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Not losing weight but losing inches?



  • sun_ny
    sun_ny Posts: 35
    Great to see i'm not the only one in this boat, my scale has not moved in 4 weeks yet inches are coming off, it is making me wonder if the goal weight will ever be reachable.? as long as inches are coming off, i guess who cares though?!
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    Mine hasnt moved since January but Im taking photos with a difference in body shape :)
  • 4n6babe
    4n6babe Posts: 33 Member
    "Look at that hot chick who only weighs XXX lbs on the scale" said no-one, ever.

    I'd much rather lose inches than weight!

    To the PP re rate of weight loss having decreased - I'm not a doctor but that does not sound healthy. Exercising to the point of being sick and starving yourself may be why your weight loss is stalling. Please seek further opinions!

    Yeah it doesn't feel healthy either lol. Thank you! I'm glad to see everyone else so far agrees that the scale is not the only indicator in making progress.
  • SJackson50
    SJackson50 Posts: 282 Member
    Me too. Lost 6inches doing 30 day shred and not one pound and I don't care. LOL

    ^^This for sure! I'll take my body shrinking, versus the scale number going down any day!!!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I lost 60lbs but barely any inches. I was also super flabby and just not happy.

    Got into strength training and began to focus on it more and more. From Sept to Feb, I stayed around 180-178lbs but went from a size 18 to 14 and I really love how my body is starting to shape up. I've lost a few more lbs and am almost a size 12..woot!

    So from experience, I would take the inches over the fluctuating/unreliable scale # any day!!!!
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    You are very lucky. Reducing inches while remaining at weight means you are changing your body composition to a lower BMI. Basically, your body is composed of more muscle now...thereby increasing your resting caloric burn. This also tends to make someone look hot. You should be happy. Hide the scale and put the tape measure where you can get at it...it is a much better measure of progress.

    actually it doesnt bmi is based on weight and height.

    losing inches means you are lowing your % fat which means you are getting leaner and in my opinion that is always better than dropping numbers on a scale
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Heck yeah - went six months last year without losing a pound on the scale, but dropped fat and inches during that time, and was out buying new pants a full size smaller! :drinker:

    Scale schmale - inches lost for the win!! :bigsmile:

    ^ This. If you're losing inches but not weight then you're doing something right because you're achieving body recomposition at a stable weight. It's nirvana, embrace it.
  • michelle7673
    michelle7673 Posts: 370 Member
    "Look at that hot chick who only weighs XXX lbs on the scale" said no-one, ever.

    I'd much rather lose inches than weight!

    To the PP re rate of weight loss having decreased - I'm not a doctor but that does not sound healthy. Exercising to the point of being sick and starving yourself may be why your weight loss is stalling. Please seek further opinions!

    Yeah it doesn't feel healthy either lol. Thank you! I'm glad to see everyone else so far agrees that the scale is not the only indicator in making progress.

    Yeah, this concerns me too. 3 pounds in a month is nothing to sneeze at, first of all. Second, if you are doing so much exercise, not eating your exercise calories back (at least part of them) seems very counter-productive. I have a hard time imagining a doc recommending more than a 1000-calorie deficit per day, especially as you are clearly not morbidly obese from your photo. It's hard to see without your diary, but others have pointed out -- not all docs are really well positioned to give this kind of advice.
  • shells1234
    shells1234 Posts: 64 Member
    I do this to in the last 2 months I lost 8 inches off my body went from a size 15 to 11 Jean. If it's not broken don't fix it!! Lol
  • paulajed
    paulajed Posts: 21
    ME!! Still 188 after 3 months- though my clothes fit WAY better, my belly fat has indeed shrunk and my bum is sitting a little higher ;)
  • 4n6babe
    4n6babe Posts: 33 Member
    "Look at that hot chick who only weighs XXX lbs on the scale" said no-one, ever.

    I'd much rather lose inches than weight!

    To the PP re rate of weight loss having decreased - I'm not a doctor but that does not sound healthy. Exercising to the point of being sick and starving yourself may be why your weight loss is stalling. Please seek further opinions!

    Yeah it doesn't feel healthy either lol. Thank you! I'm glad to see everyone else so far agrees that the scale is not the only indicator in making progress.

