Run/Walk For Boston



  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    11.91 through today.
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    For Boston!

  • Ladyslippers
    Ladyslippers Posts: 186 Member
    I'll accept that challenge. Most of it will be walking for me, since my arthritic knees don't like too much running. *I* like to run on occasion though so will include some jogging in my mileage. I'll be doing it for seven people in particular: one of the girls in my church was there as a volunteer EMT and was caught in the blast. She suffered only mild scratches on her face from flying shards of glass, and she RAN in to help the wounded and stayed another 4+ hours to help. She's dealing with some post-traumatic stuff but has talked with counselors and has a great attitude. The others...a former co-worker and his wife (both in their 60's) were seriously injured. He has neurological damage in his legs; both have had multiple surgeries already. A current co-worker was also affected. My company doesn't have the day off so she was working. Her nanny was watching her kids. The nanny's husband, his brother, and a friend were at the finish line. The husband and brother each lost a leg; the friend lost both legs. The nanny almost bought my co-worker's young children to watch with them but ended up being not able to. My co-worker would have been all for it if circumstances had played out but now is deeply shaken at the thought. Thank goodness the nanny couldn't get there.

    I will be walk/running for Caitlyn, Eric, Ann, the three men whose names I do not know, the nanny whose husband and brother-in-law and friend have a long road ahead, and for my co-worker, whose world has also been shaken upside down by the close call.

    Thank you all. We are Boston Strong!
  • kmessinger14
    kmessinger14 Posts: 57 Member
    I love this idea! I have been struggling with motivation as well as trying to incorporate running into more of my cardio. This tragic event has touched me and my loved ones affected by it... So this "run for Boston" is a great way to show that they are in our thoughts and prayers!

    ...Since I've been so low on motivation I've only done one run this week but starting tomorrow I plan to be much more motivated to run!

  • Ladyslippers
    Ladyslippers Posts: 186 Member
    Here's my ticker (hopefully!). Just created a new one:

    <a href=""><img src="; width="200" height="80" border="0" alt="LilySlim Fitness goals tickers" /></a>

    Whatever. I have no idea how to make this work, lol. I'll update in LilySlim each day and when I'm not falling asleep at the keyboard, maybe I'll figure out how to post it properly, lol.
  • AmandaLynn101103
    AmandaLynn101103 Posts: 20 Member
    Definitely in, starting tomorrow :)

    Ps is it walking/running only or can we log distance via other means? I can totally understand if its just walking/running, just wanted to check!

    I personally will only be logging miles walked or ran and only those done on the treadmill I will not include any daily roaming. This really started as my personal challenge to really push myself, connect to the situation and show my support. That being said if you feel your unable to complete these by walking/running feel free to join in another way, though the idea is to push yourself a bit so try and choose what will be challenging for you :)
  • thebzax
    thebzax Posts: 55 Member
    Definitely in, starting tomorrow :)

    Ps is it walking/running only or can we log distance via other means? I can totally understand if its just walking/running, just wanted to check!

    I personally will only be logging miles walked or ran and only those done on the treadmill I will not include any daily roaming. This really started as my personal challenge to really push myself, connect to the situation and show my support. That being said if you feel your unable to complete these by walking/running feel free to join in another way, though the idea is to push yourself a bit so try and choose what will be challenging for you :)

    I think now, having reflected a bit, it's definitely most appropriate to walk and run it. Thanks for setting this up, I'm excited to get started and show my support for Boston.
  • mwilke
    mwilke Posts: 378 Member
    I just found this thread. Count me in. Since April 20th, I have done 6 miles. I will begin pumping up my milage now to make the goal. Will be running/ walking. Re-doing C25K so this will be more motivation! Thank you for coming up with the idea and presenting the challenge.

    Edited to add ticker.

  • apj79
    apj79 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm in....
  • vivaldirules
    vivaldirules Posts: 169 Member
    I normally don't run in the evenings but just felt like I had to last Monday after work. And now I can't help thinking about the victims and their families every time I run. I'm in. 17 miles so far. And Saturday I'll be trying for a PR at the 10K (under 9 minute pace). You can bet on what I'll be thinking about during that run. Bostonians and marathoners everywhere, we love you.
  • mwilke
    mwilke Posts: 378 Member
    Added another 2.6 miles by walking to the bank and back with the hubby.

