How do you stop sweets craving?



  • tlb905
    tlb905 Posts: 11
    Sugar is my absolute weakness and I would crave it all day long. The more I had, the more I wanted later on. Finally on recommendation from my trainer, I did two weeks with no breads, no pasta, no potatos, no sugar (which meant no fruit and none of my chobani fruit yogurt either). Basically lots of non-processed foods - protein, veggies, cheese, nuts, eggs for two weeks. But I did do a little cheat and allowed myself one little square of Trader Joe's dark chocolate each day just to keep my sanity. The first couple of days were hard, but then I found myself losing the cravings, so much so that I actually continued it for a third week. After that I slowly added back in my fruits and yogurt, but haven't craved my kids processed cookies and snacks at all. I did have ice cream last night but instead of having a whole bowl, I had a 1/2 cup and it was way more than enough. So for me, I had to train body not to want the sweets anymore and it worked. And 10 lbs came off as a bonus!
  • christyhanks1
    christyhanks1 Posts: 1 Member
    Try a candida cleanse too....sugar feeds on the yeast in your system, so get rid of the yeast, curb the cravings!
  • ProudGrandmother
    Hi there :)
    I was really active with soccer and cross country but four months later I gained more than 8 pounds :(
    Don't know how to motivate myself to lose weight, I have a low self esteem because of my appearance now. I'm hoping that by joining my fitness pal you guys can all motivate me, and I'll do my best to do the same for you guys too :)

    So my first question: How do I stop sugar and sweets cravings? I love chocolate and sweets <3 It's been a problem these past months /: Please help me!

    Thank you [: <3

    Try drinking 1 glass of water before a meal, or have a glass of milk......this will do something to your metab. that produces glucose, so may stop the craving.......good luck!
  • babydoll789
    I drink pepsi max, which probably isn't the healthiest thing to do but it keeps sweet cravings away.
  • Armyantzzz
    Armyantzzz Posts: 214 Member
    You're having a problem with processed sugars... ie;chocolate . Try replacing your chocolates with lower amounts of dark chocolate and a greater amount of fruits (natural sugar) in your diet... good luck! :happy: :wink: :smile:
  • Photomandy
    Photomandy Posts: 56 Member
    I've struggled with this too - what helped me is 1) accountability - someone I know, personally and/or MFP friend checking up on me, 2) continuously reading why too much sugar is hurting my body and 3) some cocoa in the pantry to help take the edge off. You can do it!
  • TheWiseCat
    TheWiseCat Posts: 297
    Sacrifice your first born to the God of Mars Inc. and then 3 first born lambs to the God of Nestle.
  • pongwiffy1991
    Alpen chocolate and fudge bars are only 70 calories :)
  • lovingbears2
    lovingbears2 Posts: 73 Member
    I also like to eat Chobani greek zero fat yogurts. Feels that creamy sweet taste, but high in protein and calcium. Also, the Yoplait yogurts,(I prefer the fluffy variety) if you put them into the freezer, are just like ice cream.

    Another choice, besides the ones listed above for me are cut up strawberries, about 3/4 to 1 cup, and add 1 tablespoonful of International Delight Chocolate Caramel creamer drizzled over the top! This is just like chocolate dipped strawberries! Delish! I get the fiber, the sweetness AND the chocolate taste that I, as a definite chocoholic, crave more than anything else sweet.

    Also, the South Beach Good to Go high fiber dark chocolate, peanut butter or the cinnamon raisin bars are high in protein and fiber, no artificial sweeteners or flavors, between 120 to 140 calories so a great snack. The dark chocolate one reminds me of a chewy rich brownie, and the oatmeal raisin is so spiced that it gives an immediate satisfaction because of the explosion of taste in the mouth.

    Frozen bananas, frozen grapes as well. Hope this helps! Don't deprive, survive! Eating healthy doesn't mean anything is forbidden, it just has to be, of course, moderation, and of course, FULL OF FLAVOR! Lots of great healthy choices available that don't taste like and are not "diet" food.

    You also might want to check out the website "". Gina has FABULOUS recipes, all with the nutritional values, including if you are on Weight Watchers, etc. She is FANTASTIC , and a free website! Food broken down into every category you can think of : Holiday celebrations, sides, breakfast, vegan, vegetarian, casserole, etc, etc, etc. If you haven't checked out her website, you are missing out!!!

    Hope these help!! ; )
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Your body craves sugar, pure and simple. That's normal. Learn to moderate your reaction to that craving, not stop it.

    Accept that you are human. You crave sugar, salt, fat, protein, other carbs, sex, sunshine and many other things. That's part of who we are. You can discipline yourself to follow a moderate diet and limit your consumption of things that you crave, but if you are like most people then trying to cut something out entirely will likely lead to a binge.