Did anyone start 30 Day Shred Today? (Monday, 4/22/13)

I wanted to find a group of friends for support that was on the same (or close) 30 Day Shred schedule that I was. If you wouldn't mind, please post a message here and I will add you as a friend.



  • I did! I've done it before, a long time ago, and decided to go back to it now that I'm getting back on track after a few months off the wagon. Friend me if you like :)
  • SJKirk51912
    SJKirk51912 Posts: 176 Member
    I am starting today! I have 34 days until vacation so I am not giving myself a choice but to stick with it! Feel free to add me.
  • steffo365
    steffo365 Posts: 183 Member
    I have completed 30DS once in the past but stopped for a while because I got bad shin splints from all the jumps. I have recently taken up jogging with C25K, and now just started 30DS today again! I am hoping to do both at the same time. Feel free to add me!
  • bsalvato
    bsalvato Posts: 63 Member
    I'm starting week one back up again today. Plan on going 30 straight. I actually finished up week 1 early last week but had to stop as I got sick.
  • ak248902
    ak248902 Posts: 141 Member
    Does everyone plan on going 30 days straight or taking one day off per week for rest?
  • MelodyinGa
    MelodyinGa Posts: 202 Member
    I started last Monday and only did 1 day! I can't do the darn jumping jacks! Does anyone else struggle?
  • I'm starting May 1.
  • I won't do 30 days straight. My goal is to do 30DS 3-4/week then on the other days do Pure Burn Super Strength (Bob Harper, lifting not much cardio, 20 minutes) and run/walk at the gym. 6 days/week total. I'm doing a diet bet on dietbet.com starting today, so I'll do 30DS for the month basically.
  • I went and picked up some lighter weights and a yoga mat for my hard floor to do the push-ups this weekend, so I am starting today also! Feel free to add me as well, always looking for some motivational pals.
  • bsalvato
    bsalvato Posts: 63 Member
    Make sure to take measurements before hand. The way I've been seeing it is you might not see the pounds drop but you'll see inches go.
  • CarlyC08
    CarlyC08 Posts: 63
    I'm on my last week of it. I have not gone straight through, but I'm incorporating it with other things as well. My goal was to be done with it by now and on to Insanity, but I'm not ready and I don't want to give up on Insanity again! So I might start 30DS again as soon as I finish and try to push straight through while still doing my other workouts (C25K--I'm starting week 4, yoga, pilates, and the cardio/fitness things I do at work). And my second time through I'm going to try to not do any of the modified workouts, and actually use 5 lb weights the whole time (I switched b/t 5 lbs, 2.5 lbs, and, well, 0 lbs depending on the exercise.)
    Hopefully by next month I'll be ready for Insanity, if anyone wants to join let me know! I could definitely use an accountability partner.
  • anie8989
    anie8989 Posts: 50 Member
    I am starting 30DS again today. I started it a few weeks ago and my allergies got the best of me, so I skipped a day and turned out to skip more days, and I've been planning to do it again!
  • ak248902
    ak248902 Posts: 141 Member
    Great idea bsalvato... I took a few pictures this morning, but no measurements. Will do that tonight!
  • misspatrice562
    misspatrice562 Posts: 192 Member
    I have it but have never done it consistently. Would love to see results in 30 days. I think I'll start today! :)
  • MelodyinGa
    MelodyinGa Posts: 202 Member
    I was amazed that I felt my butt muscles after doing the majority of Day 1. I felt good actually to know that this program will work if I do it!
  • fitnfab_meyer
    fitnfab_meyer Posts: 11 Member
    I'm starting today too! I'll probably do a rest day (hopefully, I keep it to only one day) I struggle at times with the jumping mostly because, after 4 children, my bladder & I have real difference of opinion! So sometimes I'll run in place instead. But feel free to add me, I'll take all the support I can get ;)
  • Tonijking
    Tonijking Posts: 18 Member
    I was going to start last week but I was being lazy :( did it today though it was tough but got through it !
  • hubb15
    hubb15 Posts: 51 Member
    I'm starting today after work. Can't wait!
  • zzcharge
    zzcharge Posts: 42 Member
    I am starting tonight...for the first time ever! My plan is to do it straight...no rest days. But my questions is...should I incorporate other exercise as well??? Or is this enough??? I am a devotee to Leslie Sansone walk at home DVD's.
  • clewliss
    clewliss Posts: 640 Member
    I want to start tonight also, but the last time I attempted it, I too, like the other poster, couldn't get through all the jumping jacks! That is pretty sad, haha

    I'm still trying to decide. I even watched the video to pump myself up and tell myself I can do this, but man, if I stop...what then? I wonder if I could push myself as far as I can and then start over tomorrow and see if I can go a little further. Maybe that would work! Good luck to all of you who have decided, I may be there with you :)