you lose all the weight, people will be telling you that you're TOO thin. Just worry about your own opinion, it's a lot easier that way.
  • jmsharp1
    jmsharp1 Posts: 29
    My husband and family tell me that. I think maybe those who love us see us much differently than we do ourselves. I'd give a million bucks to see me the way my husband does! Not everyone says that to be mean. However I can still understand your urge to kick them in the face!
  • I have lost 44 lbs and have 36 more to go until I reach my goal (above chart weight). I am doing so well, but people keep telling me, "Are you taking this too far?" "You don't have 36 more lbs to go!" "Don't overdo it!"

    I'm 60 yrs old; I do Zumba almost every day, play softball, eat healthy, take my vitamins, and feel great... I think I can take care of myself!
  • tennileb
    tennileb Posts: 265 Member
    People don't want to be rude or appear critical, we love our friends and family for who they are so we can not be unbiased. My friends don't just see my weight they see who I am as a person. My BMI has creeped up into the "overweight" category it is a fact , just a plain old no opinion fact.

    It's like when I ask my partner "does this make my butt look big" ...everyone knows not to say "Yes you have a big *kitten*"
  • tennileb
    tennileb Posts: 265 Member
    I can't say I want any friends I know to look at me and say yeah your fat. (I have family who already feels free to comment on my bottom line)
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    I think that the population has grown to such a high average of obesity that people who are overweight can appear "normal" compared to the mean, and fit people can be seen as unhealthily thin. I get plenty of weird comments too :-)

    ^^ THIS! A million times over. It's ridiculous.
  • amyniceneasy
    amyniceneasy Posts: 143 Member
    I think that the population has grown to such a high average of obesity that people who are overweight can appear "normal" compared to the mean, and fit people can be seen as unhealthily thin. I get plenty of weird comments too :-)

    There is a lot of truth to this. I notice the rate of obesity in our country big time when I go to my childs school. When I was in elementary school there were probably less than five of us that were chubby. Now....most of the kids in my daughters class are overweight to a certain degree and some of them are down right HUGE.
  • toshi89
    toshi89 Posts: 101 Member
    I think that the population has grown to such a high average of obesity that people who are overweight can appear "normal" compared to the mean, and fit people can be seen as unhealthily thin. I get plenty of weird comments too :-)

    There is a lot of truth to this. I notice the rate of obesity in our country big time when I go to my childs school. When I was in elementary school there were probably less than five of us that were chubby. Now....most of the kids in my daughters class are overweight to a certain degree and some of them are down right HUGE.

    I just repeat that Just because the scale says you're fat and overweight doesn't mean it reflects outwardly. They may not see what your body really looks like under the clothes. They don't mean anything by it. (Sorry, but having a big butt isn't a sign of being fat). Your BMI and weight aren't posted on your head. They don't know what your health is like just by looking at you. Also, are they saying, "You're not fat, so you don't need to lose weight?" Or are the just letting you know hey, you're not fat, don't put yourself down b/c you're beautiful. You really have to think about these things.