  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    I just have to ask. How does this support people affected by the bombing? It is a great personal goal, but how is it helping the victims? I live and work in Boston. Friday I wasn't allowed to leave my apartment. I've volunteered on the Marathom medical team. My friends were caught in the bombing and my sister has ran in it. I graduated college with the MIT officer. How is this private challenge helping?
  • kmessinger14
    kmessinger14 Posts: 57 Member
    I just have to ask. How does this support people affected by the bombing? It is a great personal goal, but how is it helping the victims? I live and work in Boston. Friday I wasn't allowed to leave my apartment. I've volunteered on the Marathom medical team. My friends were caught in the bombing and my sister has ran in it. I graduated college with the MIT officer. How is this private challenge helping?

    For starters, this topic is in "Motivation and Support." For all of those unable to finish the marathon or were injured in the explosion, we are running with our thoughts and prayers to support them. It may not be dollars going towards those in need of financial support, and we may not physically be there to help, but by showing them that we are thinking of the victims we are still supporting them. They are in our thoughts and prayers, and for some of us, that's all we can really do from where we live miles away.
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    I just have to ask. How does this support people affected by the bombing? It is a great personal goal, but how is it helping the victims? I live and work in Boston. Friday I wasn't allowed to leave my apartment. I've volunteered on the Marathom medical team. My friends were caught in the bombing and my sister has ran in it. I graduated college with the MIT officer. How is this private challenge helping?

    Maybe you aren't a runner? Maybe you are? One thing that I've learned is that runners are a family and it doesn't take personally knowing someone in the marathon or injured in the tragedy that occurred there to be personally affected by it. I consider ALL runners a part of my extended family and I am grieving here in Colorado without any personal (family/friend) ties to the race. If running is all I can do to remember those affected by the devastation at the Boston Marathon then you'd better believe I'll be running. If you don't think the victims and their families are in my heart every time I lace up then I think you're very judgmental and pessimistic I pray that you find a healthy outlet for your grief and frustration. I don't believe this is it. We're running for those who cannot or may not be able to run again!

    Amanda, thanks again for posting this! We are doing something!
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    I just have to ask. How does this support people affected by the bombing? It is a great personal goal, but how is it helping the victims? I live and work in Boston. Friday I wasn't allowed to leave my apartment. I've volunteered on the Marathom medical team. My friends were caught in the bombing and my sister has ran in it. I graduated college with the MIT officer. How is this private challenge helping?

    Maybe you aren't a runner? Maybe you are? One thing that I've learned is that runners are a family and it doesn't take personally knowing someone in the marathon or injured in the tragedy that occurred there to be personally affected by it. I consider ALL runners a part of my extended family and I am grieving here in Colorado without any personal (family/friend) ties to the race. If running is all I can do to remember those affected by the devastation at the Boston Marathon then you'd better believe I'll be running. If you don't think the victims and their families are in my heart every time I lace up then I think you're very judgmental and optimistic. I pray that you find a healthy outlet for your grief and frustration. I don't believe this is it. We're running for those who cannot or may not be able to run again!

    Amanda, thanks again for posting this! We are doing something!

    If anyone wants to judge me (by saying I'm judgemental and I think you meant pessimistic) that's okay. It was an honest and respectfully worded question. It's great if people are really doing it for that reason. Some of the replied read as though it's a personal challenge and it seems disingenuous to say they are doing it for a cause other than their own fitness.
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    Good luck and again I will be praying for you that you find an appropriate way to deal with your grief and anger. Just as I have been doing since Monday for all affected by the tragedy at the marathon. I'm sorry that you don't see sincerity in this thread. I hope that others are inspired by the empathy intended by the OP.
  • Cherylllyn
    Cherylllyn Posts: 114 Member
    I'm in. I'll post yesterday's, today's, and tomorrow's then.
  • cindywhitley1
    I'm in! Just saw this, so I'm getting a late start, as I was unable to walk this past weekend. Will do my best to catch up :flowerforyou:
  • cindywhitley1
    Checking to see if my ticker works!

  • vivaldirules
    vivaldirules Posts: 169 Member
    I would personally love to hear ideas of how to help. Yes, I have contributed money and I can show (to a tiny audience here and not the ones I'd prefer to show) my support in thoughts and prayers. Those feel pretty insignificant but, as with other tragedies, I'm at a loss to know how else to help. If you have some ideas, please suggest them. Better yet, post them in places where the rest of the world will see them. There is no shortage of people who would be willing to try.