I'm just about done

OK, MFP'ers I am about done.... I have been a regular here logging my meals, and working hard in the gym.... for the first 5 months I was very successful, and lost 45lbs... It seemed once I ate right, worked out the pounds fell off. Well for the last 4 months not 1 single solitary pound. Same diet, Same exercise, mixed up the exercise to incorporate more variety and intensity. I had a metabolic test done, and now fully understand how my body burns calories. I have had physicals, stress tests. I have worked out MORE, I have worked out LESS trying to find that magic readjustment to start the burn again. I CAN'T FIND IT... and I have NO IDEA where else to look. I am over it.. I am now officially pissed at the lack any further progress. I stopped logging my foods cause to be honest I don't see the point.

I have had the pleasure of having a supportive MFP's who I am thankful have been here in those early days when just trying to figure out what was going on.. They all continue to enjoy great success and I wish them the best as they continue on their journey.

For anyone new who might stumble across this. This is a great place with many supportive people that really want to see you succeed even though they don't know you. So stick with it. Do what I couldn't do... and that was see the process to the end...

So long MFP. I appreciate what you stand for


  • zilliegirl
    zilliegirl Posts: 52 Member
    Don't give up you have come so far!!!! Never give up do this for YOU not the scale!!!
  • sweetsarahv
    sweetsarahv Posts: 180 Member
    don't quit!!! you aren't going to be any better off...
  • Emilie04444
    Emilie04444 Posts: 151 Member
    I am in the same place as you, 4 months and the scale hasn't moved, but I am still fine tuning and making changes. I know that I haven't been 100% consistent. You shouldn't give up. It's not about just pounds but getting healthy. What TYPE of foods are you eating, lots of fresh veggies, or processed foods,, like triscuits (I'm currently craving those). This is a lifestyle change, so if you need to take a break to refocus, that is understandable but don't give up because you are giving up on living a healthy life. 45 lbs is a lot. You are more than1/2 way there. If you want to give up, give up on the scale.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    u didnt mention your calorie take
    im sorry this is happening to u
  • EmilyEmpowered
    EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member
    So, since the pounds aren't dropping off, you will just stop trying all together??

    I have been on this journey over 3 years, lost over 100 pounds, and have had MANY plataues, including right now I have been the same weight for over a year, 20 pounds from my goal weight. Despite being frustrated and disapointed some days, I stay here and keep at it not only for weight loss but to be the best I can be, health wise, fitness wise, etc. Keep trying!!! It IS worth it!
  • irishscootz
    Never give up on yourself! If I had a guess, I would say that it is something in your diet.
  • kerricus
    kerricus Posts: 165 Member
    I agree with the others that you need to stop focusing on pounds.

    Think about your muscle mass, how much you are continuing to gain as you work out. Think about how much healthier you are by eating right and working out. Your heart is thankful, I'm sure!

    Can you afford a personal trainer? Maybe just for 1 session or a few? He or she should be able to get you over the plateau (that is what you are paying them for!).
  • JazzieG13
    JazzieG13 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm relatively new here, and I log in every day to record my calories and workouts. I've lost 14 lbs in the past 90 days (I intentionally didn't want to lose more than one pound a week. I also seemed to plateau, and didn't lost any weight for about 3 weeks. I spoke with a PT friend who suggested I get out of the gym and start an outdoor workout regiment. She gave me some helpful exercises to do outside. So I've been going to the local high school football field and running up and down the stadium stairs 10, 9, 8, 7 times, etc. In between sets, I drop and do 25 crunches, or wall push ups or squats. I walk the "Frankenstein" walk across the field. I run 20 yards, touch the ground and run back to the starting point. I've done this every other night for the past week, and I have muscle aches that I've forgotten I had (which feels great!)
    I think I needed to change my routine. My body was getting used to all the gym exercises I was doing. Now, I feel different, my body feels different, and my shape is changing again. I intentionally haven't stepped on the scale because I want to wait 30 days before weighing myself.
    Before you give up on MFP, maybe try some workouts that are completely out of your comfort zone. Don't weigh yourself for a few weeks, and see what happens.
    Good luck to you in whatever decision you make!
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    I truly feel your pain and frustration. I haven't been eating as well as I should so I know why I'm stuck. BUT as was said are you going to be any better if you are not here or are you going to go back to some back habits because of the lack of accountability even to yourself. I wish you well.
  • happydaze71
    happydaze71 Posts: 339 Member
    you need to post your diary so we can have a look at it. Its not about MFP or anything else, its about finding something that works for you....
    giving up just leaves you in the same position you were before. Let us help you, I have thyroid problems and polycystic ovaries and my weight loss is nothing or tiny if I lose any then it just gets stuck.
    I have to just hang in there coz I dont want to go back to how I was before.
    PLUS.... dont you feel fitter and healthier? In the end I'd much rather feel the way I do now.... just dont give up on fitness etc.
  • AllAboutThatTreble
    AllAboutThatTreble Posts: 156 Member
    OK, MFP'ers I am about done.... I have been a regular here logging my meals, and working hard in the gym.... for the first 5 months I was very successful, and lost 45lbs... It seemed once I ate right, worked out the pounds fell off. Well for the last 4 months not 1 single solitary pound. Same diet, Same exercise, mixed up the exercise to incorporate more variety and intensity. I had a metabolic test done, and now fully understand how my body burns calories. I have had physicals, stress tests. I have worked out MORE, I have worked out LESS trying to find that magic readjustment to start the burn again. I CAN'T FIND IT... and I have NO IDEA where else to look. I am over it.. I am now officially pissed at the lack any further progress. I stopped logging my foods cause to be honest I don't see the point.