    Yeah, this concerns me too. 3 pounds in a month is nothing to sneeze at, first of all. Second, if you are doing so much exercise, not eating your exercise calories back (at least part of them) seems very counter-productive. I have a hard time imagining a doc recommending more than a 1000-calorie deficit per day, especially as you are clearly not morbidly obese from your photo. It's hard to see without your diary, but others have pointed out -- not all docs are really well positioned to give this kind of advice.

    I'm on 1600 calories a day . I guess with her remark I felt like maybe I should ramp up the exercise to see if I can lose more this month. Its not really that I'm starving either, but I do notice I over-do it sometimes to where I don't feel well and don't feel like eating which I know is then counter productive. My weight doesn't show in my face so believe it or not I am still obese at 247 right now. If she makes another remark if I don't lose "enough" next month I guess I will tell her she's not helping anymore. Thanks for replying!
  • rockerchick81
    rockerchick81 Posts: 8 Member
    I feel so much better about this whole thing. Thanks everyone
  • 04ward
    04ward Posts: 196 Member
    I feel so much better about this whole thing. Thanks everyone

    I've been going back and reading these posts to try to stay encouraged! In the last 60 days, I started at 193, went down to 189 back to 192 and now at 191 BUT I've lost 17 1/2 inches, 5 of which was around my waist and 3 around my stomach! I have a doctor appointment in June, 60 days from now, and I really want the scale to go down even though I am happy with the inches. Surely the pounds will follow along soon. I see all these huge 50+ lost numbers so I know it's gotta work! Just keep counting calories and keep exercising!
  • Agreed, when you are losing inches but not weight, you have to remember, muscle is a big factor in this, try reading up on this article: http://empoweredezine.com/losing-inches-but-not-weight this is what help me lose weight in an all natural way.
  • dorkamom
    dorkamom Posts: 7 Member
    Reading this really gives me hope, I lost 2kg (was on sparkpeople then) I stopped for a few months. When I started here I was 74kg and my scale just keeps moving between 74kg and 74.5kg...its been so frustrating. I feel more energized and my pants fit better :) I can't understand why I'm not losing any weight. I'm going to start measuring in the hope that I'm atleast losing inches.
  • sbeall32
    sbeall32 Posts: 2 Member
    Great and motivating forum! I've been stuck at the same weight for about three weeks now but have lost an inch off my waist and hips. My goal is to lose more weight, but I guess I just need to be happy with the inches I am losing. Thanks for all the wonderful comments!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Does this happen to anyone else? It's a good thing I'm not a weight watchers member. Imagine how frustrating a weekly weigh in would be. Am I the only one with a weird body that hates the scale? please tell me I'm not.
    This is what I dislike about WW and other programs (Biggest Loser!!) that focus on the scale number rather than inches and clothing sizes lost, and overall body recomposition. :huh:

    Who cares what the scale says? No one sees that number but you. And I've seen plenty of posts from people complaining that they've lost x number of pounds, but their clothes still fit the same.

    Much better to lose inches, which is visible to others and a sure sign of progress, while the scale messes with your head with monthly hormone fluctuations, water weight, etc.

    Take measurements and photos, and weigh yourself if you must, but remember that the scale is a dirty little liar and will mess with your head. :bigsmile:

    edited to add: I went six months without losing a single pound, but during that time I dropped a full size. I laughed at my scale and went out and bought new jeans. :drinker:
  • mlc8908
    mlc8908 Posts: 2 Member
    I got on the scale and it was about 1.5 lbs heavier but my pants are fitting better. I've been at the gym everyday doing something so I will hope the weight will catch up eventually. Feel better after reading this though! Thanks!!! Keeps me sane and motivated!
  • tabika77
    tabika77 Posts: 2 Member
    I have the same problem, i have managed to go from a size 20/22 to a size 10-12 whilst only losing about 5kg. I am about 25 kg overweight that i would love to shift without looking anorexic. I have a small frame and weigh 75kg (11 stone 8 lbs). What can i do to lose the kilos?
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Great thread - Love all your comments!!!!

    This post makes me a lot happier, I see the number on the scale & think wow its pretty high - But then I need to remember I also have more muscle now, probably changing my body shape & losing inches.

    I haven't took body measurements - But I do have pics & can see my abs coming though .. So that must mean my BF is going down which is good!!!