    I have had the pleasure of having a supportive MFP's who I am thankful have been here in those early days when just trying to figure out what was going on.. They all continue to enjoy great success and I wish them the best as they continue on their journey.

    For anyone new who might stumble across this. This is a great place with many supportive people that really want to see you succeed even though they don't know you. So stick with it. Do what I couldn't do... and that was see the process to the end...

    So long MFP. I appreciate what you stand for

    How many calories do you usually take in? As you get smaller, you have to decrease the amount of calories you're eating to get the weight to come off. You said same diet, so I'm assuming the same intake.

    Using myself as an example, the calories I'm eating now to lose 1 pound a week (~1900), is what I'll be eating to maintain once I reach my goal weight. So if I wanted to continue to lose weight at 1 pound/week the closer I get to my goal weight, I would have to eat approximately 1400 calories, which is a huge difference. Or even at 0.5lb/week would be 1650, which is still a big enough difference than what I'm eating now.

    Just a thought.

    Don't give up!
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    You've done hell of a lot better than me in your first 5 months than I have in 8 months!! Don't give up, you will kick yourself down the track :flowerforyou:
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    You lost 45 lbs! That's a huge amount of weight! And you bet you'll gain it all back if you go back to living like you used to. Isn't maintaining better than that?
  • sveta24
    sveta24 Posts: 6
    I had the same problem even to start with. I did lots of exercises and ate healthily, but not a single pound lost. Then I realise that I was eating too much. You need to eat 1200 calories, no matter what exercises you do. Then you will see the results. I have noticed that as soon as I eat 1400+, no weight loss would happen even if I did lots of exercises during the day :(.
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    I had the same problem even to start with. I did lots of exercises and ate healthily, but not a single pound lost. Then I realise that I was eating too much. You need to eat 1200 calories, no matter what exercises you do. Then you will see the results. I have noticed that as soon as I eat 1400+, no weight loss would happen even if I did lots of exercises during the day :(.

    He's a man so 1200 calories would be too low, but I agree that he may need to adjust his calorie intake. Up or down I can't say since he didn't give enough info and his diary is closed.
  • Textmessage
    Textmessage Posts: 387 Member
    I don't see the point of giving up when you've directly experienced the weight loss and everything that comes along with it. Maybe you'll feel better when you gain another 45 lbs and need to lose weight to be healthier again?

    Good luck.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Nope you stay right here please! :bigsmile:

    I took a bit of time and went right back into April and March too and It is easy to see what you did wrong. On the times you did log you didn't eat enough! Firstly who knows what you eat on the days you don't log. Main thing I want to say is you are supposed to eat your exercise calories back. If you are doing it the MFP method then you should eat around 2/3's or more of them. If it's any different further back then my appologies. Seems to me you just want to give up and that is NOT ok! I don't want to let you off that easy when it's clear as day what you are doing wrong. I ate ALL my walking calories back, it was my only exercise and seemed pretty well correct enough although I know so exercise in the data base isn't spot on so yes eat a bit less than it says.

    Friend me and I'll annoy you to do the right thing, I'm good at that. It's better than just giving up and gaining right? Try it for me and all your loved ones too. :flowerforyou:
  • Rarity2013
    Rarity2013 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi, I'm trying to lose a load of weight I put on over the past 5 years at the moment.

    Before that however, I was a successful dieter. As a teenager, I realised I'd stopped growing upwards and was now only growing outwards, so I embarked on a low calorie diet with exercise to lose weight. Initially, I lost 1st 7lbs quite easily, but I couldn't lose the last 8 or 9lbs or so. I tweaked everything, but to no avail.

    I decided that was the best I could do, and gave up hope of losing more. Instead I just continued much as I had before, eating healthily and exercising.

    Suddenly, 6, maybe even more, months later, the weight started coming off again. I hit my goal quite easily, losing at a similar rate as before.

    Your body can be a bit weird and wonderful with weight loss. Bear with it- it may surprise you!
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    You've lost 42lbs why spit the dummy now.

    consistency is the key.
  • KevinMassine
    For anyone new who might stumble across this. This is a great place with many supportive people that really want to see you succeed even though they don't know you. So stick with it. Do what I couldn't do... and that was see the process to the end...

    So long MFP. I appreciate what you stand for

    Please read your Quote above

    You are telling others to stick with it and encouging others......... That is the total opposite of what you are doing !!

    With that said look at what others have posted here on your post and stick with it!

    Best of luck ! I know you can do this !